34« A’U'S T R l A'N D 0 M l N 1&M, S,
C o lo n ie s«
A im j ,
N ary .
Political Importance
• Till the acquifitioh of Venice, Auftria might have been regarded, as
an inland power, the; /rnall' 'harbour of Triefte being Httle-jcnown int
commerce. Hence ho foreign colonies have been. planted by*, the
- The army is "computed by.BórttiqKer at .565,455 men, in 13£ re.
giments, o f which 46 are German, and only 11 Hungarian. % This
numerous army has been greatly diminifhed in.tlae fanguinary cpnteft
with France; and perhaps 'could not, at prefent, equal that of Pruffia,
computed at 200,ooO; and far lefs that of thé great-military power of
Ruffia, .doubling that number.
An Auftrian fhip of;thé line:would be regarded as a. novelty on* t]js
ocean ; but the aequifition Venice wi%d®ub6l§||- :l?e
a navy.
The revenue is computed St more than 105,000,ooof. ftetling ; to
which Auftria contributes about 3,000,0001., and Hungary a-littïè room
than a million and a ha®. This revenue ufed tq exceed the gxpe'qce^i
but the public debt now, probably, furpaffes 40,000,0001. fterling, and
the recent wars have oecationed great defalcations.
Vaft are the political importance and extent of the relations qf the
Auftrian fovereignty. Setting afide the confideratiqp _X!fuhi^infl.uehce?'
as emperor, over the- German dates, the monarch may be regarded as
an- eqnal rival | § France, and only inferior to the preponderance o f
.Ruffia- Since the Auftrian dominions and power have, h|en;;dwelled to
their modern confequence, a determined rivalry has exifted between
them and France,1 which has, with-reafon, been jealous o f the
Auftrian ambition. Alliances, even cemented by intermarriage, have
not been able'to overcome -the opppfition o f intereftsi; and England
being alfo tbe rival .of France, it has frequently, become an unavoidable
policy to maintain this diffenfion. There are alfo, caufes., o f confirmed
jealoufy -between Auftria and Pruffia; and it' is doubtful if. even an m-
vafion from, Ruffia would compel them to ,unite in a- defeafite alliance;.
The inveterate wars with Turkey, and the radical difference of, rejigjgiy
and manners, more impreffive from vicinity, have alfo fgwn irrecon-
cilable hatred between the Auftrians and Turks; and the ambition of.
c h a p , u n p o l i t i c a l g e o g r a p h y .
Auftria 'eagerly-'confpires with Ruffia againft European Turkey. P"
Amidft fo many enmities, and the neceflary jealoufy o f Ruffian power, AS
it would be difficult to point out any ftate on the continent with, which
Auftria* could enter into a ftridt and lafting alliance. The moft natural
and conftant may be that with England, whole maritime power might
inflidt deep wounds upon any enemy ; but againft Ruffia an alliance
with Pruffia would be indifpenfable.*
* Since, this chapter was at, the prefs, an important work has come to.hand, intituled sfperfu
Statijlique des Elats & I'Allemagnefous le rapport de leur Etendue, de leur Population, de leurs Pro-
duaions, de leur Indujlrie, de leur Commerce, et de leur Finances; par Hoecl, ConfiHler de JuRtce du Roi
de Prujfe, Set. Paris, A n i x ;' ( j8o i ),. large folio. T h is wo rk is certainly the moft complete
view, which has appeared,; o fth e numerous and important German ftates. B u t it is a great defeft
that there is no general fum o f the entire population,.&c. & c. o f each fovereignty.
V 3 f t 8M 2t’ isl&fcttfeed at i,SÓëi493 : Moravia 1,256:240 : duchy o f Auftrian Silefra 2 5 0 ,0 0 0 ;...
Auftria 1,820,000 : ' . .Sthia, &c. 1 ,6 4 5 ^ « ? ,? i r d l f ^ ifgp qC K , .Hungary 6,315,090: Illyria
1 ,035,000: Tranfylvania 1,443,3.64-: G a litz , See. 2 79r , l 19 : Bukovin 130,000. T h a t is, in
all, little more than 20 millions, exclufive o f Venice, & c . ■
- In like manner; the Commerce, A rm y i Square Miles, Finances, are only particularized under
each fiihdivifiori, without general- eftimates, a plan which leads to perplexity and additional U-
hbur, Jthough the"work be highly valuable in other re^efts. . '
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