miliaceiim, in confiderable q u a n tity ; Jw eet :pofatt>e, convolvuli*- b a t-
•tatas ; p h n fa tM , mufa paradifiaca \c h ic k p em nicer a rid itm m ;
^ M M l b u s - beans, dotichds» Q*Upxs®\fJetufaIem artichoke,,
■helianthus tuberofas Ifb k n um dycoperficofi, ia o T a p p k i? -ali the varieties-
-of gourds, cucumbers, and melons i ficus carica, J tg f,- ,'grapes,-, | g | g ,
lemons, bergamot oranges, and ail the finer fruits o f our Englifb
'gardens. I ' , ' ’ , . ’ ... I
T h e glory o f Spanifh zotftogy’is the horfe,..which has :been famous• .
in all ages; probably originating from th e barb, or beautiful an d f o r k e d
fteed from th e nb rth o f Africa, ■ fee immediate-offspring o f the Arabian.
T h e Spanifh mules a re alfo excellent, and th e afs is here no ignoble
animal, though n o t equal to th a t o f A ra b ia ; whence a far fupenor-
ISreeC o f this ufeful q u adruped might be introduced. - T b e e a ttle ie em
little remarkable; b u t t h e breed o f fheep to.
perhaps fuperior to an y in- the world, f o r th e ’ ddicafcy o f th e mutton,,
and the b e a u ty 'o f the fle e c e .^ T h e -purity o f fee.-afe.-and -arematm
pafture n o doubt e o n ttf tf e te f e both-qualities; w hich, M is to he. fuf-
'p e a e d v wCrtlld degenerate on- tranfportatiom Spain pr0&ibesi©neb>r
twOTUadriipeds and fem e birds, n b t k nown in fe e reft P f E u ro p e , as>
th eTT tverragenetta, th eV u ltu r percnopterus,. the Cucuius ^ a n d a n u s ,.
th e T rid ad y la ,. fe e Motacilla Hifpanica, ‘and fe e Hiru n dm e s melba,.,
and rupcftris, all oFLinnsotf, fe e latter alfo fou n d -in Carniola *• jg§j
T h e mineralogy ©f'Spain w a s anciently o f more, importance th an im
modern times. P lin y ,“ after obferwng fe a t filver was.-generally found
w ife galena o r lead ore, proceeds to ftate fe a t th e faifeft N g ® ftfoer
was found in Spain, where fe e pits, -begun b y H annibal, la f fo d f e h is
time, being k nown b y fee names o f the ir original' difcoverers.. T h a t
called Bebelo had yielded to H a n n ib a l to o th . weight a d a y , a mountain
being pierced f o r a mile and a half, through which: th e workmen di-
r e d e d large «reams o f water ; fo th a t the plan purfued feems to have
• been that called h u lh in g b y modern- writers. Strabo11 informs us fe a t
th e province o f fee T u rditani, mod e rn Andalufia, was fee moft pro-
» The Spanilh locuft,» the only one with rofe-coloured. wings, and feems - indigenous.
Pillon, *6«. - ' _ ...
** Lib. sxxiii.-cap. vL ’ Llb> d u d i v e
d u d iv e ó f precious m e ta ls; and gold, filver, brafs, and iron were no
where found, piore abundant, n o r O f . better quality : (gold was found in
fee fands o f |th e rivers and torrents, - a k nown -attribute o f the Tagus.
Hisi 'account alfo leads. ,us to infer, that h u lh in g was the method
p rad ifed . T h a t geographer adds, th a t th ough the Gauls affeded to
prefer.. the ir precious metals, which were found in M o u n f G emmenus,
chiefly towards the Pyrenees, " or fe a t part o f th e Cevennes which lies
near Foix, yet the Spanifh were doubtlefs fuperior, lumps o f pure gold
being fometimes-found h a lf a pound in w e ig h t; but it, was frequently
difeovered in the ftate o f e led ru tn , -or minglpd with filver. Strabo alfo
mentions gold and filver mines am o n g fe e A rtabri in fee M. o f iPqrjtijgal;
anef-’Poly bius informs us,.concerning;fe e mines o f filver near .Carfeagena,
whiefi occupied a number of workmen, and--,$$ld©d (to . fee- Romans
2 5 ,000 drachms daily. Other mines o f -filver were found .near the
fources ofuke-lBsstifi. T h is in te jlig fh ^ 'öf-fee qiore importance,
as Britain and other regions,,qf the weft certainly, derived their
gold and feLverifroin G aul And) Spain, fifi re tu rn jfo r:,cattle,. hides, an d
■other p ro d u d s.
s A t pïófent almoftcfee Todly filver feines in.'Spftn nre jfeo fe .q f G uadalc
a n a l,™ fee Sierra Adorena, hut-rich veins u f feat metal, in a fuliginous
iftate, -exifi n n im an y places."r:lf At,Alm^den in L a . Mancha are
valuable mines o f qurchfilver, which..are chiefly R em itte d to 'Spanilh
America, and employed in re fin in g fe em o re.p re c lo u s metals. Calamine
appears near Alcayas,;. .cobalt in thé Pyrenees:; ,antimony .in La
Mancha-; copper on f e e . frontiers o f Portugal ;* tin in G a lic ia ; and
lead is commomas. in many diflrids. T h e iron ..of Spain, is 'abundant,
an d ftill maintains its high c h a r a d e r; and coals are found in the
d if tr id .o f Villafranca, in Catalonia, where alfo occur gold, filver, copper,
an d le a d /4 Amber and je t (in Spanifh, azabache) are found together in
th e te rritory o f Beloncia in fe e Afturias. T h e amber is bedded in Hate,
an d prefents a woody appearance,, but when broken there are white
nodules, enclofing the t fubftance which lis o f a bright yellow. The
** journal des‘ Mines,iAn v.387, &e.
• • S e e 'D ilhm ,'196. f o t in ac'cpu'nt.df tlie:copper, mine o f LaLFlatilla, near Molina.
*+ Townf. ill. 344» J.«-
M in e r a l o -