N a t u r a l 0 G i;,pG _R^ p h’ y .
J^aterr —Naturdl-CttrigjfcjsS'’ ‘
Cwmate' ^ - rR .k t^N D K r # n e a r ly in -IfglYattte parallel•
* |% A ferenpe of cBpij&Uj ^
• I ■ meaA b B H I E h
ao uA ^ ^ f a r e V ■ d ^R o y a lT rim ^ tal (P!e*i^' l""mIany D% 'e ik^ ^ ^f ;C\ fU ^^^ ^ M cm ^ ff^® h c eB rn a t‘ ef
of Irdandv by 'M-Rev. William H,VrTiiJfo!^iif^vft4”fl ffie fn^fhs'
j author ' Attempts ?•; a ^ n ffdofahle^ehaj^e-iAF ^ H s
wticffis liappened’ alinoft; 11
- “ ^/particularly the mB^^s'pfthe winters* I M g the' VuMlc^sP-e
lefs warm and gepial. He^pf^a that
■ violent, whence’m a h y l a h d s ^ t ^ ^ ^ ^ p ^ 0fp efr'a 'n 'd& ^ « t5m
threatens .a fpeedy annihilation. He ^ b i ^ C s % ^ m g i d s vv 1 Jchjfrb
fands have m a d e ^ ^ rtic u la rly a t ^he,?M ra n c e ^ F f1h e -f iv e f • Bjftmow,
in H K n B l Wexford, w f r ^ J ^ ' f e ^ n o f B a n r i p w V f l ^ h lK
confiderable as.to fend meinbers td/Tariiament^ Iw ^ ^ p v ^ w i i e lm f e d ;
as has a gentleman’s,refiden'ce in ' the c o u n t y T ^ ^ ^ i t g i l / T |e ,tu k i
yhave alfo affirmed more- power and ViSkfete. T i ^ m T t ^ k e f c m -
ftahees, Mr. Hamilton {hews th e fu p e n b r power qf
and the"tcqsdequent produOTen o f a humid and hagem&l clrjpt$!. Wp
■1 fnppofes that the prevalence o f th e Weftern winds
" the; eradication o f fordftsfn Europe, Afis^ $ n $ Ame lia s
Face of the j n confideringtbe face“p |“ the. muft^bl' remen|blf.£d P a t
Country. Ireland forms a ftyiking.coiitraft to Scotland*,?,being tnoftfylesfel,fertile,
* Tranf. R. I. A . voL
and abundant' in p&ftmsag-e. The chains ©f fyipè, fo r they can hardly
afpire to thé name of mountains, are few and unimportant.
The foil and agriculture of Ireland are topics which have been ably,
illuftrated by an intelligent writer.* He obferves that the quantity of
the cultivated land exceeds in proportion that of England. The moft
ftriking feature is the . rocky nature of the foil, ftones .generally appearing
on the furface, yet without any injury to .the fertility ; whence
the foil may be dtefmed' a (tony clay, a ftony loans, a gravelly fand, &c.
The ftones are generally calcareous, an d appear at no great depth, even
in the moft flat and fertile parts, as Limerick', Tipperary, and Meath.
The climate being more xrtoift than that of England, the verdure never
appears parched with heat.* | Tillage is little ünderftood, even in the
beft corn counties, .as Lowth, Kildare,- Carlow, and Kilkenny, turnips
ariduddv^Ebbiaag ■almofbdmkm'pwsn the wheat- tfowfa ,up®,n fallow^ .and
folfQjwed.by feverad crops o f fpritig corn. ; The farmers'. Are .pppreffed
by .tbofftocking: fyftèm. xy&midMt men, who. srent farms from the »landlords^
and let; them tO; the heal -oocupiers-,; who, aS w-eU the, 'promi-
etors, sfuffer greatly 'b y , this- ftrauge p^afitice.' Even 'under thefe, abufess
Ireland is jasmtoErfertde‘-'c0>antry. ; anddf^rfeuTfure were duly improved,
nu^lm be a .grandly''®! grain. I fen the «bpgs,iaaraoug whjchttjj&f &f
Allen extends eigfety su.faspa*ada&, computed to contain ,300,00®, acres,
rrftghJjgeperaJly' be drained, and converted into fertile .meado-iys.. |J^jme-
ftorie.g^yel is aana&ure peculiar to, Ireland^ having on uncullrfated
land the fame^Wonderfufteffedt as lime, and on ill ^ i i s it EvEbpe^bial.3
Among itjhe chief rivers; o f Irèjand .tnuft fijftj be- mentioned the
Shannon* .Which riffcs (frshn. the lake o f Allen, and pa-ffiqg through1 t.wo
Other 4atge lakes, -ïiïdSügË Ree, and Lough DergT, SfterwardSyextejjds
below Limerick into .a vaft efttaaty- è r firth,, aböut fixty miles in length*
and from th re e to ten in breadth.4 ï-T&Eneble.EvCT is, almoft'ihrpugh
its w^bfe c4urfe',‘lf© wide,and deep a sïo aftoTd feafy.fflavigati®-!!,“'. Boat®
informs us that the celebrated Earl -of -Strafford defigned'-tfo femo.v“e a
rQfck^.;fe»ihp6i&bove Limerick, which forming sa catitaót impedes fihf
a Yoii-nig’ s Tour, ii.- 72.
* T h e Curragh o f Kildare is' a moft beautiful lawn, o f above 400Q Englifh -0$0j a flieep-walk
‘•of the fofteft turf, and,moft delicious verdure. Young, ii. 7. I
3 lb. 171* 1 ' 4 Boate?:p.;3^.'
tOL* u ^ * m m | | .. <• . mtercourfe
C o u n t r y ,
Soil and
•Rivers. I