while feveral.otbèfs exceed' 8ooo: feet. The minés ó f this country
are celebrated; - and in- Zillarthàlp o f t h e - vale of th e ! river; Zillefj
on the weft, is found the fubftance called Zillerthite 'wH!ne'Jlfcdïp!pr
mineralogifts.* The chief ridge of the Salzian -Alps is on th e1 S. and
E. of the country, being a n , elongation- of;the grand chain, reaching ’
from Mount Blanc and Mount Ro® along the north o f Italy through
. Considerable .remains yet exift of the ancient forefts which pervaded
Germany. The German word. •Wald, correfponding with the old
Englifh • weald., denotes a fore ft ; and | fuch are found in the fouth of
Mecklenburg, continued eafterly in. different parts-of the Pruffian dominions
; but the timber of Dantzick- is Supplied by the navigation o f
the Yiftula ; and the fandy regions on the S. ó f -the Baltic feem little
adapted to -vigorous vegetation.-. The chief forefts' appear 1 always ■to
have.extended along the middle regions .of Germany, from tlie 'N. W .
towards the S. E. The Dromling wald is to the north of Magdeburg;
but the Sollinger .wald, the woody mountains of Hartz,1 the liutten-
wald, the wide foreft of Thuringia, may be faid to be corine&ed with
the ancient forefts of Siléfia, hence extending far to the E. through tire
centre of Poland and Ruffia. More to the ffAuthy in^ -thif^^M
many, are the. Sppffart forefly; an^iothergte | € à the portion fouth of th e :
Mayri the vaft BjackFpreft, and the woods along; theaAlb,'Urë U&tirfiffécÈ
by others in -various parts of Bavaria. In _- général the paffion among
the grandees for the. chace of the wild .boar, and other pleafures of
hunting, has contributed greatly to the prefervation of the forefts.
As Spain is diftinguifhed by its groves-of cork trees and ilex, and
Scandinavia by its fir woods, fo is Germany ; remarkable ;.for its deep
and almoft impenetrable forefts of oak : not indeed that this is the invariable
charafteriftic of the country, for in an empire of fuch great
extent, and of fo varied a Surface, it muft needs happen that the 'native^
vegetable productions on the ftiore of; the German ocean fhould differ
confiderably from thofe in the receffes of the Black Foreft or on the
frontiers of Tyrol. There is however on the. whole-more uniformity
* T h e .mountains o f Zillerthsl are chiefly o f flatc. Kirw. 1&3. But the gold is found' in
6 h A P. Ig - GE NE R AL D E S C R IP T IO N .
t h a n - ^ g j i p b ^ ^ t h o u g h - p e r h a p s few plapts;.afe'abfolutely
and the ab-'
% % ? k & f e S’^ rai’S ,a ltr,ikipg( feature in the, natural hiftory o f the
®|m p ire . ' y . " y.„ , -'I,-., f
M M B W B B l i tb,e -hedges and'roadfrdes, as are Situations
• a tje p j, thev&ft, ancj; probably ;thei ;moft du*
rable idea a ^ p ^ r y . hIt will be (remarked that the lila c
IJray.Jt;eyqn(d thp bounds ö&her
fhrubbery, arq.^^p q -.me a^ s .pfj unconimon ocpyjE^pe^in the hedges
° ^ hn -.Rtirt^ ; , cornel, compjs m a f c u l a ^ . t ^ ^ ^ .b ria r
, cinnamon Pofe, rolk ;pglantena aqd, cinpamomea,, are alfcncommon.
Plantsuheprincipal are veronica ro.mana, cerinthe minor,
UV er ph7^ ^kekehgi,“ | | g | « | i V prnithogafum hi- ,
Scilla amoena I Oenothera biennis, evening'prim ^ofe; and coronilla varia.
. .J h,e P'aft}Rr,H>i nd edges, of woods, afford( feyeyal kinds qfiris, efpe-
cf $|ia^ps : oryzpidesQin moift ,
places, campanula bononienfis, yiola mirabilis, gentiana -Bavarica and
fpicata : feVeral_ umb^iferous plants, as Jcaucaffs earaofa,, and Liguftil -
ciM PelöpöffnefiäCum : a numberof bulbous rooted plants, particularly :
•., gäianthüs ^ipjlis, harethh» - r
poetictis änd jheudb-nänciffus, nancijfus" andö<2^^/:' two kinds* of
- hyacinth, h. mufeari and racemofus, and afphodelus ramofus, branched
The vegetables of the woods and groves may be divided .into the
fhrubby and herbaceous ; to the firft belong, befides the c om m o pÄ ft,
trees and fhrubs of England, fambucus racemofus, branched cider • -
Däphpe cneorum, prunus mahah$i. MefpÜiis Germanica, amelanchie^
and cotoneafter, rofa pendulina, pendent ro ß •, eollutaea arborefeens
Genifta Germanica, Cytifus laburnum laburnum ; and Cytifus nigri-*
caps. _ Of the latter the moft worth notice are Panicum Germanicuni
and mibaceum, m illetg rafs ; afclepias vincetoxicUm, aftrantia major and
minor, laferpitium prutenicum, convallaria maialis, verticillatum, &c.
lily o fth e va lle y, Solomons f ia l; hyacinthus comofus and botyroides
dußered hyacinth; lilium martagon, martagon lily ; anthericum ramo’
i l l 1 I I \ fum
B o tan y .