views ®f feMal with attacks ttspon eftabhfhed forms of <woi&-
fliip and gövglmMliit, tó jw fy unlike the, p;Koeidu*e of the ancient phi-
lofophers, who were teachers of conteBt* -and moderation. Yet” aijgo-
vemment fhould; feleCt the fiappy mean between; thatfanaticbigotry,
which alike freezes -Itetatore pad every feanch of induftry ; a*ld tbit
licenttoufnefs o f the prefs, which by wantonly, Tapping porfohal reputation,
and the laws, tends to deftroy every habit of virtue, and can only
lead to anarchy.
i - fEhê ,ettp»e& Therefa inftitnted idhocds for tihe eduratron/qf ;ehiMfati,
but nonefor the education of teachers. Hence the ohddren are taught
metaphyfics before they know Latin j and a blind veneration for the
monks forms one of the firft exertions of nafcent reafon. Yet théëx*-
arnple is highly laudable, and with all its difadvanfcages 'may lead to important
The umiverfities, like thofe in other catholic countries litde promote
the progrefs o f folid knowledge. The fciepces taught with the g'reateft
■ care are precifely thofe which are ofthe fmalleft utility. The üöiver-
fity o f Vienna has, fince the year 1752, been fomewhat improved. It
was founded in 1237, and that o f Prague in 1347; that o f In^rdck only
dates from 1677, and Gratz from 1585.* Hungary ehieSy boafts of
Ruda, though the Jefuits inftituted academies at Raab and Cafehau.*
A late traveller7 informs us that the univerfity of Buda, by the Germans
called Often, poffeffes an income of about 2o,oopl. fterling, only 4,000
o f which are applied to pay the falaries o f the profeffors,.
ufual chairs which exift in every univerfity^; there are tbiofeof natural
hiftory, botany, and (economy. The collection of inftrumefnts for
natural philofophy, and the models ofmachines, are goo#; and the
mufeum erf natural hiftory, whfeh contains thê cóf#aidn ■©£ the
prdfeffor Biller, befides that ofthe univerfity, may be ranked among the
fine collections o f Europe.” There is a Calvinift college Or, univerfity
at Debretzin : and the bifhop of Erlau has recently eftablifhed ariplea-
.idid univerfity at that city.’
* Dufrefnoy, Methode G e o g . in. 2 7 1 .
, *, ^1»? vnh?tfity ef Tyrnau haé been recently transferred to Pcfth. Townfon» p, 439,
1 Townfon, p . 79. * Jh. 238.235,
> Vicdr^vihe^Maf -«ifiy I Auft fiarf doJ^R^i's^dies on the S. or
frather,#^ fiderof the;D4nube,£m;^fer4 % plbirvw^tered hyna? branch o f
* and by
the little riwer^Mfien. ^l,}#he!3 aaq\^^|k&fo-'V^yy wide, and contains
feveral woody ides : the country towards the N. and E.. level, but on
, the S;. a nd/W. hilly, and variegated with, trees. It is founded on the fite
o f the ancient Vindoboua; but was of little note till the twelfth century,
when-it became, the refidence o f the dukes ofAuitna, and was fortified
in the manner o f that age. The manufactures are little remarkable,
though feme inland comraerce be rranfaCtcd on the noble ftrcani
e f tbe Danube. The number..;.of inhabitants is computed 'at 2
|The fubhrbs!ai^’,far;rfiqrp then d^yy;' ftandl4 gf-dfiai go##
fiderable diftance; from the walls. The houfes are generally of brick 1
i# , a'fin ore- dhBab|e;manner th^nrc@jfipa^iy ;pr a<fi|
.fifed i^lkgfend:thedf^qfi|t.^ji^ ,l|ei®%pphqTen, laRdcth^Kirip, .after' haV-i
mgfibpefeflacked, irem4 nmgTbrf a, t^lvyrn^fiy, 'cohered with?fe;o#‘and
hoards, befqre it fee > appliedftp<|he intended safe. The s chief tedi&es are
the metrqpo]i.tkn churcfeof Sfisjkepfeh, the imperial pafifce, im-jkty-, *and
.sarfenabthe feou^ ©JjatTejufily; fo r d h t i^ ^ q f lo^ ep^ 'ftna^thM ^ociH
shoufg, the’univerfity/ and. feme,, mpna^Fies. ] Thecptater fieri imperial*
park, is tantiBand in file; Danubefjwfi|l plantedlwkb. woodyvanditerthe
Sifis theycbapel ofHerenhartz, which during Lent*i|^mucfi feemientqdi
foRithpjfakejof am.ufement,na's^ well as /qf, fievotiqn^ -'Bjpwfiohslfef adl 1
hinds .abound in Vienna,s particularly; wild boars',. yeifi(onj/^ffd gapfie^l
many finall fiirds,,reie^d,by‘ us «being ,fech^edwai®[fegl&^ latter..
Liters of geefef are ^fteemeda^guliar deIigacT|y. n o r^ e
arid fpails rej eCtefi.* The. peqpl^^eli^tJn.'tbe xomfi^s p f^ ild ,b’eaftsa
and of hull^ In I one^pf the fi^jlrhs is^the palacC, o f BxJyidete/ which
fftraagrly belonged to., prince Euge^^/apsd. at the; di|iaiy;efi%a, Sfew-';
miles ftahds. Schonbrun, another imperial palace. Though-Vienna be
much-expofed.to thq;norm,t;rn e a f t e r n win|is,1-yet.,the fonthern. hills
* Rietbeck,' himfelf a German, blames'; the. Auftrians, i. 237; “for gluttony, and a certain in-
tlefcribabk coarfe^ pride {Y g t he iiigldy praifes the lehools, p. 280. The richeffi fubjeA by his
■ accpunt'was f j in o e Liclitenltein, ivho had s^Q I'^ o o oU ^&id dk g a year, while Efterhazy4 nJy
T owns.
V O L . . I . Z Z ferv'e