5 7* A 'W iS T t R I A 'N 1 D O M I N I O N S .
lijiuMV1 only diffufes its waters every fifth year ;*s feyeral curious caverns ; and
' ^ prodigious quantities o f foffil bones, .of hories, oxen, fheep, &c. but
doubtful, i f any be human nor have any decidedly fuch 'b.een'dif-
eevered ip any region o f the globe. Auftria,, JBaheniial,^ andJYIoravia,
difplay few natural curiofities but thofe of..-Hungary arewnumerotis,
. befides the Alpine feeaes o f the Carpathian mountains.' T h e re is - a c a -
vern o f prodigious extent near Szadello, about th ir ty Brit-ifh. miles
Nk Wv ©f K afhau.“ I t is, dike h it the other large; cavernSyin a h iik o f
limeftone j and is lei crowded w ith la f g e p en d en t ‘ftalaidtites .5 a s -to he*-
come a dangerous labyrinth. Near Szalitze, - in the/5 fame, quarter, is
another renowned cavern, which, lik e th a t mentioned in thfe/account o f
France, contains a fmall glacier. - A t B emanovo, aboutvfixteen -Britifh
miles, to/tibe o f Rofcnbergj is another remarkably eave^ containing
man y bones, o f w ild an im a isw h ic h have taken fhelter fehefre, als Hot -un-
ufual in> tire eaves o f Germany.
*5 Fortfe,.4Z9.
* Near Ti autenau is a molt Angular affemblage of natural towers of itone, from 60 to 150 feet-
In height. This ftony foreft is of great extent, and Is. hyfome fuppofed.to be the ikeleton..
of a hill. Rieibeck, ii. 148.
^ Townfon, 3T3.