$ 3®
. E x t e n t . V
Original Pa-
. Geography.
i '«A J3T5S T ’R 3 A3®. &B\3D M I; MMi CVN,S.
Bavaria*, and Swabia. Qn thg,ut;<m^W- 1$$ SwüT^afid Italian
ft&tè&h -rit, . $fttl Iftö anttï o f ft , imif
g 1 p Q p u ^ i é > f t ; v R f ? $ 1s i& e x t ^ n f i v ê ü^ g } g ^ j i & ^ 5 a id 5iy f s j !^ l ltt
chiefly Gothicand.SMvjonic. f The native &pciSm-^èffïi3Cp§, /-a Gothic
■kce.'fördi theridibgi'nïaft fnduftriousp-and' moft^inpórtant parjpcf-the
inhabitants. Bohemia and M o r a a l were originally Slavonic kingdoms
| and the people o f Poland and Hu n g a ry .fhay be generally referred
to tbè fame o rig in ; for in tfic’Taffëf kingdom the M-agiafispior
who uft a dialeét approaching * thé Fifmifh, did^noS^Upplant
.tbe’SlaVonsp whomthe^'found in ' fheJebnrftny^ and -wh fffvop* the 7 fad
o f the Romafif'ehi^lfl,^ had füeeëeded the Bahians^-' a-1 Göfl%c: fa'cèU kThe
Venetians, and adjacent Italians, may be confidered- as genuine dc-
fcendants o f the Cifalpine Gauls, and o f the Roman .colonies eftabliflied
amongft them. In ancient defcent no genealogy can vie with thth-iof
fevUtl Vènetfah famiftesf which ëanvbehiaee^b^liift&ryS'-al^reèêréltb
The progreffive geography of the fouthern pact of the Apftrian [dominions
cómmences'at an eariy period.- YetGhé Adriatic? iWa£Shfit a
favouritelSea of the'Greeks; and thé Roman.’writers'-throw the fir ft
fteady Tight upon thefe regions. - - Raffing tfróïn “Cifelpine Gaul, ü-n/dfir
&têé' o f the barriers o f the Rhsetian,-and-Garnic, o r Julia® Alps, -now
the mountains o f Tyrol, Carinthia,' amf Ga'tniok, the’ Roman geriSBals
fübdüëd thany 'barbarous tribes1; and foundéd-thë provinOêS-ófNofi'cffim,
* Since 1779 the boundary between Au ftria and Bavaria is the river Inn,' with part o f the
- Sklza, a fmall diftri&isimg- acquired b y Auftria, which is called the ffnn-Wu&egK
T h e county, o f G o r z , wilh fome furroundiiig .territory extending on the .weft 'of the river
Judri, is.called Friaul, or the Auftrian Friulefe, in the maps pubblhed at Vienna 1796. W ith '
the Venetian territory Auftria :acqmred 'thé rifles in the Adriatic, and the coaft from' Zara to
Narenta, 8tc. 1T h e .ifte óf-Veglia is o ffm a ll account. Cherfo, and O fe jo , F e in g jio ^ d iv id ed .
h y a narrow ftrait, are regarded as one ifte, woody and fe r tile : Pago is barren i.^Ifola Groffa,
and fome o f the others more fe rtile: Lefina is remarkable for the fifhery 1 ‘J1 j ' ' Gurzo-laferved
the Venetians as aft arfenaLof Aap timber. Meleda, and fom^fmallearifles/.geloijg,tórthé
republic o f Ragufa. T h e defcriptioit of-Dalma tia - ty - th eA b b é Fortis ïe feeblé, c.ónfufed,and -
prolix : the b e ft is th a t b y Lu ciu s , _Amft.‘ 71668 fol. which alfö lèontam'sithe o riginal hiftorians.
T h e perpetual cuftom ó f modern 'travellers in purfuing-beateit routes prevent? many difetfreries,
and obftru&a the progrefo o f geography. O f this coaft for inftance, and:the weft b f Greece,
our knówledgé -remains imperfeA: ’
f Whence perhaps the terrible Ogres, and Ogrejfes of heraldry, which commenced fpon after
the crueljncurfions o f thefe people. . -
ftp A. Pai»nogj;i.J thi§>[,qitatte%? till
Tjrman .add&d^Pacjp, -,TJie Rhse^aijSjysjgBe fpfc(d,ued-‘by Drufus, in the.
reiptn /t f ^.ugu,ftuf,{j U n d f w a y , oJj, rather in,t;he ■time'of his fuc--
cejforXib§rju«, Fanconi a apoj T$eydefijin' $lfo bej^ipa provides oBthe
^qmtm ^g^mir^p.^Qt^iiP^rnigig ftJfbffl5ij^ijona.nijjc1i anformaihian.,may;he
frCfnvjthßi Tacitpsjy Aud jfoosa,, after,’ thievgieor*
gf^aphy lof T>t©lQmy‘itQPf^stjaddilitQha'l ,01.yfl;ra-6ions?.Hi^BhOiCommcffir ire-
iCpure.e.S/öfj^ncient ggogfftptiy,; a^'vGpntiahed' by ,the Tyzantine writers;
mdj^aSftQr; t%^ > agpylpf^’Äarieiltagn.e^^p m-amy ftift^rians of the weft,
^i-nopithe itivppfipn of |>riritingtto the**prefenteperiod^geography of
th'q^g Afive,tpr©v-ifieest'sh®si {grapuallyh5hi^)roved, though not
■witjhjthb* räpiffity ,whid|f ,. migKt hav^been-^xpecTetlV »aä ihey -uhfojtu-
aatsly haesrehoirjpEodueed miuyaheti ofdcffie^^iia^Jjextenfive learning,
Qtj.exaa.feieuefe;vand.thmbeft'aeöofea&rare, derived.from. writers in the
Germany, or-from forfignttravellersiT* t
;v, The I hiftorical rbjDofcbs of* 1 various $ Msgdoms • |and iftates^i :reteently
';'?i^^.*ijd^flöe«j[fovd:^gdt9V. muft df'Voarfevb'el fübdividedTntp their
1 original/diftindh portions^ beginning in the oftder« ab^Vefmenriorted,
witbltM 'ßöftr’ibipoftant teate^TMjftnd -which, as ä* hueteus;' the mth’ers
are conglomerated ; but iproc^ding’tMncc-tb thefoth&r jlroviodes-,, aG-
eoiriii^|i:o/their! mOdeyft'Eexteät^ kn® to|tortaitefiI'S£'
i . P i e houfe o f Auftria, whikhffey'fücfbffib'e^fortühk'te'marriages
fische1 ithödSfteönth • c'brithry, ha& arifehf tb“ IuöhJa fiAatfitt^of
well known TO have %>ilun*g froth the 'humble* fcdhnts' -of Haploutg.
Thofe lords pdfleffed a fmall territory : in Siwfferland, in the1 hofthern
-corner o f Pe* ^ahtoh* of' Berhj neä^'-ih^ rivtef* Aar,1 kbotlt thfGfe rdiles S.'
of* the town of Brück, änd’ A P lm e diftanoe1 Tte*tKePP^f'1VMll‘ffg€ttv*
Ghia ;ibffy erhinenee, *croW'ned tvMi' Beech; ftands an knöiofthower,
ffaeifil&sfglt ®£: thte houfe- of Auftria,1 In' the?'iwelftK century Otho is
de0gdeäicö(lnf «of Hkjpf&urg,'''and: tVeh' hetrkHry can fcarMy'afeetid be*
ybod- bis-graiidfire' Rad*ebötf'bidlher-bf ^ ^ n e p
* £/ven plie p f tlie laA maps o f Hungaj^p tlia t by* the Aptanaii; fpcietV|^^ienn^ 1*792, Is
;fehennly executed, faiM very defeSive'in difplayiaig* the chains1 arid altitude o f mountains, which
.ip!Jlaid dowß pa thiey, migfct ;have ^been a ceutm^r ago*
3 Coxens S^iflerlä'nd, i. 13.5.
a i - v o L . 1 , * \ x x
P r o g r e s s
iv e G eog
r a p h y .