: Botakv. Several remarkable, plants, inhabitants ,o£the- ^u-^mn^f^^hnops,
. arrange - themfelves under the Linnaean clafsfp.ofyandria ; amog tliefvSf ■
may be diftinguifhed two fpeciésóf Adonis.’or,phca/anf s eye, the a. rm-
- mata and flammea, adorning the fallows with their fgarlet petals j papaver
alpinus, alpine peppy, remarkable by its fnow-yrhite flowers;
anemone alpina and narciffifolia, mountain znd. narciffus-leaved anemo?ie ■,
helleborus viridis, bears-Jooi hellebore ; H., niger? Cbriflmas rofe\ and
H. byemalis, w inter aconite; ranunculus alpeftrjs, • white-flowered
mountain ranunculus \ and R, 4liyti#if| a#fio1t eieg^nt plant with-yellow
bleflbms, and glaucous hairy leaves : potentilla caülefeêns ; P. Clufiana,
a handfome plant with white flowers ; and P. nitida, eonfpicuous for
its beautiful fleflr-coloured petals, and its glaucous leaves':,, atragene
alpina^ adopted inlet our flower-gardens ; sofa alpin-a^tyz// alpim rofe-\
.clematis integrifoHa, entire-leaned wrgm£ikgmii*„ apd. i fbiBfi 'Regies (
aconite or -monkfhood, A« napeltes, A. lycodto&um, A. ‘ anth®t&y>arid
A. cammarum, the largeft and moft fhowy o f the whole gimusj; >nym-
phèa lotos, the faered lotas of Egypt and India, has alfo jof late been
found in £bme lakes in Hungary.
The galeated or didynamious plants of Auftria are not very .numerous
; efthefe the followings are the chief, digitalis ;ambigi^<antorhir
»am- alpinum; falvia Auftrkea, fylveftris, and oethiopis ; pedicularis
roftrata and Verticillata and the. rofemary, refraarinus-officinalis.;
- The perennial ftmibby plants may bè' divided intoii’the^ flowering,
flirubs, the fruit-bearing, and the foreft trees. Of the former clafs
feme, as the laburnum, have been.already mentioned, thevreft with the
exception of erica carnea, jlejb-cdeured heath ; fyringa vulgaris, /iZ?r;
and tamarix Germanica, German tamarifh, are fearcely interefting ex- -
dept to batanifts. The common fruit-trees, o f Europe are largely * c^i-
tivated in the provinces of Auftria, but their lift óf native fruits s ia vêjry
fcanty, the following are the chief; ribes alpinum, mountain cUrrant;
pyrus nivalis; J pyrus cydonia, quince j forbus domeftica, the fervio e;
mefpilus cotoneafter, media? ; prunus, cerafus, black cberfy i
■hird-cberry. - The foreft trees are loranthus europams.; ulmus cam-
peftris, the dm ; ulmus difiufus, the noych elm \ tilia europsea, lime tree- j
■tfetula ‘aljb^land' M i i lW r a . and lWdtr^\ quer eu sArobur,' and cems^
.common a'nfl' pricklyifi$ppM fodk ; r i f u s " ^ e p i n u f e ; jugfans''regia,'
’ ■wahjut ;'*cfagus*caffih?ca and ■^Jvatrc’a'',' lh ij$ iu t and -btfeeb y catpinus
bhbuMI,W^^«OT';|^^^ifs^o1fl|y% p o p u a n d tremula,
black and w h itd jflb p ld n and fdffle% acer pfefl&ojpfatahu^ and1 campgftris,
fffiM o r e HitWyndpll; 'fra^nust eppdfi pihusf Lylveftrisj' abies,
ppltafy and larix;nHe^tofe, ihc'j/i/ , '\\leytS fa -ltflflid p f, ahdihe7lzftf&. '
The ddhieftic animals in’jthefAu'ftfiaril d’biminuras'alfe, commonly excellent,
p‘arti'(Mariy^tn^Caitfe^g A^difdlHj^.fd a late "traveller10 the Hiitn4
gatian horfes have’been cirancCftflA emmated’from the fpiritedeavalry
ftipplied by 'dthfei Regions, Vhilefflre native iDKedjalf very! fmaflpa-nd'tfae
ftallidns 'ind'mrdefd' 'mares^areifo^ei^ni^ 10flany o fih e native,nolle!Tun'
c^^sin'great nurnb^ts fat the; f k i ¥ s ,e b e f o f 4 ’have- fufi.
rered any 'fubje&ion. The breed’ of cattle is moftly'of a Angular e&llar,.
a flaty blue ;\andrth£'HaBgp^n,inj^p^r^fembI'e the Walachian in their
long erect fpiral norps,1 a^.jlqtiaent; hairy fleece.. I^tMfweftejn’paits
.of’the AuftrianToYbreignty, the animals d'd; rldt|feem tO\be,uiflied
from tbo'le' o f other parts'of Germahyi:^s
The large* breedyof wild caftle^i called1 ^HWoi/PifonL ^ i's'laiil'to- be
'fhfe ’Carpathian :forefts, 'asfwetl1 # 1 in. thofe"16f\Eithuahia vand
Cduc^us*;|/Among! *tlie'i:fer4ciomr‘'or ’ wild^ qpadru^eds^*Miy^alfof}l^‘
named the bear,*the hoafi‘the\Vvoli, the diamois,'me ‘rfiarinpt,,.and the
beliver. j Among the larger thelbuft^rd. 'and4 pe'lida'h’ "are fotnd J df
th e ’moft uncommon; and Cafhiol'a i^bj^^s'dliefmxixfylveftris,'.the
tetrao nemehanus,' the fturnus collaris, the ertiberi^za'.! barbata and. bril-.
milis,'the motacHla-of three uncommon kinds} the’hirundo;"rtipeftris,
tl|e addea alba, the 'meigus setHiopS^uiVee^ kinds^of rtHe5 laMis^and the
anas fubterranca.11 Evefr-Auftria claiids fomse* bit ds ra lier'pdculiar, as
four-*Udcommlon kindS’Ofith.e falcony the'-ftrix/fabauritaylthe ’moihcilla
dutn'etorum, the parus pendulinu^tlieinpratincola krameria, andjper-
haps others. The Danube alfoyhoaftit of fome flfhes fe 1 dom,,fbhn;d'|n.’
other rivers, among which*is a fmall and delicate fbrt pf?faMidm-. >T<^
enumerate uncommon infedits’twould Ijidfoq .xninute.'a labour Tor 'the
defigh of the prefent .work ; hut fbt-> thofe of .Hungary theuiavelslou
Hr. Tawnfod maybe coafulted. ft
f f TownfiiB, <130. f ’’ 111 Pennant, Brit. Zo ol. ii. Appen.
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