and bothbanks o f tbepNeJte,frQmwhere it faHsJnt.ó •
the Rhine, t d 'i l s fourc'e ne ar-BtójH. Fiom tnenéè.
the line,paffes b y Ilenfcherade and B o r le y to Kerpen,
and* thenceJto Ludeffdorf, Blanteriheim, Marmagen,
Goll, and Gemurid, with all the circles- and territory
o f fhefe places along both banks "of the Olff, to where
it falls into the Roer, and along both banks o f the
Roer, including". Heimbach, Nideggen, Durin, and
Juliets, with their circles- and territory ; as alfo the
places on the banks to Linnig included. Hence the
line extends b y Hoffern, and KylenfdaJen, Papelernod,
:1 .utcrsforlt, Rodenberg, 'Havêrftpo,' yAnderfcheid’ ■
Kaldekuchen, Vampach, . *■ «(“ ■ Groffierg,
including the toWn'óf.Vënloo and its territory. A n d
if, notwithhanding the mediation'of Kis imperial ma-
je ily , the German empire lhail refufe to confenf to,
the aboyementioned boundary-line qP,the; .republic, his
imperial tfiajefty hereby formally engages to furniffi to
. the empire no more than' his Contingent, which fit all
not be employed in any fortified place ; or it (halk.be
conudered as a rupture o f the peace and friendffiip
which are reftored between’ his majefty and the republic.
IT. His imperial majefty will employ, his good
offices, in the negotiation of- the peace o f the empire,
to obtain, I . T h a t the navigation o f the Rhine, from
Hunningen to the territory o f Holland, {hall be free,
bo th to the' French republic and the ftates o f the
empire, on the ,right bank : 2. T h a t the poffeffors o f
territory near the moulh of,the Mofclle {hall never,
and on no pretence, attempt to interrupt the free navigation
and-paffage o f {hips and other veffels, from the
Mofelle into the Rhine: 3. 'H ie French .republic {hall
have ' the free navigation o f the Menfe j and the tolls
and other impofts, from Venloo to Holland, ffiall be
I I I . His imperial niajéfty renounces,' for himfCff and
his fucceffors, the fovereignty and poffeffion o f the
county o f Fallenjlein and its dependencies.
. IV .. T h e countries which his imperial majefty takes
poffeffion of, in confequence o f the fixth article o f the
public definitive treaty this d a y flgrigd, {hall be.con-
fidered' as an, indemnification for the territory given up
b y the feventh article o f the public treaty, and.the-
fore going'article. T h is renunciation {hall only be in
force wh.effl the troops o f his imperial-majefty ffiall
have taken poffeffion o f the countries ceded by the faid
articles. •
V . The- French republic will employ its ■ influence
that his majefty the emperor ffiall receive the arch-
bifhoprickof Salzburg, and that part o f the circle o f
Bavaria'■ which lies between the archbiffioprick o f
Salzburg, the river Inn, Saiza, and T y r o l ; including
the town o f Waffefburg on the right bank o f the
Inn, with’ an arrondiflement o f 3000 toifes.
V I . His imperial majefty, at the conclufion o f the
peace with the empire, will give up to the French
republic the foyereignty and poffeffion o f the Fricklhal,
and all the territory belonging’ to the houfe o f Aullria
on . the 9left bank o f the Rhine, .between Zurgaeh. 'and
Bade, provided his majefty,',;at the conclufion o f the
laid peace, receives a-7prqpprtionate..indemnification;
T h e French' .republic, in confequence o f particular
arrangements to be made, ffiall unite the abosemen-
tioned territory with the H e lve tic. republic, without
•farther interference on the part o f his im perial gHffi&jaE
o r the empire. ,
■ V I I . The- two contracting powers agree ' f ,.
i n . the enfuirig_peace with the German, empire, the
French-republic ffiall make an acquifition in -Germany,
his imperial majefty ffiall receive an equivalent; and if
his imperial majefty ffiall make fuch an acquilition, the
French -republic ffiall. in like manner receive an equivalent.^
V I I I . T h e prince o f Naffau D ie tz , late-JlacithoMer
o f Holland, ffiall receive a territorial indemnification
but neither in .the vicinity o f the Au(Irian poffeffions,
nor in the .vicinity o f the Batavian, republic.
IX . T h e French republic makes no- difficulty to
reftore to the ling o f Prujfia his pdffeffions on the left
bank o f the Rhine. No new acquifition '{half .how,
e ve r'he propofed fo.r .the king o f Pruffia. T h is thq.
two contracting powers mutually guarantee. .;
X . Should the,king o f Pruffia be willing to cede'to
the-French arid Batavian republics fome fmall parts o f
his territory on the left bank o f the Menfe, as S c r
venger, and other poffeffions towards the Yffel, his
imperial majefty will ufe his influence that fu ch cef-
fions ffiall be accepted and made valid b y the empire.
X I . His imperial, majefty will not ohjsdt to {
manner in which the imperialfiefs have been- difpofed
o f b y the French republic in favour o f the L ig u i ian
republic. H is imperial majefty-will ufe his influence,
together with the French republic, that the. German
empire will renounce all feudal;Jpyereignty over the
countries which make a part o f the Cifalpine and ' L igurian
republics, as alfo the imperial, fiefs, fuch as
Lariiguiana, and thole which lie between Tufcany and
the ftates o f Parma, the Ligurian and Lucehefe-
republics, and the-'late territory -of Modena ; which
fiefs make a part o f the Cifalpine republic.
X I I . His imperial dmajefty, and the French re public,
will in concert employ thCir influence,-'in the
courfe o f concluding the peace o f the empire, that the
princes and* ftates .of the empire who, in confequence.
of; the ftipulations. o f ;the prefent treaty o f or;
in confequence o f the treaty to be concluded with the
empire, ffiall fuffer any lofs .in1 territory or ■ rights,,
(particularly the.el.cftofs o f Mentz, Treves, and Cologne,
the eleftor palatine o f Bavaria, the duke.-.of
Wirtemberg a n d T e c k , the.margrave o f Baden,the-
duke o f Deu x Fonts, the landgraves o f Heffe.'Saffel
and. Darmftadt, the princes o f Na.ffan Saarbrnck,
Balm, Korburg, Loweiiftein, Weftheim, .and Wied
Runckel, and the count dc L e yn ,) {hill receive, proportionable
indemnifications in Germany,: which; {hall
be fettled by mutual agreement with the- French re-,
XIII.. The
X I I I . T h e troops o f his imperial majefty, twenty
days'after the ratifications o f the prefent treaties, ffiall
evacaité the towns'‘and fortreffes I o f M en tz ,1 Ehrenf
breitftein, Philipffiujg, hJ inheim, Euriigfari',’ ■ Ulm,;
arvd'Iii.'goUladt; as alfo th e iw & fe .territory appertaining
to'the German-ek.pife, to the boundaries o f the
hereditary f e t e s . 1
X IV . T he prefent fecret articles {hall have the fame
fi'rc'g'■ aayftjf1 they were irifertedword for word in the
public ti t o f p act this day figned ;■ and' ffially’ iri
lik e « iMifèi, IbC r tilled' a t :tlié 1 tns.'tifm by the im j
con traftirig.- pówèrs'; 'which ratifications, ffiall ‘I j
changed! iriddue form at Raftadt.-
Done arid j;figneq(:St Campo,'Formio, on the 1 7 ill
■ jjf , - . 26th V c iidcrniaire,- in th e 'ó th f
the French republic,' one and nid'ivifible. '
(Signed) B u o n a p a r t e .
MARQuis,.pE- :Ga l lo . '■
Lo .U IS .C o u t* " '< N TZ E LV
C oluNm M u k i i i i i ^ M ooi Gen. I
1 C ount D egh{.mann.
2. T h a t f o f y.iihioiAn9'!'h’l‘lb? 1801.
A .1 IS ’uiajefty 1 lie emperor, king o f Hungary and
Boheffiia, and the firft conful o f the French republic,
in-.tile'nani'e■ o f the French people, being equally de-
firous to put an end to the 'mi fortune o f the war,
have refolved to proceed to the conclufion o f a' Idefi-
riitive treaty of peace and friendftiip.
Hislfaid imp rial and royal majefty, no being lefs
ard o tlj defirous to make the Gerri riic empire p r-
take o f the benefits o f peace, and tlie prefent junftures
not;ieaying’ time neeeffary f6rJ-the empire being con-
fult d, and being able to intervene deputies in the
negotiation ; and: his faid majefty (confidering befides
what has-been conferiited to b y the deputation o f the
empire, in the preceding icongrefs o f Raftadt, has
refolved, (as it has been done in iimjlar < ircumftances,) I
to ftiprilate in the name d f ’the Germanic boHy.
In confeqiien e of which the-'1 contracting parties :
Jrave !appbi'h'ted for'their .plenipotentiaries-^-his' imperial-
Snd• royal majefty, the .Si . Louis connt of theftidlyi!
Roman 'empire, de Colientzcly1 kniglit' o f the golden
fleeceV'.'gi-and1 crofs o f the'royal order o f St. Stephen,1
and o f the order®! >St. John o f JerufalemV chamber-
lain, aftual i piivy'couiifcllpiyof- his faid fimpefial' and ■
roySl*taajeftys hisimiBifter'bf confe'rehces, 1
chancellor o f court and fete-} and the firft coriful J
thetFrench republi^iri the riairie o f £he;I rench peoplCg
Citizen Jofeph.Buonaparte{efe;dfo!feftd£':,S£ate;:;’ri l
Who , after having exchanged their full powers,
Ifave 'determined on the following articles
Article I. There (hall be for the future," arict for'.
ever, peace, frieudffi'ipy and :gi5od.iritalligence,' betwceif!f
I> 6 P
I his majefty the emperor, king o f Hungary and Bo-
J hernia, fopulating as well in his name as in the name o f
■ Germanic' e^ire'jhfiid: .the|fFrench republic ; his
I faid majefty-pledging himfelf' to make the' faid empire
ratify, in good and-'due' form;! the prefent t r e a ty .'
I The' greatefeatteritipn w i ilt fe given on' one part, and
on thehpther.-' tb the maintenance o f a perfe£f liar-.
I mony, arid to.;pr8$e|jt airy kind o f hoftih'ty^SfSfand or 1
Lby' fea, for whatevei. 'eaiife, antl-'iinderi)whatever pre-
I teficb)^Kytap^lyfr^-,,t!bKBfoP<tf| with care to, entertain
the ' un.ipftt|hap.piiy ■ rerefeblidled. ■ No afliftance and
| protedlioh F ^3 * direhtly nor in'direElly,:
to tliofe|who-' wou'lft. prejudice one- or the other o f the
.cpntra&ng paa^'es. -
I I I . T h e 1 ctfjion. o f -lhc ci-devanijBcIgic provinces to the
French republic, ftipjlated by the third article ofhtliej
I treaty of- Campo! Eb.rr^p is here renewed -in tlie.mdft
formal ma that bis impel iakaind royal majefty,!
for hiinfelf and his fucceffors, as well in his' rifere as' in
I the' name o f thc'I'G'eyrh’aiiic ciftpirc, •jrcriqfthres; all his
rights and tides to which Jffialh;
be 'pO-ffeffed forhever,' in ftdi-fove'rcignty'-and property,
b y the French republic, with' alb .the territorial eftates
r belonging t-o them.
I There'ffiall lifcewife be 'given up to. the French republic,
by his imperial and royal majefty, and w ith .th e .
I formal confcnt o f the empire—
I 1 ft. T h e county of Faihcriflcin, with all its dependencies
I 2dly. T h e Fricfthal, and every thing, which belongs ;
to the houfe o f Au llria, on the left bank o f the Rhine,
|.b'Ctween'.'Zur'/.acIi and Bafte ;f*b%' French .Republic .
referving to lierfelf to yield this la ft country to the
Helvetic republic, '
L I I I . In the" fame mdn er, in renewing and confirming
the 6th arh'cle o f thetrcal.y of.Gampn Formio,
I his /maj'eftyisthe emperoi'-and kinge.lhall poffefs in fu l l .
fovereignty and property .the countries hereafter d e - .
figned, to w i t :— IJlria, Dalmatia, arid the Venetian
| ftates o f the A'driaitie dependent'thereon ;-.t!he mouths
I o f the Catsra, the city o f A once, the marfces- (les
gunes,) and Sfiereoiintr-y comprizedffietweeu the .hereditary
Rates o f the' emperor,'-the Adriatic ft a, .fed the
Ad ig e , from its quitting T y ro l to its embouchure in the
faid fea, the thakueg o f the Ad ig e ferving for a line
iofolinutatiori : alKl’ as th e . a<lopt iiig o f this line will
intcrCccl the towns o f 1 Verona .and-pParto jheg-n.y.yo, -
drawbridges-ffiall l ‘ ' 1 ’ ] the-middle-of them,
in order to mask their feparation.
IV . T h e agfeteSifeartrcle-of the trea^sof. .Gampo ■
Formio is in like manner renewed, fo far as obliges his
majefty. the'emperor', and. king to cede', to the, du$4'of,
Modena, as an indemnity for the country this prince
|and his heirs had in Italy.;,,fhe.^ BrifgMu, ivhich he
ftiall poffefs on the fame conditions^ as thofe in virtue
!of which he poffeffed ‘ he 'M odencfe.1
V . _ I t is alfo agreed) that his royal ;hrigjiriefs the-, j
grand duke o f Tufcany renounces for himfelf, his fuc- f
,ceffors and ■■ 1 duchy o f Tnfcatiy, . anil-.' ..
' _ 1 2 i't\