S W E D E N. '544
Botanïv ■ T h e dry rough tracts on the Tides o f th e mountains are covered w ith
th e common and fin e-lea ved h ea th ,-vcicä vulgaris and tetrali x.; the bear-
berry, arbutus uva-urfi, diftinguiflied b y its fcarlet cl lifters j the Iceland
and rein-deer lichen, the one an article o f food to the inhabitants, the
other the chief fupp.ort o f the. animal whofe. name it b ears; dryas
octopetala, m ountain avens, vaccinium vitis-idsea, rubus faxatilis, rh o -
diola rofea, and faxifraga cotyledon, pyram id a l fa x ifra g e e T h e ' bleak
fummits where even the heath c an n o t.u o o t'itfe lf are clothed w ith the
beautiful azalea procumbens, androfaee feptentrionalis, andromeda
hypnoides, and ranunculus glacialis ; ' w ith the arbutus alpina, lycopo-
diurcL alpinum, and faxifraga nivalis. T h e mountain paftures confift
for- the molt part o f the phleum alpinum a n d othe r vi viparous gra-fles,-
mixed - w ith phaca alpina, aftragalus . alpinus, arnica montana,
g entiana purpurea, alchemilla. alpina, viola biflora, gentiana nivalis,
«veronica alpina, and polygonum viviparum.
T h e moift fpungy alpine rocks, and th e Aides .of the torrents afford
•the cloudberry, rubus chamaunorus, one o f the moft plentiful and
■grateful o f -the-Scandinavian fru its ; fhalidtrunx alpinum f feveral kinds
o f faxifrage, efpecially the cernuar- and aizoides ; junc-us trifidus, falix
herbacea a n d reticulata, and anthericum ealyculatum. The. w e t'and
boggy paftures yield, for th e moft part^a coarfe- grafe mixed with
£otton ruß), eriophorum, with nasiheeiiiia..; a offifragum, pedicularis
flammea, andromeda polyfolia, vaccinium cxycoccosy cranlerry, the
fruit o f which grows to a larger fize than that^of the famefpecfrs;in the
Englifh-. modes, faxifraga hirculus, vaccinium uligLUofum,:,and gentiana
The plants which grow in the lakes and pools, covered, al th e f are
with Ice nearly half the year, are hot very jaumerous; .the moft im*-
portant are the w hite and yellow water-lily, nymphtea alba and lutea;
palla paluftris-, littorella lacuftris, lobelia dortmanna, menyanthes trir
foliata, and nymphoides, buck-bean, and fr in g e d w a ter-lily.
The plants o f L apland may be divided into thofe which are common
to this and to m ore fouthern countries, and thofe which are fcarcely ever
met with beyond the limits^ o f the Arctic circle. Among the former
may be particularized azalea procumbens, fäxifraga cernua, and rnooiola
C H A P . IV. N A T U R A L. G E O G R A P H Y . 545
spfea, all-growing in immenfe ,a-buhdaucë-on the higheft mountainM|i BoT4Kr*
VjbM rfiftjfumj\cred- vu ttrem tlv a c o f c d u f b . r u h n f t
chamaeinorus, cloudberry, rufrusr faxjatili^ jjoneirbmmble,',the, berries of
all which -are gafehetfedfjjfr grbatlf-quiantitjesd and pneferved under'.the
’ fnow till winter^ at which timic^r^i^ed with rein deer’s, milk, they-jform
a,n agtpeable'ivariety',-inttf^>,f^),4{Qf(tth e inhabitants :• tjhe moift woods
are perfumed during thei fpmrfter by.\h.&,,lily<pfi tty valley, .con- f
valla^ia3haijlSr8) and leduw paluftte, . 1
, The vegetables peculiar .tOjL.apland, and whichtgróweiiber/ on thA
higheft mountains hr on t-hplfhore of..the? ndr-tfoern' -ocean,. ;ater-diapéüfta
lapponica, andromeda carulea andjefragpua, rubus. ayctiCusy ranunculus
ktpponicusrand hyperboreus, ipedicularis lapponica, gnaphahumialpinurn,
The Swedifli '»horfes aretospifiaonly fmall- but, fpirited^. rand aré pre- Zoology5
ferVed, by Iying"withodt litter;; from tföPae. o f th e -ïmmerö^sidifCafós tö.
whrdh tbisikoble animallis 'fübjedfr The catfle ,and fhëe^do-mot feeftl
to prelent ariy ..thing remarkable« g »Among'!the, wild'1 kESkhals:xkay be
named- thé bear, the lynx, the wolf' the beSvCr', the ofteis* thë'glbttöti,’
the ^flying’ fquirrel, ‘ &c. Thé rein ‘deeii o f Lapland is- briefly" defcribed’
in ffce?aéCêütit offtaeVOanifh
two* Angular kinds o f falcons, and an infinite variety' of game; among
which " may be namedi the kader,. or ^chader; in 'Scotland called th e ’
cock o f the foreft,»vheirig-as large as-a'koi^irion-turkey^ and o f a black
colour, WhiléThe ‘h ien^ ^ ^ ö fig e : Thé rhra is
father ■ larger than out black game. » The^hierpef Ï4 efteemed‘•‘fhe'ffldii .
deïiéate, 'about' the, -fitle -o-ff't - -'.hladk^
Ére7 > an^ w h i't^ j The fnorip'^.; |nakes an extraordmafysihdife,:par-‘
ticiilariy ïtï th e n ig h t.\ The > ranatUiorabid^, and-the 'coluber cbferfea,
are confidered as alraoft-.pèouüar tb Sweden. *
O f modern mineralogy Sweden,..ma^Pfrhspsj. be prqnöuneed'. the Mineralogy,
parent country; • and t her authors, Wafterius;t Gri-mftèdlfjand ‘Bfergma’n,
■(not to mentioti the great Lionseus, wh^V^nfeffes thai’hc had dbpre-
P I ^ f aafeth: jpj .71 j &.c,
VOL. I. 4 A diledion