662 AP P ETNDT X T O VO L. m
republic and its allies, v iz. his'catfejîk majefty and the
15 itavian rejuhlic, all the poffi fiions and colonies v hich
refpêftively belonged to .them, and which have been
either occupied or conquered b y the Britilh forces
during , o f i||§|preferit war, with'the exception
o f ttfoe ifland o f Trinidad, and o f the D u tch
porôjhpits in the ifland o f Ceylon. •
IV . His 'catholic mâjëftÿ cedes and guarantees, in
full propertyfond fovereignty, the ifland o f Trinidad
to his Britannic;majefty. ; _ R v j » ^ _
V . T h e Batavian republic cedes and guarantees, ,-irr
fa ll p fo ÿ ïr tÿ and foyerèignty, to his Britannic majtfty
all the poffdfloris and eftablifhmentfe in the ifland o f
Ceylon, which previous to the war .belongedoto .the
republic o f the United Provinces,, or to the Du tch
E a ll India company. ■ g
V-I. T h e po.rt-bf the Qape o f Good Hope remains
to the Batavian repûbiic, in foil fovereignty, in the
fame, manner as it did previous to the war.— T h e Slips
‘ o f -eVery fcirifo bdonging to the. other contra&ing par-
tfekfhall be!allowed toériter- the faid port, .and- there
to purchafe what .provifions they may Hand in peed ofj;
as heretofore, without being liable to pay any other
impofts than fnch as the Batavian repubbc-compêls
the (hips o f its own nation to pay.
V I I . T h e territories*a ç d "pöffeffions' o f her moS
faithful raàjeBry ^ e hsàintâîned in their integrity, |fuch
as they were antecedent to .the war. Neveithelefs, the
boundaries o f French and Portuguefe Guiana are fixed
■ by 'th e river Arawari,'w hich empties itielf into the
Océan above Cape North, near the Hands Nuovo and
• Penetentia, about a degree and a third o f north latitude.
T hefe boundaries fliall run along" the river'
Arawari, from its mouth the moft diflantFrom Cape
.North; to -its fource, and afterwards on a-right line,
drawn from that fource to the R IO Branco towards the
weft. In confeqùerice the northern bank o f the river’
Arawari, from its moft diftant mouth to its fource; and
the territories that lie to the north o f the line .of the
boundaries, laid down as above, {hall belong in full
fovereignty. to the French- republic. T h e fouthern
bank of. the faid river, from th e ' lame mouth, and all
the. territories to .rife fotith o f the faid line, fhall belong,
to h e rm o ft. faithful majefty.—T h e navigation o f the
Twer A rawari, along the whole o f its courfe, Audi be
common to both nations.— T h e arrangements which
have been agreed upon between the courts p f Madrid
and Liflion, refpefting the fcttlement o f their bound-
aries in Europe, fliall neveithelefs be adhered to, conformably
to tlie ftipulations o f the treaty o f B a ll.
* iîy that jtreaty tlie. fmall province of Olivenza was ceded
to Spain, and the liver Guadiana ccnflituted the boundary between
Spain, and Portugal. B y ‘thé treaty between France 2nd'
pSrtugaT,'z<)th September rScif it was afTumcd *• that the
boundaries o f French and Portoguefe Guiana dial! be déter-
mined in future by the river Carapanatuba, which flows into..
ihp river Amazon, about a third of a degree o f north latitude
afore.foot Macapa.. .Thefe limits, fliall follow the coiiffc o f the '
V I I I : T h e territories, pofleffions, arid nightsfof.the
Sublime' Pörte jare maintained in .their, integrity, as
’ Lhey were Before the war.
IX . T h e republic o f the Seven Iflan d s is recog-
nifed. .
X . -The. iflands;,ó f Malta,-Gozet,vtmdr#ensind;al4alL
hg, reftoreefoto the- order ,0f|’StrtJdhn;bfoJef't}falempAO[<
be held on t-he fame conditions pfejyhic'h it' p.oflefled. -
them before the war, and under thpifollowfojjritjpula-
tions tv. ..
1 . T h e knights o f the order, whole languages flia ll:
contmuefoo fubfift after the dx’chaffge o P th e ratification
o f the prefent treaty, are invited tij return for
Malta as foon as the "exchange' fliall havé taken .place. 1
T h e y will there form - a general chapter, and proceed
to the eleftion o f a grand mafter, choferi froriiHamong 1
the natives o f the nation which preferVé fliëirrVIaln- 1
gu a g e * , jn le fs that eleftibri ft ) T.' [ " r 1 ■ ‘ V
fiflee tlie. exchangc-of ;the preliminaries. - I t is unSer-
ftoed that an Section made fubfequent to t'haf epoch. ’
fhall alone' h e cönficieïed valid,' to the exc'1 lfion o f an y "
Other that may .have taken place at any period pri&r to
that epoch. -
2. Thè'góvernmérits o f thé French republic si 3? o f
Great Britain; defiring to place the order and iflandiof
Malta in a ftate' o f entire independence, with refp'eft
to them, agree that there fliall not be in future either^
a French or Eriglifh language; arid that no individual"
belonging to either the one or the other o f thefe
powers fliall be admitted into the Order.
3 There fliall be eftabliflied a Mal 1 language,
-which fliall be fupported by the territorial revenues
and commercial duties of the ifland T his language
fhall- have its peculiar dignifies, an eftablifhment, arid
an hotel. Proofs o f nobility fhall not be neceflarj for
the admifiion o f knights, o f this language ; and they
fhall be moreover admiffible to all offices,; arid fhall
. g g g ca fll privileges, in the,fame manner-as tbe kiiightsc
or the other languages.- A t leaft ha lf of-thelrnunicipal,
adminiftrative, civil, judicial,- and other.' employments 1
depending on -.the government, fhall.be filled"by id--:
habitants o f the iflands o f Ma lta, G o zo.an d Comino.
4. T h e forces -of bis Britannic -majefty. fhall evacuate
the ifland and i t s ï g ’êpenclénciés ' within itliree.-
months from the éxcliaifgé |of thé ratifications, - or ;
föórier i f poffible. A t that epoch it fhall be given up
to the o rder; in itsfor.affoff 'ftaM' provided the gfahdp
mafter o.ri-cónfmiflaries, fully aiithbrifed' according too
river to its fource, ' whence they fliall- take u'dircftidni to'th'c-'i
grand chain of mountains, which - divide'ifolyéf.-two-rivers ;■ they
Ihalf follow the windings of that chain toVthc poi ri neaiefl Loij
Rio-Branco, between the fecond and third degree,north-of,,thc.
addition to the Spanifll part1 or S t Dor liSgo’Tf i
moored that Louifiana is-refigned to France1. - |
* A language here i right Of- clcflion;. as belonging,
to a particular .‘catholic nation. Thus,4a foej'lfoaltcfe. form,
the knights <hofetf in France were tty led o f the French lun- '
gnage, &c.
. the
A BIPrpw U IX TQ VO L. I* 663
Uje , foe jn tk |a fe a
•pofleffion •; irid tfoi^the force v luch^j^tp for .pf0),\f.dr;l
.by bie,-Sieuign.j1majefoy, as.i3 herea^rrffipj^ateimljj^ir
fo ha lf o f the garrifon at leaft fit til 1 e. alw n ;
compofed ' if riktive Maltefe:; foi bKe 're»ai.i 1 j*ithr
iQ^clty?^ UjfoUi1' -ijip tfoilfocon r t if ^ i nl be lt
continue to poffefs the languages (pojfeder les langues). 1 fo iltefe t 1 J1 dSJ'1' R ffifo.’ 1 lie
-coiti-mand i 1.1- chief o f the garrifoi 1, . is. well as the
nomination, o f ;t'ffe|oSsffi j s , fl 1’! pertain to. the grand
•mall 1 ; and fill: rigi lie c nnot refign,'.'ev 1. tem-
■ 1 *, exception fayoiif o f a,knight,, and in concur-
Tctitce with the advice o f -the council, o f the order. UiCfo-Nlaita, of
"Goizo;,; alw|Comiriq,. as- well S ...prefent arrange-'
rr ent, fliall t e placed under the protciilion and g,u^-
ranfoE|iX>f* ^ir^es , G je a f 3 in « u \ A r i Irrn, f tfoVi 1,
I lu f% a r id ;P r ‘uj®t. ^iT t P lT O l l v1," - - '
r , ..71, tfluMUtUPi, l’ tv o f for v iru ly jf the .iOapd c f
Malta, yv ifo, ti, .depeiidfjmies;. i f uroblainied.. . SB. jThe ports pf Malta (hall forijopened to tfoe copi-
pnpree and naMgsttSdii of alfon.rtioiyt. vlio 1I1JI9there
p a y . f o b ,1^,0deratc‘ ^uties : ijbmtfo Hi,,11 he
^felfodfo^the-Tultnation of the M.ltilc language,'' u,‘
fo lifitd P 1' j}iri/raph 3,; ti), til it of ,the ^eiW and
m.flita^yfeffablifoft 11' f the lfl^i d , s nul to tfoit
oFa gyntral L z 'i r t t n , , opener -idstfEfe Fdtesjof ^IbSrare pxc%)fod|from the
Tcm-<te®n|,fof jprieepi®^- papgtagfojjf., Witi j*,'; ,by
•raearA-of an, a|f,angienn'nii,to( lii 'pioi inod_*by the con-
trafting parties, the fyftem o f hoftilitied; which fpb-
St. John, or the powers poffeffing the languages, or
eoricufring in the compofition o f the order, Small have
10. T h e order, fhall be governed, both with efpeft
to. Ipiriffi^s - and;;,temporals, by the fame ftatutes
which were in force when the knights left the ifl , as
far as the prefent treaty .fhall not derogate from
them. , ^ t
j j T h e regulations contained in the j at igraph 3,
r, y, S, and 10, . fliall be converted into 'kjwd^aBtl
perpetual ftatutes of the order, in the cuftomary
man rer and the gran 1 math r ,''(o r if he fhall not 1 e
in the ifland at the time, o f its.reiteration to ithe order, -j
his reprefentative,) as well as his fuccelfors, fliall be
-Jjuut.d to take an oath for their punftiial obfervance.
12. His Sicilian majefty fliall be invited to fiirniih
'two thoufand men, natives, o f his ftates, to ferve in
gan-ifon o f tlie different; fpvtreffes o f the faid ifland?.
T h a t force fliall remain on.e year, to bear d.at-c. from-. I
their p s S f f l f f i ) the kn ig h ts ; and if at ..
tion o f this term,, the order fhoiild. not have, railed a
force' fufficient, in the judgment o f the gnarariteeiiig
powers, to garrifon the ifland-iand its dcpfoden.cies,
fnch as is fpecifiedrin the paragraph, the N e a p i | ^ ;;
troops fliall cpfotfinie there until, they fliall be ’ replaced
.by a force deemed,fufficient by the faid powers.
V . 13. T h e different powers ddigested in the 6th
paragraph, viz. France,- Great .Britain, A u flria , Spain,
Ruffia, and Pruffia, fhall be invited to accede to the
■ prefent flipiilatiojis.1
X I . T h e French troops fhall evacuate the kingdom
o f Naples and the Roman ftates ; the Englifh forces
fhall alfo evacuate Porto Ferrajo, and generally all the
| ipprts. and iflands wh ich th e y occu p y in th e 'MediteFX
I I . T h e evacuations, ceffions, and reftitutions,
Jlipiilated b y Ftlic prefent treaty, fhall be executed in
.Europe withm a month ; on the continent and feas o f
America .and A f r ic a ,. in , three months on the con-
tiuent and'fear, o f A fin, in the .fix months which fhall
follow the ratification o f the prefent,definitive tr e a ty ;
'except -in cafe o f a fpecial 1 efervation.
X I I I . In all cafes of rdlitution agreed upon by the
prefent treaty, the fortifications fhall be reftored ia
the condition they Uere in at the time o f figuing the
preliminaries; and..all the .works which fliall have been
■ cqnftrufted .fince thefr .occupation, -fhall emain untouched
I t is a reed’ efi 1 s, that in all tfoeltepate<l
,cafoiifoof AH)Xis;.U1'^ S illa4.rffe.L'-^llow’-^. to'tiie -iahabior
a term
’^ w h r e e y e a ^ j^ ^ ^ ^ i^ ^ ^ ^ K f t e 'r a ’tlfil^foP11 the
^_lheir,7pjpdgftjes, whe-
-«fer jy f them, before o r '-during
thei co. ti.riuarici qkj-tfoci.pj i^nti. warj .Mfotngl fohich'
terra o f^ ^ E : tngfojfhall. have fre a aytf.-entire
liberty to exereife- their religion, and to enjoy their
fortgn'Sk ; T h e fame power.-i g inted in the countries
I.I it 1 1 hereby teftpred; to aifl'.pe fons, whethei inhabitants.
or not, wlj'o fhall, have formed any eftablifh-
mmtsijfoere/iiduring the time that thoi'e .countries were
in the poiTeiiioi: of Great Britain.— A s to the in-
habitants.of the.-.cqu tries reftored or cede 1, it is hereby
agreed that no perfon-fhall, under any .pretence, be
profeeifted.,; d'ifturbed., or mole tied, either in perfon -or
property on accou t of-his j olitical conduft -or opinion;
on for Ills attachment' to any o f the contradiing pa 1 ties,
* 01 any account whatever, except debts contrafted with
individuals, it foi a 1 i ibfoq it to the prel nt tre ity.
XIV. A l l theft i, lefl eriions laid on either l«jep;uj in'
funds, -revenues; ,an'd credits, -of - what nature foever
they may be, .belonging to any o f the con.trafting
powers, or to their citizens or fubjecls, fhall' be taken ,
off immediately, after the iignature o f this . definitive -
treaty. .T h e decifipn o f all claims among the individuals
o f theRr,efpeftive ration ,.. fi r. debt , property, .
e fe f ts ;, or light -of any nature iwliatfoeyer, which
flioidifo according to received': ufages and the law o f
-naiipris;. be .prpffiiGed- a t tfie jj1 o f the peace, fhall
ibe. Ji, J tribunals ; in all- thofe
cafes fpeedy aiVrf .coriiplcat j u 11iee fliall be douevin the
^ §ntrie's wherein thofe claims fhall be' refpeffively
X V . Tliel fiflieries. on the coafts'of Newfoundland'
and .of- the adjacent iflands, and in the -gu lf o f St.
Lawrence, are repl'ac.ed on the ffame footing a^ithey