55$ P O R T U G A L .
M anners
C ustoms.
C i v i l G e o g r a p h y ..,
Manners and Cuftems.— L anguag^f- iM e r a tu re .^E d u c a ti^ ^ - lln itterftiih .«**
7'f2ttiesaridTo&ns*—Edjfites»^Roads.^IniandNayigation.~AiMufamires an#
: Commerce.
n P H E manners and cuftoms of the Portuguefe ;are!
-*■ Into thofe df the northern and fouthern provinces, ibis' fofriier
teing more induftnous and fincere-, the latter more pblite ahd in'dolfeht.
In general the Portuguefe are an elegant' race» with' 'regular Hfcaturcs*
embrowned by the fun, and dark expreflive eyesv : The prejudicfe? of
nobility are as common, and pernicious in Portugal as inBpain f her is
that general intereoutie found which imparts 'fcabwledge ah«? Vigour
fociety. All ranks feem fond of retirement 'ahd?'lllefe4 i aticPdittle ihi
•dined to facial pleafunes. The women are c^irmd!n|jr ef fiflaH flkture,
yet graceful and beautifoL lake other fouthern MtleWs, Porths-
guefe efteera a plump roundnefs ofithe limbs'; hbr is the green:’of
rather fea-green, eye fo much applauded by the European ^eetshPthe
middle ages, without its ihare of modern admiration.*' l^Mfes1‘of fknk
ftill imitate the induftry of their anfceftors in fpim^ng flax from-the
diftaff; and the oriental manner of fitting On cufliiobs on the flbtfe{is
-.often pra&ifed. The chefs refembles the Spanifh, but the; meh
Ae French, with the exceptioni of a largo .loofe cloa-kv’ The' ^yeafantry
remain miferable yaffals of the iBidalgos, be gentlemen/''
In diet -the Portuguefe are temperate, Or father-abftemib&s j anci
fhe beauty of the climate induces fhf m Jto fpeod mofl^of their time in
•die open air, a houle being little more than a jcdnveiriienfcy to deep in.
’ ' Murphy, 139. The French poets are' full of yeux verck Drummond' of Hawthornden
'.(Letters, p. 252.) praifes the green ey e; which is ftill found even in the Orkneys, as .appears from
the,Traaia£tion8 of the.Scotiih Antiquaries, rol. i. *
C H A P . III. | C IV I L G E O G R A P H Y. j l i
• T h e games. are billiards, cards, anddic&flh T h e common people fence Marker.
.whh a quarter fta ff; but the chidAmufeme«t.copfiftsria.the bull fights, E f e *
already^ d e f e r r e d in th e account of, Spain. The arts and fciences; are
almoftr entirely p e g le a e d , except by-a few among the-clergy. , j
' T h e Portuguefe languageus- more remotefiffan .th at o f Cafiille th a n Language;
ttiifh t b e > expected fiqo m «hbicireutiiftances.;. As the royal race was o f
f r e n c h e ^ tra g tjjh is foppbfedi tltat many o f the-Words are derived from'
f e rE im p f ib f r h k grave and
- folemn fpeeoh 5 i hut, .Would -been little-known am<mg foreigners,
h§ d . it-, n p t^ te ^ ! diHifed b y fibe . f ^ e i o f J^ fiad j, -
literature ^ P m rm ^ » a y - r b ^ / a i^ y o -cqgupepce w ith D c ^ tfie Litmtur?.
fixth Sovereign, who- a c tiv a te d ^poetry belles lettres, and
fg u n d e ^ th e univet^ty,-o£ Spimbra, In h i^ reign lived Yafco Lobeira,
W ^g J^ 'fa id .to thy, original aptfiof cf; that,, faicmus romance
Arnadis de Gaula. I n .m o r e j j y g e r j ^ S a a d a Mirania;has acquire^
reputation ip paftoral poetry. ( Tb&p.hief.hiftorians. are Joj*p de Barros^
Trt Oferio hfihۤ) a f
Sylvtes, Duarte R ib e im de iMapedof th e v e rita b le Battholonaeo d o
^ y a r ta h . an d the fount-de- Eraeeira.1 ' A m o n g .th ^ posts iard-celebraAed:
Camoens, Digo ;Bernardes>‘ Ahfobip Bafhoza., B aeekr, ! and Gabriel ^
Pereira : tw o -d r a p ^ tic .jWrit^Fs;tare. ^lfq.ifientiOPedv, Vioepto Aptohio
Jofephar,. whqfe
cabled i Poituguefe; PdaSmhtate-.: % In."
gyiftred h ijid e l| hti .tfee .h y m n in g -of ;the; fijateeaath'l^ntury.-. -|ate
yyart .natur&hf»ft®?y fibgids t o b o allittle fludied : but Pd&ugs&is the
laft o f natioois in tiaatodepM^menta:>:<
Education,feems greatly Aegleaed; In Portugalv rkkig h - the u p iv e r& y • Educstio»'.
o f Goinibra be o fu n c ie iit date.*:; Thast o f'E v o ra was fbppdsed in 1553 } Universes,:
and a college at'-.'Mafra m ¥ 8 y a lih ^ d em y * l^ § f recgpf
e seSion, and the duftgn-aff^r^ tto:odiifid|a-abfe pa^i® utility^ t-:
l if b o n , the capital city o f Portugal, was. M l ^ ^ t h e japcieulf'tilyfe.fees.and' f
%pO|i«n(l thfi fobndat^htfehufenfly aferihed.trtfUayifesi; , T h e Situation
isg ra n d ,, on the ,po«th fide-of-the ® 0pth o f th e T^o* 9 fd is lfeelt^»?d op
■, ;®JSturphy,