D E N M À R K.
' C H A P T E R «I.
H i.sit 6 ji i ç aIi, G eo graphjt . ,
ÿames.—Extent.— Boundaries'.— Otigi'naî Popudàtîqh-T?Progreffive,{Geography.—
HjftwkaEEfehjps and Antiquities.t i
TiHE namek-pf Denmark, implyii%;.|îae,marches, boundaries, or ter-, Names-.'
£i&QE*e&^ï£$he ) D^nest is : d ^ riyed^ 9^^^ »|gbbU^ i3j^ ^^ai:e;
fâld .-b^vfi been fry de.nominated from .one;of tbdrff rÆjleadei'à callddi-
ÏJâh. Sucti 'etym^gie^ arejalyvays; unc(a|g»n*.Mi4v?S^QRilJthei^ «jjejiç;
the;..knowledge,, acquired,' js o f - .^qdqipq^ta^.'G^ „'Kiqipeople are :men~
tipae4 ;by th^ na^ne of Danes in thc fixth ^ t ^ u r y .
to »cqpij’e a feint Idea-,of-^s&aûditiayiji j^Pp| the
Norway, ; anéientlÿ ^Norrik,, ,&rvÿloiHprthe|n kiilgdpiH^ r^ôçds; : a. pal-*
pakle and prççjife^deriyatipn. ;V}';
;.. .Tbefe kingdoms, w h i c h %î^epeated. émigra-' Èstéjji*.
dons, qhagged Lthe deftlnies of a. .gn&at-j p’$r,{;: .of Europe, ao^ântmuê
of territory. For from the .rrre^ Elbe,, in jhe o®uth,,^Mthe.
%orthefh iextrepaity Ejanifli : Éaplajùdj andï^t^},swiWy;éîmroits pf lhe ,
yiver Tana,.Jo^|r::-.bê^ JÊOPCxi*tfted^. «dtecQe^udkt^ tfeeî
Baltic,, an. extent of iiot dèfs, than .: 1400 British, miles in length, by amediai