p j É
Not fa* to the weft-l#®© mouth of which firflf. receives
that'name when its two fources, the Werra - and the Fulda,join near
Munden in the principality ©f Calenburg, about 16 Britilh miles S. W.'
ófGóttingén. The Werra fprings in the principality of Hildburg^
häufen j and the Fnlda in the territories of the-bilhoprick fó-called ; the
former having the longeft courfe, and being juftly confidered as the
chief fourCe of the Wefer, which thus iflows , «bdüt 270 Britilh tódesf
The principal towns on this river are Bevern, Minden, andBremen ; the
Rhine alone boafting of numerous cities on its banks. • The' iehief fri-
butary ftream is the Aller from the duchy of Brunfwiek. a.;The imm-:
dations of the Wefer are terrible, the adjacent towns and vHlages-leem-
ing to form iflands in the fea: hence the fhores are eftéemed unhealthy.
The Ems is an unimportant river*, which rifes in' the,'bilhopric of
Munftër. The fources and mouths’ of the ’’Rkihe’have'Ve'&b. already
delcrihed. This noble river forms the grand ancient- barrier between-
France and Germany ; and its courfe may be computed :'S'f about
600 Britilh miles. On the German fide it is diverfifféd with äSctüa-
tains and rocks; but from Bafel to Spire ’the Ihofes are flat and uötrif
terefting.* Near Mentz they become rich, variegated^ and grand ;
and on the confluence with the Mayn the waters are diftinguifliable. for
many leagues. - The Rhinegau is not only celebrated, foil-itsj" wines*
but for the romantic appearance of theucouritry/ tbei* äiver i-rünuing.
through wild rocks- crowned with majeftic cafties. -.Hence as: far as
Bonn the Ihores abound with beautiful and ftriking objects, the Rhine
not feeming to alfume his grandeur till after his junction with the
In the fouthern part of Germany the moft important river is the
Danube, which according to the common opinion rifes near the little
town of Donefchingen in Suabia, and Count Maffigli has engraved the
fprings; but fome place the fources a little further to the north.* This
* Gardner’ s Views on the Rhine.
3 lb . Riefbeck, iii. 261. obferves that the hills extend to near C o lo g n e .b u t lower than thole
to the fouth of Mentz. A t Cologne end the dominions o f the German Bacchus.
f T h e Brege is in fact the longer current, y e t it is laid to "fall into the Danube,
hpble river becomfeV navigable* a' Iklle^bove Ul'm, where it receives th e RimW
fle r.* * T h e pi^xr tfitMtaty* ’ Ifrea'm? of*'consequence is The Lech, which :
comes ^fronf 'T y ro l^ a ftream -diftMTuiffied- id the-feat o f th e recent war ;
as is the Iferj ^pfQeee(|inWftr&ip U pper BavaVial T h e Danube runs
about '2^Qvmi’lesTnrhugh lfi®?| part o f G.erm-any, paffmg by Ratifbo'm
and Paflau. T o Orlova if'm ay be 'cbjfiftddihd' as4 an Auftriafi river
for a b o u t,5 J0 mi}es ; thence ifriS Tur.kifh for JE u x i ne.
,The Necker is a (tributary ©B t^e Rhine, riling in the Black Necker.
Foyelk,not far from -the Danube» and fQpjning a pfiSturefque ,;c'o,urfe of '
about I550 Briti^ tojjis,through a ^cjonntey ya-rfegated,; with vineyards.
Another, and grander tributary ’ftream of the. R-M'rie-‘fprings from the
Jaiie of Fishtel Seje, on the; moUntainfm'FihhtelbergJ fefteemed a-mong^the
moft elev^tgd parts of G^rrpany, a sfitf iy^ fQufceMijfQnryrivers .running
in various dirediqns, the May^to.;t|i.e W., ,the^ Eger- tooths.E.,
the Sala t# thbN., and ' the Nab-to the iiS.;£Tm^fource;ds1'c*illed;the
White.,Mayn 5 while aaotherTpl^ee the RedoMayn||jfe^riilled frpm f e
red 'play-through which ijt ’ffotys^rife-mear Haernlfinfreuth, in-the principality
of, JJareuth. The Mayn,^ after and Maya»
other considerable ftream^, joins the Rhine to the-ff. ,of Mentz| The.,
Mayn is a muddy ftream, but,abounds with, trout, carp, and o theffifh.
After pervading the rich, biJh^miek&of B^c^,e|g and WurtzHurg,Tand
fome territories of the, fep of Mentz, it waters, tbps walb»:pfE|ahkfi5rt, -
formerly a, city of celebrated trade ; and has^ret^ntfy acg[u|ml|^efti
importance from being-confidered by, German ^olBimai^s(J ^ a f^athraI
boundary betweenithe power of PrufGa in .the N.|jM^ermany,,a^d that
.of Auftriain .the.SL
To'thy north of the Mayn Germany prefen,ts few- lakes,the., lasgeft -Rakes»
being in the duchy of Mecklenburg, where;tbg)d^|pof,Plan extends^
.under various names about 25 Britilh miles, in lengrfchy 6 imbrekdth;» -
that of Schwerin is about 18 miles afttatajb» while that pf Ratzbuyg. is
I j. Next is one in the coudty of Diepholjz^ahd^annihei in tffe^sounty
©£ Mansfeldt in Upper S a x o n ^ |Ia .the- more^pfhern and Alpine
region's5 the Boden See, or lake pfCoftftance,fe| the inp^fdiftjhgiiiifliea
expaDfe of water, already deferibed under Swifterlapd. 'Next-is
E h , H H H H H H B 1 Chidnfe