1 WchattistCalled- che Suiffsrd'lbfre eanal>i&xten;c|s f r o f i tb^e.Qr^u^Trunk
'^itibe; River jSfeajfjgfe. $nd ri&jnet&»the IL id g ^ j^ a o j^ , ^ h iA -^ ^ p ^ e s
>t-0'-Kingtaa/-in Her^efardljiifiei, |p d
A It anay- h.e h ^ re j^ fe x v ed ^ thatr in. this dgfcriB||®^|h^|g|!and
jiavigatioiij; ar,extended. t^ r a f h g r .than*., th a t minute |p||fties
and divifions-ofthe.cj^gals.j.: ,
,-Several in l a n d Y ^ g ^ o p s ' paPs Birmingham. „ T l ^ L W i ^ |k n a l
q n rn p l^ s *a ?comfi^ of, |or^y«t5h^e&^mUt9S, a n d |^ r r e .;n im J ors,^ ‘ from
^ e i a e t e t |o f N p rtjb ^m p l^ the r a e r .Nghj »ik narigahlefto
the fea. /
Another, canal extends fropa Glouceffer tOjh^erefor,d ;■ aqd stbL fouth
o f Wales prefents^federal navigations o £ iq 0 n f i,d e r a b ^ to a ^ 2 i am c a -
larly that fropi Brecon, ~,in Brecknopkfhire, ,tq. Newport in,, Mon-
monthfhire. -fi
The Severa is not only joined with the T^ent.and the Humber,, by
various courfes of navigation, Bu.tis united with thp^harnes, by ajc^nal
■extending by Stroud tOiLechlade, a near fqrjy miles. r s
G th e r cantfls branch o u t from thei ThaOaesdp-®ap!Qusld ^ l^fignsj; t^at
o f Gsfifcd -ex ten d to the. Grand T runk, ^e'ri rather joins^the^(fe^jtitry
canal, after a caurfe ,p£ninety-two tqiles.
. The Braunfton, or Grand Junction canal,Jeaphesfrom.Brentford,^on
the Thames, and joins the Oxford canal at Braunfton, in. .^ptthanap-
tonfhire, after a courfe of ninety miles. It is f ty k d jh e ?Grand Jupfrign,
becaule it may be fa idto unite; th^nutnerpHi ,^pEfe|_tha|^erva.d.e. the
central counties, with th e ,capital .ofcthe iangd^rru J;
- On the foath o f the Thames, a can^l."proceeds Jrqrn Readingji-to
Bath ; and another from Weybridge^tq.Bafi^gfroke;,' and a third from
W eybridgeto G odaiming.
A fnjall canal or two have* been executed in DeVonfliire.MlThe
Andover canal, in Hamplhire,' extends from ^^do^e^'tp/Soythampton
water. Suflex prefects two canals, that of Arundel, and t{iat|pf
Lewes. -
When we reflefr th a t all thefe-laudable efforts of-improvement and
civilization, have-been executed within thefe fotty ■: years,' there is
room foB-'-well^grounded * bogles,! .that '> ite/ithe< cofirfe o f centuries the
kingdom may be interfered, like another China,, with innumerable
canals, to the inconceivable advancement of agriculture, commerce, and
the nationasl'-fedtili^^.afid pMJ%^i&)4|f|>Th% already expended in
theTfe n®M& Wdrlss, Msibeen edinputest dMiv© ^ d h a o b ilf •; but
liow much more ruefully employed, than in fruitlefs wars, which coa-if
foWe' fiftytjnftidJpdn one year 1
The^iMaffafaSEur^lafrd'cfemmerc^of EhglafrcF, ifo?rn;fr>-.extenfive a
ihetne,' Y f i a t t y * a f h r a t i d s «|i'tififti ‘- f & a c i t e hbe here 'at-
te fi^ e q . The ftipfe x^ihnr^Adit^f'Ttl^aSd'Avas tin, a metal
rately^oWnid/iii"' didler *c0hmries: The i'iMftfda-cM ’it
into* ebtothrerc^, at.'leaft fix Huhffreicliye'a«l& hfefafjjp tfeh'^hriftian
tfra lrP fd ’ their* 'e&frhfivte^trqde it 'imcWg t'he ©kintal
h a tih h s .T h e Romans, up&y th e ir conqueft-of thefe' 'regions^ dick mot
n< gfeft this jTouiefe V f 'WjeMth'; b u t ■as .CofhWaH was 'h o t1 cdntfuW&l' b y
th e AngTh-SaxoPs, tHl the ‘r'eig n b f Athefftauj We know ah t whether
the'Cotruffi 'Brifrjhs Carried ori any ebnfider'able traffic dir' this' hsm-
frdaity, friOughip'lY^Y'fB'hab'le' (ih a f at ieafk e i^ h f r t^ !# Jfo r i
Winfes1 o f France. Yet eivd»“iri th lf tfeifri d f r^ S h n '1 the produ’fr was fd
inconnderahte, that ihd’‘ .'mitifes wfere Pafinetl to Jews for idtivthdrk’sT
but^ff thhf'br I f e tr ry ’Jlf, :mfcy1 Began ^g-afirt tri'Yfdff a large pr'dfit,
Which‘has gradually iticreafed ” .
Corriwalr, like'rnoft Cotltitries th a t abdund with thin'erdls, prefents ah
extefffa ,aff5e ^ t i f i f e l f e f e i d n S k W ha'iteh h it^ fh a d bleak hea&k*
pfel^IfTrts wndlplengtlr; ffnf thYVibidJiSf'wihd^ fhohf the .ie'a' check
th'd'V^fetafifen Or trem an d ffirhhs: T h e ’ tin m?i;flestafe' nSmwbiil} and-
°f vai ibuS'defcriptiohsl/ ’’TillV‘m)ctal-;is ^ |® r a |f6 n n d a n m
what ‘are 'called lades1 and jibtsh ; vor in grains-, Or bunches, in the rocks -
or detached in feparate hones, called Jljodes or fir in g s ; or -in a courfe
or fuch fbones called the bmlfcyl or fiM ng fir in g ; or in the prSvjatBzed
IMpe o f # ft# , Afrer having been pounded In « rtds*afceItodrmfca
bl^kte peuhdh Weighs In- the ore I t is fryiied yadcvtia Y4 tcdtfk
looaetlmes,though very^mrely,*aO'middh a ipetallic frate .^ "
Iwi/AMn N a -
an<i Com-
33 Borlafe’s Cornwall.
" o