Bavid II King.; o f ( Scotland ^s.tekdnlprifoneir aft dr. a bloody,jfonfliEh
T ile ca^tedtal jwaa-* built-* iabotft”,fh« ^ {bellowed ^art,
-which belongsi-'tb^whatHi^-calted Ae«fia*ei^^Ma*6$ aschHe&qpe ; and
;is. hbw rephiribgrrat thsoexpshace of-the Bifbog .- ‘and-’ ^ h ^ e i :.iB f e me
b ranches#}! the wpolle®., manTtfa&iW' are ,^^sj;td^i'o'®tip;ti.. Burbam,
and r ’few‘4e ^ ^ ! t c a r e ts have „been! 'kt^y fm ad e th e re in a, kind of
Mofaic .form.' !
|i l § # d i t o n : on. £he river Tbfs, Sunderland at ftfhe's^odthy joijfehe
’Were;- and South S h ie ld® ,^ '^ iat o f the T P ie»‘ are f c ^ d r t ||t ( p 'n s
in the bifhopric, ’(for {brthelcqu®ty »of ,©uthams « ^ a ^ n C o n ly fl|gled
in th e -W rth iy il^ ^ tiS d e x ab lg ^ fiz e, trade, and 'jx0pI#'aK^*i#[agtIle-
Pool is q q iy a bathingFpfege-. A.
On the river T y n e ftaads “NeWcaftle, f©.i. termed - from f l| i'jfesSrefs
e r e a e d by Idw a fd ilv v This -fs-V largki a n d ^ ^ fe h ^ it® vw m ? ^ ’^®het
£ity, placed in thh centre, of-'the % ^ f e o c 4 l-,rBj.ne^ in-;the- .p o ttie s
o f Dur&bh-and l ^ r t h u m b e r l a i ^ w h i ^ h a ^ d p » f c ? d t i i r |v^ i ^ p l i e d
London and moft- o f the eaft and fouth T o p E n g la n d l^ ijth a fi^ fu e l;
which has perhaps' contributed m o r e - ;^ |^ ^ |.m a im f 4(t3iiresiiaif^^Sim-
merce, and confequenct wealth and' p&w.er t>f' thisj'Mn^do^, than l|h®y
other materia! or circumftance. T h e coal * fleets fometinpls| ambhnt
to .five hundred Tail; their -dtafi'on; is . a t ^ j & ^ a n d the- q u a ;|^ of
Jariow^and WiHingtda. Earen ti(s.- a,,-nurf|%bof#ffea;mq% th e ^raefe is
invaluable Iff l a i f f parts /©f -the; h^tth o n jli0 o d '.a^T ,#m - ^Sgfif^aris,
-loaded with coals,-and»p^ocsedia^towards t h e ^ o ^ w r i ^ i ^ ^ b e s ,
w ith o u t the-help» o f hbrfes' (Sr men, to. the3 g j e ^ T a r p r k ^ poffjthe
lk a n g e rp . Near Neweaftlei a^e-Wp^foubd quarries --of^grin^tftp-ne;
and many glafe-houfes firiokp a ro u n d {he.produ^ior^iof, w h ils t j^v e
been recency ofoemarkablrpuritys -Other export3,are,:pj'ckl&d falcon,
lead; felt, hatter, and fallow. T h e fpbprb -qf .Qatelhead -ftandpioe
the. fouth of th e ’Type-,» and: isto©Hpe<fted- with, Jthe -cky-yby^gitand
bridge. T h e {hops and crowded .ftreets.recal the idea ofTiOndon^but
thafeftdriare ;generidly narrow, fteep, and. incommodious v Is
| Berwiek-updn-Tweed "being oft the 'Scotilh fide of -the river, phall
be r e f e r ^ - f o r ' ^ i i » «£ 'ilfctf1 - The-chieif|'remaininj*
16 Go u gh 's Camden, iii, z j z . 17 St. Fond, Voyage en An gl. i. .163.
town ° f Cumberl
a n d , r i v p ^ S : J f © I t - f i l ami Caldew with
1 pjjffte jiOld< far<tl^'CariGns...remain ? .neay-jy entire. It is
^ * t^ ia ^ t-L u g n h a .y ia .<, but neither the caftle
nMiiQ4l%e^r,aWar^ 3 ^ ^% k ab lt&-^(<#'}ip'jghie6fma'njufa:<£tu4res are linens,
i^nh^.db^ljrrftlietk.^il, whips and fifh-hooks. The towp is little
e!i.6^y-,^ie^(5>B$^e^f^m tranfadlions in the '^pjjxeni:'
wafejp#l^£en^po®anrp apd- EngJaadJ f
W.-ViFS-,, all&u^try^^b^l^dingvih^ tjhp fil^limpUand beautiful features
aflyntm^&W'Wajps*' mapy;>t^^^Jp£^n@tt6 £ ",ahd jthp ..deieription. o f a
ffayrklas. ibeen^Wdjfafed tpIafceSt for-ithei, greater1 cieamefe of
CijeSl^fthenf tbeicapjtail}ofta county,, is plfo regarded,as the principal
tpjwiy^rn-' tSpiU^hv^lalesp it/.-feands upon, the- river Towy,, and, was
anciently; d.efendedjby, a (caftle pow demolilhed. The haven is {hallow,
atfiji the Jtradeipf; courfe^ not very -ppniiqeytible,. r -
Pembroke,- pn<a„ereek- o f JVfilfqrd Haven, is a- fmall town o f little
^^OaeRCla!E.vodJ.is‘• cefieemed» thejjiellief town o f j^ f e h Wales, for the
bBahfy, ©ff|i:hev,fituation, regularity o f the ftreets, and above all for the
grandeur ,of;the caftle, -onq:of,th.c moft magnifleent in Europe, founded
bys'E^ss^f‘4 '*'iI‘ ist* . Here was born Edward I I fu tp a ^ ed
of Caernarvon, .tWhpL- was /ip|tadd,ia,|ely»,.created the fir^ EngUftl
Prince! of; hi^' faU^e?- haring^equlyocally promifed to the vanquifh.
edljWellhja ’^inee^^orn in atheir own country, and wHo could not
fpeak'-one-vyjord of, E jg lifti/. ^IThe., toiyn has a qonjSderable trade with
Londqp»,JBriftol, Li^eijjjogl^apd Ireland;--and has a bgautiful,quay
alp rig- the { id e 'p f th e Menai, a ftreight between North Wales and
In a brief enumeration'of the p'Phieip&l edifices in England, the royal
pafeces-demapd of courfe -the firft attentioii'^Wirtdfbr-caftle, fituated
Gough’s Camden, iii. 175. For tile rivers, Houfman 30.
Gough’ s Camden,yi. 504. yo y. ’ 11 Pennant’ s Wales, ii- 223. 1 ay. '
■ VOL. I. • ' N _ on
C ities AMD
Tow ns.