infcfib,ed with Runic characters, fomd of which are as recent as the
Tl£s* * fifteenth century, and npne of- them capjTafely 'be dated more anciently
than the eleventh. Not far from Upfal & ?£he ■ moraften, or'iftopfe’ on
which .the king ufed to be-enthroned,i as the old*Scotilh monarch’s were
at'Scorie. The ancient temples^'called Skior,*or Skur, Wete/lOf woOdJ
and; have .confequently perilled. Of-the'old churches and 'c^ftlfes;
eredfced finee the ufeof ftone, Dahlberg has engraved many ;’ and f&me
. o f . the latter are remarkable for their refemblance to What are called
PiCtiih caftles in Scotland.
1 Suecia antiqua et liodierna, .'-v >
Mi a p t e r ih
iP O L I T t iG ’A E G E O G R A tF H iY . ,
Religion. —Wctléfiafticilh Geography.-—Government.—liä w s .— Population.—^Colonies.
■—Army.^Planipl^Pepev^eie-^pSilticaLbiportanoe-and Mglatiapv^, „
R e l ig io n .,
T H E ’fèligièn o f S^ ed en ^ J fö !Lufherah, arid thiA^kinshbrit' has retailed
an^chbilhoprick, af pre-eminence abófhhed ittiElffemark
'with lhh^eenhpfeli®sjy The parishes ainoufit T h é‘ prreft'S |
are-cp'ioputed at T378'; With 134 yicars, and ii^^nreppfiti, -jor in-
- fpeCtors-;'^ -:.S‘ptri'e of the are'^ery' ext^nfïve, asUhaB of.eaft’em *
Bothnia', which'is ‘about U-Jeppniles in length-by 48 in breadth?; and
another pariflh in Lapfand ist fjiil larger, l A cdnffftory- of the clergy of
the dioceleVèïëï&^ljhe'- archbifhops, 'and ^the bifliops,, hy| p^e^hting..three
to the-king fifdr hist öécnmation.,.; Some -of, thej pariihjes? >^te under,the
' ïpyal patronage others^ in the .gift, of individuals: ihujtrfi^rry are called
con'fiftpriah and the pried^iC appointed by the vate& qf’hitf brethren.
, The revolution o f 1772 pretended 4p:- refj;prei.ythe: gc^èfcnmenb tp. the Government.
■ form-eftabliflied by Charles X I; and which had-lapfed, into a faéÉbusV,
mixtum;.of ariftocracy. But by the a£t pf. uniQn^Ly^^th^eqn-
ftitution became an abfolute monarchy; the. riip^feh.-. haying arrogated ■
-riot only the’ rights of peace and’war, and tHd adminiftration of jqftice, '
but the ipipoTitipn o f taxes, without the confent of the diet, which
eannot déliberate on any fubjedt till it be propofèd by thd'fovereign.
The diet confifts of nobles, and landed gentlemen, clergy, burgefies,
or deputies of towns, and thofe of the pe'afantry, Each, o f the four
dates has a fpeaker; thé archbifliop of Upfal being always- the fpeaker
of the clergy, while .the king nominates the others, -.The diet of 1786 '
5 Olivarius L e Nord Litteraire, No. i z . ■ ■ *-’
v o l . i . 3 y * confifted