C h a p . " ! . .h i s t o r i c a l g e o g r a p h y . 443
Roman?.;: BudzaG^ftrhBeflarbia, was a 5country o f the G e t» and Names, &c.
^ g tte ih ii* !»WlfesK-ia''.-w^sjaHefla .ancient .Ba c iaps; while ?
D u lg a fk s dni#<§4S.^of4 he* B la id te ;|mhfag;es. n e a rly 'th e t;wo. provinces o'f
jVfeftilO R cp ie ^ i, ^|jfi-it6ry|! snnt^iqs ancient pfhracra, Paeonia,
Maeedonijaf:sarjd\fhexsh^th^rn p a r t - o l j t ^ ^ l ^ ^ B c o u n f r y o f Greece ;
,tiyl$itecth'elM.orea ‘is$j^My$lej^vrtph, thela^eientj T o the
W«:-'of R q ^ e ljtf4 ^ e ^ ^ d ^ t|!4 fe |;h k ; i kingdom o f ,
-Epiru8.,.q-Qh'a§ '© ^ and arpart o f ■ U lyricup.^ Ddmatia-'rfetW
ap pellation': w h il^ ^& g y i^ and RofniM're^refent^k'dcifint. Paqnonia.
>Turkiih1.Qroataaij raoft w d fe rn ln ^ y ^G d n ltth e fdm js jr e , alfo'forms
:a.gQ?tibn,of a® d ^ t /^ n |ipm ^ ,':y^h.'peEhaps arf®allAdiftri<3: o f N@ri©um • '
.but the T-urkilhjjpart o f GrQa^,il''adi&M utii^e,pi,p ^ & ^ ip'Bput'4 6 ,tuil^
in ile n g th by, 2@ ip ,% e a ^ j^H m |te d .b y theMvdr^&Ve ton- the’ north,, and
ip ^ t ly i^ - th ^ r iv e r Unna pn the.^hfi:.!,-f'
■n I n recent times, T u rk ey ha^Joft the J sm ^ c a s® ,th e ,, Krim* and new
•Serviai .wljichV.with* fey e ra f Afiatic :^iftn^,„haye -he ,CQme vfubje,£l to
oRuffiaij. and,;on the Wy^ Tranfylv^nia,/ .Sckvqnia,.) yvitU| the..f>tuc,kqv in
■-aiparfofcMqldayiaji.andya great part of.Croatia, have fallen under the
p ow e r o f Auftria.
v- -,Turkey .in Europe extends;about 870 miles, in , leiigth,; from -the Exteat,
mo rth ern .boundary o f .Moldavia, to Cape Matapan in the- Morea. T h e
b re a d th ,,from the river U n n a to Conftantinople, is .about 68q*Britilh
miles. T h e eaftern .and -Jfouthern bounda rie s, are .fprmed by the
. Eu x in e or.,Black ffea,, the»\fea) o f Marmora,«the .Archipelago, and the
Mediterranean. T h e utmoft n o fth e tti iirnft, ils^p y y ^ th q ^y ^ ! Dniener |
tb u f th e weftern o fte n , confifts o f an arbitrary lipe, ,and is ,fometimes
fupplibd b y rivers ori inquntams,. .
T h e original population of, td u s ^ e t^ ire chiefly .fprung .from th e original f*o-
ancient Scythians; on. the JiuXine, the.^prqgerutorSsof ltlie Dacians, P'^311'5“1
jjtj|a ,acians,. & q .. and; e v e n -o f ,. the . Greeks. . Thefe, were* originally
hleuded, towards, th g norjth, .with many Sarmatic. or Slavonic f r ib q s :
ap d on th e fa ll of t|ie ,R om an empire.,the latter fpreatf mOre’ ahdrmore -
towards the fouth, fo that nearly one h a lf "of m e population may'now
, be regarded as Slavonic; h u t Walachia is fuppofed tp contain many aes*,^
.^ g p d an ts o f the 'anc ient1 Roman. fettlersfia Dacia. - The e x te n t'o f the
' i L a ” J u rk ifli