<vhere th e height is about.;fifteen. feet, tliere,.,.is .a:; large., conic ftalaiStite,
wliic]i:n;eMT;,P eeitS:.a rifrag, from the flqor. This ..c-aye was only
difcovered about two.; years, ag o ; and-as the ,matter inereafcs fo fafc, it
is cpi?je£t?jyed that it w.ouldTp.omhave ;beep.;clofed up Hence it is
probable that, thefe bones are of - no remote, antiquity, and may, perhaps,
be the remains; of Tome wretches who had here, taken {belter from : _
the cruelty oT JeSriesi after- the infu-rre&io’n of Monmouth *.
E N G L I S H I S 'L E S . ,
I it th e S©#herip, ■ or /Eqghfla Ghfinnel, %,ft appears 'the Ifle afj'Wight-, ifleofWlght.
by jhe>‘ R om ^S called;,ffStr, b y the Saxons Yfhtlgnd,_ of an. oval form,
about twebty -miles. dn ..length', and tjW^Sji i n l b ^ a d ^ | This, ifle is
femli?»nd 'beautiful,. and decdr.ated ;writh many piaurefqy^iyillas ; the
principal haveh is thatrofi Newport.^ T h e chief minei;ab produdta -are
arid it
Alum-bay,- on the n o rth fide ;of the Needles, are found: vcpnfiderabie
quantities of,native alum h It is laid that more corn was once.raifed ,
in the:Ifle of-Weight in one year, .than the inhabitants,could cqhfume in
eight. One of the moft remarkable buildings,is ■ c-.qaftle,
where Cha'rles.I was imprifoncd ;. it was built foon after, the conqiiefl, ^
as" appears /from the Bpok-;of D o ,om ,lffl The lofty white rqeks, ftylfed
the Needles, feem to;have been;disjoined .from the weflern extreniity .of
the ifle, by the violence, of the waves. . There were- formerly three.;
but about, thy, year t.7,82, the talleft, which rofe about 120 feet above
the low-water mark, was,; qverthrdwnlj and totally difappeai ed . •
48 Tran&a. o f thc'iliinijagnj. -Society,-vol.,v.;, piijlqfpplj. Mag. vu. ,146^.
' * -There is a reraarktfble ? i ^have' been ail ancient hiine, called £
1 fenpark-hoie, about fiVe miles-th t ie north b^Bhftol! Ml •
contains the .dimeiifi.ons o f . this 'horrible .cirnfm, and an afiha;i|®cco,nnt o f the fate o f'M r. .
Newnam,’ who fell into th.e gnlph wfefeM.was meafming «?he|||f| 1 1
* ■ Gough s Camden; i. 143. * 7 V Wo'rfley.’ s Ifle 6 f