lK ||u § |
th e proportions.. o f fo r ty~t\jiro on anjimprovingfarm, to twènty-fùre on
a ftalfioriary one > that is -to fay a ccjuntry containing i öo,ó aö ,ó ö ó Seres
produces as much as another’whofé area contains i£8,(fe&öop, Which
are*pn the famé ratio-as'1 thirty-fijc find twen ty-five \ ’V -Tor ample and
nuiperous illifftratioris ó f 'the, defedls o f the French fyftem,.the’rteader
is referred to the fame ulefui publication. J n lome «ftthe, provinces,
however,, the plans pf iqmci^tùrç correfpond with the natural fertility
o f the- and other%jdiiplayc a, moft laudable induftry. Ai. ftrifeing
inftance of the-latter $§■ th e . artificial fertility conferred on feme o f the
barren mountains of. th&'.-Ce»epfies|*. the.«waters which ruïf down
the fid es carry cpnfiderable quantities o f earth into" the ravines^.-waUs
o f loofe ftones are eredled which permit ^the, waters to pafs .when tjiey
a r ë ‘clear ; but w n e n 'tu rh id th e ir load p f e arth -is gradually depofited
àgaînft th e Wall, and affords a Ipafee of fertile foil. 4 aucceffiye ramparts
are thés effected to the very tó p 'o f the.mqUntàuïj; and ihe water.having
ito longer a violent' fall, only ferves tamoTmtlh the crops» wt^ich. are
mÖTebvet prbtedted by planting fruit trees a t ,cejtain intervals,, to
lend fecurity and confidence to th e new acquisition. , By another
pfÔ£çfsJ càlcàreous mountains* which generally rifè m (helves, jareteen-
dered produdMVe 'hy e diting away the rock behind the fhelf,* which
fuppliës ï ^ î r i â l l 'r o r à low wall arounditehe’ 'edgéi • The interval is
afterwards filled with earth, and thp barren mountain is crowned with
îuxuriant-terfâcës. ‘
T h e rivers o f France form the n e x to b je é i.q£^cpnfideration ;|^nd
among jh e fe four are eminent, tfië Seine, r-th e L o i r e , "R'h'ôhe'Æiad
• th e Garonne. . The firfi is one of the moft beautîfufftreams, ofiFrànce,
fifing. sear Saint Seine, in Jthe^mpdern departmenf q f Côtè D ’Qr, a
p o rtam ,.of. ancient Byrgun.dy, it purfues >its courte to the«
it entor the Englifh'channel at Havre de Grace, after a courfe o f about
250 jEnglffli 'miles. It may here be remarked that the lepgth « ^ n e d
to rivers is not calculated with exa(ftrïeft,„a; w órk ö f 4hfinite ind.un.cer-,
tain labour, but merely affords a comparative, fcale, tó,-jüdge of.tjtie
relation, which the courfe o f one :rivér bears to another.
3 youn g 's Ffaûce, i. 357. 4 Nicholfon’ s Journal; i& 295, -
j TW&Wffe d e v ils k s K ^ ^ i f r o i r f ^ M Q f e r e r id .the N. o f ancient
dLangimdoC'#a^*af^r^s'Wth^i%^cbdtf®*|urhs to tfie Weft, entering the
t $ m m c d n fife a iie W^^fon''dfMaHfe§;rMter a cptufie o f aboutroo miles
» d J ^ R % o n e n % r% ^ 0 « f the ^ a ^ n i a r , the mountain
-S f^ l^ liS lM jn iS w il^ rM n i^ a n d S a fm r^ ^ ^ lW b e a u tifu L -v iie s ’cd’ ,tKe
tbs' fotfffi,
an d ^ ^ ^ ^ sn h e ?Wfedife%heS.n. > Tte,jcbm^aifeivHe0di^^oQ*/!iniess}(ivj
* ‘'«PBe G aM ^ n ^ r^ ^ ttR eW a le ^P& A rau in th g Bytetee&bW The c£&rfe
-< After
its it V f l h n f e j ^ i f e ^ b f i t h e Gironde: 1
4 n * p i c f e u r ^ ^ and,the
i . o i r ^ S ^ M t ^ % M ^ f M ^ f J ^ a h t e s p ,0f
its im ^en fe ? -c fti^ -4 s , j £ f i * p r e d - ;w i f h ^ p gravel?. . T h p -G ak im e
’geirerdlly^peivladestad fiat country,-anteis tamely fiingetewithfw-illpws.
TheftRflaoffe risdami'dble and«apid rfirearp. • <-
France is d d o r n e d ^ d l erir|ckdd /With many , c q n ^
and .repuHtion - as-the S ^ ^ w f i i c ^ o i p s the* R b ^ n & a ?i l ^ p n s ; vtfie
H j a ^ ^ d Q g n e - 'w h ie h - ^ o d 'n .lf ie ^ rp r in e i and the..numefpus,tyibm-
tary ftreamsdof*,the Loire' ■ Thej}rieertateties yet
preventfthe^ge^lap'herffrdiii *egardingv .the .Meufe and I^ofellLVdnd
evemthe R hi$a£^,as te-iver^of France,. .
Afeyv finalilahes-pico-ur- -iniPkyerfcp* and perhaps in* fpmp(i : t h e
other provides,tbut, only vadapted tp-;the mmut&-d!&ter,iptiqn, p f tfie.topographer,
France and Spain being fmgqkyly.defioi^ntjin thh^pleafiifg
f«atu#fefilIWfeap&. : v v &
Before proceeding to fh e grand c h a in ,o f m o ^ d n s r im the<S.,of
-France, it may be. proper briefly to 'mention a, few mountainsV‘;tra'£ts
8 th e ^ o rth . Thofe^qf -Bpittany a rq,granitiq*auiprimu>e, by,t like
thofe.of e,ornwall ofrfmall. elevation,, .,(Tli'ey; d p ^ . i ^ t o jimnefies tp.l
wards Breft and Alen?op. T h e Vofge^f,. in j^ e id e ^ rtm en tm f., tfi^t
w m m BMMBHb H 1 ; MM name,,
• 5 xpupg?8 France, i. ^ .
F ^ T taiBS f T°-fg ! S’ and th e d iftn a ^ thaeaft>« « by tW Germaas cafedthaHuodfruok.’
M M M m boundanes to ( te Rh;n^ th;s Jntcreftmg .pprtion of; Germany S foaa
able acseffion, w e e i n g not only a V e a t paiA.of. dte Paktinate, with the cities of. Menfcz,,
«» and Spare, but the conntries of Simmern,. Sponheim,' DbwlfteuipBirkenfeld, and Zwey* 1