H essia. ■
M eceeen-
- of his work, 'anij may be recommended to the reader who . wiïhes for
ample details.
In this fecondary v iew o f thè north of Germany the firft place mu ft
■ be affigned to Heflia, a country of no mean extent nor fame. Some
diftrids, as. ufual, being affigned to | princes- of the family, the ruling
Hate is denominated Heffe Gaffel, fo called from the capital. This 'ter-
ritory is about Bo BritiCh miles in .length,-and nearly the fame in breadth :
miles fquare, 2,76:0, with 750,000 inhabitants ,* military force 12,000.
The derivation.of H-effi from the anciënt Catti is arbitrary; and it is
now conceived to originate from the river Effe, which runs into the
Fulda :. but this land was a feat of the ancient Gattians. | This- country
is generally mountainous ; but there are many pleafant vales, fometimes
containing, vineyards, and fields fertile in corn and pafturage. It
abounds in game and fiffi, and there are many foffils and minerals : the
fands of the Eder contain particfe jfgnlpjfflw and was .formerly a
mine o f that metal, hut of finall aiccopilt, near Ffiau^cahetg.’ There
are alfo found filver, copper, lead, ahim; vitripl,; efial,; fine .èlnys,, with
veins of marble and alabafter, and fome; medieifiaF Maters..- ; Detached
parts are watered by the Rhine-and the Mayn ; the. fmafter fivers are
very numerous. There are flat es of thjree orders; moties, clergy*,, and
burgeffes from Caffel, Marburg, and other towns. Th a. fehgjtphl is fh^
reformed, with two or three fuperintendants. The Mhiverfities are
thofe of Marburg and Rinteln, and thatiOf Heffe
Darmftadt, ruled by another branch of the family. There is fame- tiade
from the natural produis, and a few manufaduresof lineig-Slath, hats,
. ftockings, &c. The chief city is Gaffel, which’ co®taîiia,^tw)Ufc
inhabitants,’ and is pleafing, though often injured by war ; the Heffians
being More remarkable for expofing their lives abroad, than for a vigo-,
rous defence of their native country. Hanau is - all’o a confiderable
place ; and the country fo called, is firppofed to contain 100,000 fouls.
The duchy of Mecklenburg is firppofed to contain " 4,800 fquare
miles, with 375,000 inhabitants, or by Hoeek’s account 300,000. It
is divided into two parts, known by the additions of Schwerin and
Guftro, full of lakes, heaths, and marfhes ; and the foil being fandy,
I Ho eck fays 700,184, including Hefs-Darmftadt.
Sr1 it i f I
■IffP— I P m m
produces little but rye and oats, yet many parts might be capable of Mecklen-
great improvement.* This country was long, poffefled by the Veneti, “v*c*
or Wends, being the furtheft weftern fettlement of that Slavonic- nation ; . |
and thq.peafaptrs.-remaip^irr, ,a Hates of fêrv^tüde; ,as was the; cafe in Denmark:,
and many parts,,of Germanys^|Tbe ftates,.oqnfifting of qobility
ai)d h^rgeffeSy afp-affemhled^y^irjy tq regulate the taxation^ The religion
jLpthqçaiï, -with fix fuperintendants ; and an univerfity at
Roftppk., Thq mamifa£turessvaa-e.4jivoql and tqb^cco; the exports,-partly -
bÿ Lubèc partly by Hamburg,,are grain, flax, hemp, hqps-, wax,, honey;
cattle-, butter, cheefe,aforks, feathers, dried geeffi, fallow, linfeed, wool,
and timbe^sm.Thfe;-ru1iiBgiffa^%sodeicendi§i,,frpgVdM'^M4r^n!edie;tf9¥e-
r.ejgçs. , -.The #hi$nçh) Mep,]^nh4rg>,S^gl;h2>^gatï5ini the ?e,nd ©f the -
fevpnteenth century,-*ad Ratzb^UiFg, l^targard,> ptfief provinces.,
B runswick.
inhabitants ; ■ the.’cteef reit.y: being: . 'Brunswick, i-whieh/eohmiftS'
2 2 iÿè&c»v:but his terMory^scafiëdthb-priB'feipaityiOf Wolféhlÿuttdïfrôm-a ,
man geography; being itfelf enchafedinithe'fele^Ora¥e‘-;of■'Hanover,- while
Æhejbifhoprick of Hildefheim, and tfiffieowitr-y ’ofTialberftadt', pèrvade ,
the centre fife Woffentiittel,- !,The duke of Br-iïnfwick ‘fharës a paft-df
the Hartz,’and its’important rriinM:^ -and the 'reft ’ of' thëa&ùnhy re-
fëmbtehitÈéî ’efe^tifStè of-HàfiovteîvT;
Ganderfheim of "the
princcfs of the family. There are feveral finall manu-faâüres ; and the
ftrong .beer of Brûnfwick, called murh, is - exporté from -Hambufgh.
The ele&oral family, and the dhkesMf'Bïûnï^dd; HàHke lpHtrglffom
Magnusr the pious 1463; but the-lafting^Uivifion -bf ;tjhe'jlrindpaffiles
of Brûnfwick Ldnéburg, ahd BrunfWick WolfeUbuttél, müft'Se'thrcedf
from i^ïb'Tevëhfèefith century, y-The former branch1 having' afcdridecf
* Rielbeck, iii. 69. oBfervts-tkat MecklinKu g is more d-iverfified with -woods, lakes, &c. than
BrandeAurgj.fhop|K#hsî»»laS:.*io; appearance-; o f a hill , in/either. ; H e fays,' ib:- 12 3, that from f
Hamburgh £0 Hanover ialmoft the whole 'cbiintry is a. deep' fand.
f Re.ç'ciitly exchanged with Hanover fo r another d iln f t : T h e clear produft o f thé mines o f
,-the Ha rtz -is computed at 45-3,000 dollars. T he dollar may in general beefliimàtéd at 3s. 4d.,'
, and the florin at 2S. Tables at thé end o f Putter, Sun '•