ïEiiüca.tiq4ï. *hóufe, and: fomë other Advantages/ There/.are befides many;Latin
fc'hools, maintained at the royal exp.ence; .16 in. Holftein:; 1 x in Sle-f-
' wic ; 19 in Denmark 'proper...or Jutland.; and the lfles t but only 4 in
the wide .extent .óf Norway; and 2 in 'Iceland. Thefe have-areftor
or' chief, mailer, a conrector, and two ,0r three a ffiftants j b.qt the I'm all eft
have, only-' one mafter,, the falaries being from 60I. tOj.ac5.0l. a. year.
There is alfó; a fpeeiab fe miliary ..for»the Laplanders j at . -Bergen: and. at
Soroe, Odenfeeiieand. Altona, there . are fuperior academies.«' of| edit*
Pniverfities. The univerfities are at Copenhagen,, and .KieL,. There ought to-be
another at Bergen. The royal . academy of fciuaees:; was: founded; in
1742., but has been merg diftinguilhcd in .national::antiquities,; than
natural hiftory. In 174b was' founded^ the; fociety. for the improvement
o f northern hiftory,1, alfo ftyled the royal. fociety. o f1 Icelandic
literature. There is another refpectable inftitution at Drontheirn,
ftyled- the royal fociety: of fciences. Thefe foundations confer honour
on the Danilh government: 5 ■ and will doubtlefs contribute to diffufe
•feience, and inlpire emulation.
C k ie s and Copenhagen, the chief city of Denmark, Hands in a delightful fitu-
Copenhagen, ation, on the èaftern ftiore of the 'large and- fertile aftand ofjJjeeland,
about 25 Britiflijmiles^to the fouth of the noted-found, wfrere. the yefh
fels-that vifit the.Bailie pay a finall tribute j;o< Denmark. It isfpe ben:
built, city .in the northi for, though Beterfburg prefgni moré, Jtmerp
edifices, yet Copenhagen is more uniform; th^.ho,ulgs being moftly
of, brick, but a few -o f . freeftone from Germany.7 The tercets are
rather narrow, But well paved. j ■ This city .only became the metropolis
, in 1443, being formerly an obfeure port, whence 'it 'retains" the name
o f Kiobenhaven, or the Harbour of the merchants, and it has little claim
to antiquity.* The royal palace, which was a magnificent pile,, was
confirmed by' fire a few years" ago ; and the city - buffered dreadfully
from the fame caufe in 172$; It is regularly1- fortified} tïtè circumference
being between four and five miles, and the inhabitants about
6 Coxe*,iv. 5 7 . v. 187, 1 l lb . v . 1 2 6 .
* T h e molt ancient capital was Ley re, or Lcth ra, near Rofkild, which latt became the metro*
polis about A . D . 95o . Mallet A b r . p. 13. For Ro lk ildfec Bufching, i.48 2 . Cox e, v. 262.
9 00*000»
’^'ê,ooo. The harbour is fpheious'and 'cpkvenifent,-having oil the fóüth Cities *sd
the ifle -oft ArriakVpeopled-by thè defcèu'dan'ts bfi'a'colony from Eaft Frif-
1’and^ to Whoiir ïthé ifland was granted ‘by ^Chiriftrern II, tb fupply hia
ïqueèn with vegetables, ofteefe, -andJupiter, a deftihition flill retained.
The metgiftrates are -appisinteefoby- the ldhg4‘butsi the burgefles have
deputies'.to prêftedf -their rights.. 17
■ Next in dig’dityJlthö«gkfti®Ö4fi’ pdjwkdonftQB«B^rgtorthe .capitabssf Bergen.-
-Mérway, forariéédiirnthey ear .ïoyb,-th'Qngh,.;&maafc:ribe'thefoundatiou
tö the Jpreceding -year. ' It-nrfdated inithe ^cêni®e'i®fta;salley?fori|ring
arfefmkiyole .round .a fmaligidp%ofdtheTea..» ftn 'A e lanHufiderit ïSüdei
fended mountaifts-jJand' on the otherbby.^^a^foètifiek-^^.'if.fA^
the ehurcfeeS md niany öf'thetlï0ufeS'ia‘Eéqofif|ftohe‘..i’' The 'caïble and
cathedral are;remarkable edifice's^y THe'chief-'iradfebfefinoftfhv' hides}
timhery’&c.' and Bergen! was formerly! cannefted wiffothé Hanfga^
towns. It retained the^right pfiftrikmg moady^tiU r spji Töis,-pky4
ybnftrugügd ,e^p.pf«^jf^'ej^ate4i18tfnfiagratjops,
among Which the me ft d-rcjadfpl yvgre^ tho% qf 14.7-2}
1.640} 1 y o and during whiebflaft'ifjj-Sjfeid,thaf
weselvlfible Wthe ilfos qf Shetlander at kaft-the pfed r^e-jdoq inqhe
lky.(J 'Th'fe\pöpulatiQa» is computed at ïf&dQOg'i,,,,
/.^T.he third city of .Denmark, and ifidged,- thê^ecqnd, in pqp^^qqjfïs Altona.
Akona-on.lhe Efoe, w'ithfoi4 gun-%?t «pfjSfomburgh, „JT
l^ge qftbe parifo-uf Qttepfen; hut inrï^o^tbeeamfi fubie^j^-Denr
rnaiik,. and was^cejiftituted ;a city,fa" 1 ty.fel >I-7> 13'
entirely redtlcfd te afhes by the S l e d e s .but-tit^ b rnm^Kce fftegy
wards fo mdch.'foftered'by the Danilh^ fpyefgijn^-tast^minqt^e riyal
o f Hafnbdrgh, thaïit: isicómpütéÜ.'tO' joefe^ihlbitanji-s/.j. „
Chriftiana, in th^ foiithjiöf .Nblwayi muft'a-lf^Tbe tgramed ,amöpg fhe , Chriftiana.
chief towns, tbóugh, it Only ^contain ijo5®S«aftfdufe^ blf 'ftSnds! m ■ the
midft of a fertile counixy f and isiby’fome.efteesned-the capltaJnof Nor-
way, becaufe it cohtaiss'the chief cfturt-of juflich^ andas liaqueftrotfibly
thd':moft*bMutifol ravlnviw thalf-'kiif^dfoih« It vgassfoustled by Cheft?-
tiexn IV^dn 1624, after/ Gpfló waè > cbfïfptned* by i'a^eidenrtafp^lg
Chriftiana being: fitukted in *the midft of iesA.a^d ^qppefjpqii^.and
* Bufching, i. $9» &Ï, ' 4 i s H
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