IQAï'l&K. 1
feet deep, and forty feet*widef-and| the locfc gates from
teil to;twelve fe e t; bu t they anfwer the purp.ofe .of) inlandr,carriage
frdTTt '^ S townKtoaIl o ^ ^ l : 4 ^ ' 1 ■ h altM e ftth e yV e ie^ d S ^ S . The
depth of the, canal between -the Forth-and Clyde, is feven feet; Jts
breadth at the fiirface fifty-fix feet ; the locks are feyenty-five feet-long,
.and -theirtgaiiéa:twenty.feet-wide. It is raifed. from, the, Carron by
•twenty locks, in a tra<ft o f ten miles, to the amazing .height of 155
feet above the medium'- full fea-mark. -At th e twentieth löck.ibég|ni
the canal o f partition on the fcimmit, between the. Eaft and Weft 'Seas
"which canal o f partition continues eighteen miles, .on a. level, •terfiai-
nating. at Hamilton-hill, a mile N. W: of the Clyde, at Glafgow. In
home places -the “cabal i^ a r a i^ th r o ffii'n io ffy . giound, lifad in /o t^ g
th ro u g h folid • rock.1 T ir* h e fourth mile o f r th e canal-, there .*I$t5eiten
Jocks, and a fine aqaeduCï bridge,Iwhichiêï^Be^A d gteafeidad-dMling
from Edinburgh to ^CiShSgovH' The-d^pdnce? öPtMs 'IfiSe'-aHibunted to
At ÈirkiiitiillofcM^^he - -^anal^Ik5 -carried- 'öter* t-fete ’'water- of
Cqgie, <m an aquedb& bridgëf*%e'%reli ëlP which1 is riihefyy^efwBad,
■and -vyas b u ilt at thiee different -bpCYatiohs,' o f thirty* fe ^ * ^ c h ,r-baving
Only -one centre o f th irty 'Teef b^oa’cS, whicfrlwas fhifted»f eh -feall
rollers, from one _ftretch to another.- ^Tbbüg-h Jthis *wks"’a tie i^ r a a g ,
'ahd'never attempted before -with ah arch of this fite,J yet-1 fhet joftaSfags
a re as fairly equal a s a n y other p a rt o f tJfe*&rêïL 3 ‘rp i#% ta t'e i r « ® g h t
to 'b e a’ capital prece o f mafoifty. Th d re are if f »t’hè wbdlé -eighteen
draw bridges, and fifteen aqueduCt l^ d g ^ ^ c ö n f itó ïh l é ^ f i^ l'b d f iS e s
fmall ones and tunnels.” ' ’
T h e fupplying^the canal with water, was d f 'n f e lf a ‘y ’&y‘^ibat?-vrcrrk.
O n e refëfvöir is above twenty-four feet deep,' an'fhSvisrs^'fullkcle o |
fifty acres, near Kilfyth. Another, about feven miles Y io fth '^F 'O ’laf-
g ow, confifts of feveflty acresykildis banked up at thé fliiicé; twénty-
tw o feet.
T h e diftance between th e firths o f Clyde and F d n h f by' thé 'heateft
paflage, that o f th e Pentland Frith, is b o b miles, by this Canafjcarbely
idef; Oh the 2 8th of J u ly , 1790, the canal was eompletblyoptm from
fea to fea, when a hogfhead o f the water o f Forth- was poured into the
Clyde, as a fymbol o f their junction. T h e length o f the -canal is
3 ' ■*' ipfebifelf
precifely thirty-five miles,, -and no work of the -kind- can be tpore
atf'X u > . .*1 mdable plan v/as tq^conduift^vcanal -frpm.Fprt William to
fnvernefsj than which nothing; could1 c.olitr|bute more to improve,,the
Highlands. ■ The fpace to be cut would not be confiderable, but, the
times are unfavourable to fiich a dfcfign,.. The canal of. Crinan, which
will fave a troublefoine aiaviga.tfoii around Gantirc, is'adlually begun,
and is hoped will Ipeedrly b.c completed, when yeffels could pafs at once
from th e -Clyde to the ;n.orth;;©f Jura. Could & canal be opened from
the Firth bf Dornoch, and; Loch Shin, into the. bay o f Calval, in Affynt,
perhapsteyefy thing _o|| this kind would be accomplifhed, that can J>e
executed in th e Highlands. >
The general, ebmimerce of Scotland,- thopgh ion a fmallef fcale, and
with. fAiaMer capitals, is in moft rdpedfs fimilar to that of England, and
ftia'res|inv|®‘ national pspfperky. That-of the capital, through Leith,,
it^pprljih^s been, .eftimated, as we -have feen, ath aif a million yearly
, S^K^chief expqrts are iMnqp,ygrain, ipon, jglajfk^ lead, woollen fluffs,
fqgp^^c'ci'i'&c. < T he i^pqrts are wines, brandy ;-,and from the Weft
Judies and- America, rum, fugar, rice, indig-o.-3 Jfelafgow exports cot-
to n ^ ^ a li kinds', .muflins., lawns, gauzes,p&p. glads, ftocklngs, earthen**
■\y^&,Peojjclag£y &c. candles* foap, irqn,wleg£her, &c'.,&c. The Chief
-imports^afetfoMa®eq, Yugar, rum, and {q ^ ou from, the Weft .Indies j
IriftLjibeeJltib’utter, and linen«}' winqs,from Portugal, and other countries.
The fifhesies o f Scotland^ if carried to a proper extent, would furnifh a
ve^pnnfiderabj^fiore of merchandize.
The chief manufactures of Scotland are linpp. p f various kinds, -to
,s|t|e _amountj.it is Laid, o f tab out 7 5 ! annually^ ^ Of woollens, the
‘Sco,ti£hj,cgjpeta feetns tq.Jorm.y^ie- chief branch. The iron mappfac*
tures, particularly .that at Carron, deferve alfo to be enumerated among
the.chief national advantages.
As the neceffary .progrefs o f manufeiftures and commerce, is from
the, fpjuth.y:q the north,- owing, among other caufes, to- this, that the
prices.pf food and labour are fmailer in the north than in the fouth, it
* ^1^93, the Scotifh exports were computed at 1,024^742/, Chalmers’s Eftimate, p. Ixxv.
«flit. .1794. Thedhips’.employed were -2,234. lb.
I nland N av
ig a tion .
and Com-