of horfes and cattle. The elk is a more fouthern animal, and fometimes
appbars in Norway, which i&infe'fted by, the bear, the wiilfj and the
lynx. -The gluttonnis alfo rather a peculiar animal!} arid Ae'beivef
ephftrudts his man lion in'Norway with the fame {kill as ifi'N. Amdri'ea.
The lemmingj or Norwegian moufe, proceeds from the ridge of Kolen,
apd fometimes fpreads defolatidn} like the locuft.: Thefe animals appear
in vaA .numbers, proceedihgffrom 'the mountains towards the lea,
and devouring every product of the fo il: it would feem that.after dfete-
fuming every thing eatable in their courfe, they at laft devour each
other. This Jmgplar creature is of a reddifli jscfcur, and afebut five
inches ipilep^thif ; Norway alfo .boafts of ionfe pefeulim birds! as the
picus trida&ylus, and the tetrao lagopus. :The -fnake called afpis is.alla
found there. In Danifh Lapland the fquirrel, which‘is red* in the
fummer, in the ,winter becomes'grey.'" ' The-authorTaff quoted maintains
the feWe o f the kraken; and his delcri^ion,1' derived;!lroif|5 the
natives o f Norland and Finmark, correfponds with that‘ b f -Rontoppidam
The falmon fupplies a confiderable part o f the Laplandef’^ fo od ; and
vaft numbers are tranfported on;rein deer from the fhWes jofrthe; Tana.
Hares ard*alfo common in that remote «region : and the bear^mSs^
and fox, are lefs welcome vifitants; nor are the' glutton and, |he heaver,
there unknown. About Roras in ^Norway the latter animal is Tome-
times found white.
The minemlqgy: o f th e Danifli- dominions is chiefly' reftrifred,;tq'?
Norway, for iff Jutland and the ifles no-important dMcqs?^ne% have
arifen, though it be probable that iron, and perhaps coal, may be found;
Jutland fupplies tripoly and fullers’ earth, with fome.alumj amjhvifcriol..
The ifle of Moen has hills o f chalk ; and porcelain, clay.i§ found iff
Bornholm. Thefe regions feem chiefly- calcareous, yet freeftone is
rare; Norway on the contrary abdunds in various metals, About,,the.
year 1643; Come gold ore was found near Arindal, of wHch duc^s y?ere^
ftruck. But iff gold. Norway yields greatly to the<&wedi£h. mines, of
Adelfors, and only claims the. Superiority, in filver, the mines ::o£
Kongfberg, about 40 Britifh miles to the S. W. of Chriftiana, having
been long reputed the, ricliefl: in Europe; and one mafa o f native, filver
in£he royahealpnfetweigh^o^ marks, being worth 30^0 rix-dollars-of
bool.1’ Thefe mines are minutely deferibed by Bergman, who informs
Us that thy rock* eopfifts* of^sreffica’l'^Uanks of micaceous ifehiftus, with
garnets,,’' 1 imeftone,' and' quartz;«;. The richeft veins are irTthofi of a:
greyilh quartz minglbl*<with fmall" vblafck iiiicji, and red’difh petrofilex;
bul'^fpedialLy. i^ja'Tine;gfainedJ wsfi-ite quarry and, jj§ little calcareous
earth,' ‘of "'where' the quartz' and yffca are in alternate| ftrata; the*
threknefs-of thefe banks-br'lh^ts^aryingfropi an inch to three,fathoms;
and lomd-of them are impregnated) with Ifon]^ TfiVy are pafled tranf-
vetfelyiy,’the, veins of metal,,’'front half anarch to, mojethart two feet
in -thicknefe, fom'etimes accompanied with large; graded dimeftone, but
more ofte'h witfr'fpar arid ftfifretimei with "quartz)!W^s/white;-;blUe
or/tyiofet felenite,~and foffil jQOnk,’ yndtTqinetiaB.es with pyrites, yellow
copper ore,' and "blende.*3 Thai fferfuglpous layers are the moft productive.
Thefe1'mines were difqdvered in 1623 byfw*o;peafants, who
■ were diverting therrifdlves' wjth throwing ancHri cbtifeoiifendq,
the town of'Kongfberg was'fouhded.' ^They* afe<* Vofled by ^•fhafts^,
and ufed'to yield about )^^Qtfllfanhhally\ when^^^imen'wefe-em--
fcloyMf hut recentfyypOo have rfem-ov.ed, to the’ cbbllt minds at I%fLY
fum, 20 miles to the north, arid% riVfrippofed thatThepiroduc'e-barely
'defrays the expehefe'. "ASfet they' fttppfy >\h©rMnt Mtk - c®rren^cy,1 the
la¥geff coin being of eight Danifh fMlfingsy ©ffbufplncb'fterling; and
it'ifk'efteetaed‘ a‘peculiarity of this'mine,, that it maypMittl'e produdtiye
during a year or two, when fudcFeoly » rich1 Vein ip difcoVered' which
amply repays the'lofs of labour.1* Ktm|Mffirg|'i||a-ffourilhing town of
6po6 inhabitants, fituated amidft hills and rocks, which branch off from*
thq-gfeaf Alpin^chain^ being abopf ^ot 'BVitUh mues^oTE. of the Lang-^
feld : the river Leuven;! runs through fme - town1, iti a - Teries"’’bFi^ial'i.
pidlurefqde cataradts.’’
Norway alfo poffeflesi- other filver: mines at Iarlfherg in the fame
region,, about 36 miles to the ls[; E., difeovered in t j ' i f c but o f fmall:
" Coxe, v. 45i __ . 13 Journal ^es^Mines, No. xyi. p_, cp..
H- Pontop.. i, 183,. &c. Opxe,.ut, fupra..
M iu e r a k »«
a r i '
Silver; ‘ .