" 'liïo ta s« ..; 3» St. Stephen firft king of Hungary, A. D. i oöo,‘ The crown is-
partly/eleöive, and, partly bepeèitary; and-/ai8ioag itften chief hHföridal
events are the wars in Palmaria, againft the Venetians/> .
4. Laats I,.fiM:»a*ned the.great, A. D. r.343}; f^bdafes^aigseaCpkrt'Sof
Palmatia, and earrieshis arms j into Italy. He was. foccpe<§é,è byhis'
daughter Mary, who was ftyled King of Hungary;. but dying 1392,
the : fac£<pfi;pn heqainif f^j|trave^;e,cl, awd at :daft ,j tei|nrinated:;an ja|ie,’
election of Sigifmond, marquLhj©f ..Brapdenburgy who had- weddfjl)
Mary the hèirëfs. In 1411 he was chofén emperor o f Gèrmaqy.
get Albert of Auftriat haying wedded: :Lltz%heth; tiypjfll^t^j- ójflSi^iC
mond, was, with her, crowned king and qucep; o f Hungary, 1 4 4 ^
an event, w&ich forms the earlieft bafts „of the Auftrian^ cjairn tp 'the.
Hungarian monarchy. Upon thedea|ftdpf Albert, Ladiflas, -kingpofj
Poland^ is alfo chofeu king; of Hungary, ‘h u t ’^eit battle of
Wema againft the Turks. Thp .famous John Hunniades is appointed,
regent of*the kingdom^] j
; 6. On the death of anotherLadiflas, the ppfthitmous fon p£ Albert
of, Auftria, 1^,145^; the celehfrated. Mathias Cprviniji^,, foujof Hun?
niadesf i s proclaimed king of Hungary by the ftates, alfembled in-$he;
plain ofTJakos, neaikPeft. In 1485 jfei/eked Vienna, and;"fthp gther.-
Auftriaa ftates, and retained them tiH* his death 1,4-90. ; Mathia,st
was the greateft prince who had e.ver held , thp Hungarian. fceptre,. t
brave, prudent, generous, the T&iend of :a/ts and- letters*. and'aj'map. o f
fetters himfelft, He founded a, magnificent library at Buda, and fur-.
nilhed it., with the beft Greek and Larin..books, and many valuable;
7. After repeated contefts, thehóüfe o f Auftria-ag^^ rii|:pne
o f Hungary, ip the perfon- of Eerdinand, 152.7, but .towards the end o f
his reign the Tuyks feized qn the greater part o f ,this kingdom.On ,
his being cbofen> emperor of Germany, Ferdinand1 retained thei. erewn;
of Hungary till 1563, when he refigned it to his fon Maximilian.;, and;
it has fin'oe^continued:a-cpuftant appanage of thé houfe.of Auftria,..
The grand-duchy ,,of; Tranfylvankj pyas-, cpnfidered, as a part. of.
Hungary till 1549,;.when, in confequence.of a..treaty between the-
Vaivod, and Eerdinand o f Auftria, Tranfylvania.. began, to he. regarded.
m m 1 1 fSI : 1 1 1 1 s \
as a * diiiimft! date.' I Stephen Battorif harvingirbeeri elefted prince of
Traiéff 1'vanié' in 1571, that ‘ffaöiily • conriuiied' to ftóld this petty fo - ''
vereighty till* l-6o*2\< after whic'hfe^drintïëd*Tdhjpdt'töffeveral eleSrive-
princefe’o f ■ Abtoift mÊ mOft^difti^uifeed Was“ Éfethlèfïi Gabotf, or Ga-
brfeS^Betlem, ’ aivnohlp1 HüngaH^éi,!awdf a?*©alviriift, ?who eompsëred a-
great pkrt ó f H ungaryii5ó ï ö-fp/ktidjj cfi 'ed’ t>o2^1 «Thè' laft prince of
Tfanfylvania was MlfS9 el~J AfoaffV' the!T||^d^^f'.thatf'na^e, who.
^ielfgd IhëilföVëreïgntyA^^h'Êfipuiperor iiïvróp^ fthce Which pdriocE-
this eóu'ntry hasTorftfedsa part%f’thp’|Auftriah; dominions.’ ?
'*l|| Thé h if tó r ic J r 'e ^ o ^ ip f t t^ k in ^ ö S S f .B o h e ^ k ^ e ^ mprev at-
In-'the1 fdfoenrir-cen-titiry thè^ SMv©ft^'' ‘onu Bblfentia ’Weréruled
'bykhiefs^ ■
who’ embraced iShfiffianity’in* the'^yearVS^. Ift’tH^éleyënfh,;‘éentury
Bretiflas fuHdhèd»ihe‘littlè atij ac'éntf ^ingdo-mi'of Moravia.
- 2^ Vratiflasidhke 'óf Böhéiiïi^i^oiioured With tSrrègaf‘®Vby jft®'
emperor Hénry IV irrré^fH whir atJthè-Tamejti^£,lnV'^ed, With
the dotnanib óf U&fatfa, -Mp^Sviaifaöa 'Sifefia.’ Êüt this1 %Afty Was. -
peffönal; 'affd the'cÓhffant riftö ó f k in # (ë^ .^ a lè f fiorft II in
irgo. "•Hé and hi^lftipa^diat^ hic'dèflérsj'afe %fe^Qt®^ari,T||^their
zéal itfthe c^ifS 'ofthe1 emffé^ÖFHét'o. j
3. One pf the radft ' reriówned monarchs- was another F^nïflas-
^ItoeSfV Wh?o;-afcendé!f thèfthóonè ïn 1253, feï^fedA|/hia, and^Sfirih,
AnH other provinées io the feu th, and^ chrried'hls aMös into.Prilffia.^ In
127X he refufed. the imperial crown, which was afterwards given tq
Rodolph count of Haplburg, who infiftlng on the reftitution of the -
Auftrian ftates-, Otfocar faid that he had paid Rodolph his wages, and '
öwed him nothing : for that count had b é l n ^ ’HaTcchïl,^!)^matter o f
ftie horfe. A recofifcilktiorf-was' effected by matrimonial. Miancek, and
by Ottocar’s rfeceivift^thn inveftiture' of Bohemia, and hfeHyia" w 'r e --
nouncing Auftria, Stifia",: and Carinthia. H isB n ^ ^ c è lgW a s -d ^ e c r -
king of Pblknd; but refufedthe feeptreof Hhugary m fayour óf hfsfon.
4. ‘Thé” ancient liheage having f a i lè ^ |p ïn k b fe f pFjLuxemh^g..
who had. married a^ daughter, of Bohemia,. became.' ki^fefe aoft ■
! I - w a s i '