r. ftajle. /ter-fi-.*-
"ftates. ' r (lr J -/ f HH&Hh 1sB§§b 9 S
} p. - Tt may with'^eguMtion be added to .the ac-_
| | | | | 0f the Population of England 'and Wales, that, from*
the recent enumeration, it muftfalllufleJhorLof NiNt mil -.
lion's AND a H A ij . T h e G r e a t Bri'ain and
Ireland -maybe-’fafely rated at fo it a tf. en
«Tile^M^<5 'o f the- letuio * Dec. 8th, a
volume of i03\pa§esj ^CopTprifing the ^opuyztriori of .dVery
fpfarifli/i At the end is the following General Total:
‘ ' j V “ ' USES*' P‘j ' _ O.CCUPAT10J
•11 jj&iU£»tefc
1 ,
| I'&j j
habited. Mf?/«. ■ “
Perfons in<
KM & a d e l
and Mami-
p Of/?er 11
England. * - —■ . ^ { V ■ 1^67,8,70
"^afes ; ‘ - ^8.,,b53
Aymy, Navy, &c.
Co'nvifts onboard thehulksi *
S3>955 3>987j935
2-57 >17 8
" I j4 ic
t .43'35499 1,524,247
M l
4)606,,530 8j33*>434
t . 469,188-
w S7.476'4>Ti5>7 i ' >>7 ' 3>aS9 ^ i 34fp"7S
The firft Abftwft (printed July i 801) prefects the following « e r a e n t t ^ - v
Regular Forces, Fencibles, and Militia,,on March ioth", i8o*i 186,73.3;
, y Engineer Fcffcss'' < * '* 1 dittoj • • '■ ?* ixy6iw
Seamen, and'Marines in the Royal Navy ^ditto]. ? , • . t | / \
Marines at head-quarters ditto f ^ ' | i f | 151
'_ Seamen employed under th$ Board of Cufi§ms,ditto , v y ■ v 897
Seamen employedin r e g i f t e r e ^ ; r'" ’ ' ‘ 7‘ X^' *43»66T
In the complete Report the total populatidn of London,
WeftminfterraHd Southwarky-is 864,845, including the |
parilhes not within the Bills of Mortality, -namely Mary- ;
le-6one, Paddington, St. Paneras^-Kenfingtony and .Chelfea, -
«mounting to 117,80a. Iflington and Newington Butts _
are within the Bills. 'O f the other chief citidf, Manchefter--•
is rated at 84,020', Liverpool, 77,653; Birmingham,^
73,670 ; Briftol, 68,645 5 ’ieeds, 53,162* Plymouth/
43,194: all thg others arem^et_4c^i5pD.': t.-
P. 5 5 ,1. 31, fumlaft, for 15 r. 18.' 7
P.156. In November laft, i860:,the Miniver adducedtd>.
the Houfe of Commons the following comparative ftatement:
" Navy of Great Britain,'
1° J793‘ “ Ships o f the line“ f 1 1 '3801, 202
Irrigates and fmaller -
vefleis - ' :
*6% "429
Nd’oy o f France, .
1793« Ships of ‘the line . 80
Frigates 1 64 -
iio *, 39
144 74
'P . 9 i ,J l 1$. Scarborough, r. Scarfdale.' P. 184,;
note * , Ranael r. Rannoch. F. 2.333/I. 20, granary m
By ^^% p fi^ u tioh .^ Sle May1 i^Sorj.
Swlfferland „id. divided into feventeej^depai tments. Tbe-
Pays deVaud anch Argovie are withdrawn «'om Bern j and the
Grifons and-Italian Bailliages form two other departments.
The other cdntons remain a/before, with; feme additions of
ecclefiaftic -lands, Sec. to Glarus, Appenzel,Friburg, and.
Bafel. . /The abbatial territory of'StUG a'ilehxbn$i£uted the
canton of Sen’tis,by' the'division 0^3798, which leems £0
he obliterated. The-new conftitutidn will probably be on
the French mcrdel.1
P. 582* 'fiate. The doubts feem to be remdvpd^^y
the maps of—Switzerland '’by Weifs, , flieet }©;'* 'frn which
the heights are ftated as fo}l|0 |irt. French feet; -Yung-
-frawhorn 1^085 ; Monch, -Eiger, .;id ^ Y ;,
Finfter Aar, 11,447 } . Ifeferefkhdrni »©>773 } Wetterhorn,.
P. 6^3. -The German '-.'feciilati2|troh8^ af^ridfr yeb
adjufled : - according 1 to floating 'and moft Uncertain m-
mours, Auftria is to' have/Salzbufg’and-^Befch^ldigaden^
Pruffia ; Paderborn, Lauenberg-, and •: Eichsfeldt. The
ele&or of Hanover ; Hildelheim. Landgrave of Heflia j
the towns of Ameneburg and F.ritzlar. Theieledlor of Bavaria
; Bamberg and Wurtzburgi : Nlo reported that
the former S tadtholder is to obtain fome provinces oh'ihei
Rhine ; - while-the former Grand Duke: of TuTcany is to
- hold Venice as an Auftria^appanage.
In the treaty of Amiens, the Rio Branco, p. '662/feems
merely the Portuguefe pronunciation of . RiioiijB^/ftro,/ in
which cafe the extenfion of French Guiana is very great.
For thofe of m t i. fee the End of that Volume, MODERN
M O D E R N G E O G R A P H Y .
/T A H E -word-. is derived, from the Greek language, and Definitions.
. h a p l i e s . a •
-^ ^ r eg K $ £ $ iy x « r P f th© w a t e r i Vw
fekes, fi^^jSj-^c.jLthvis ipeludiitg l^afiae charts: but, ip general,
h y drographyis rather regarded as a proyince o f geography. Both yrexz
4 1 9 ^ 'wi^bj aftmumny, as, parts, of sqfmQgrophVf
■ whtpl>. ^ fp i f e d ’ m -d e lin g a t e - ith t s y j a i v e r f e .
• ^qpgraphy >i% mgre jiillly ctmtrafted vji^ffyqrQgKapiy, which illufp -
trates n - c o i a ^ t r y j^ 'p r p ^ h ^ i a^d fJUl naore with;' tfpygrafiby, which,-
dc^rihes a ^ r t ’^ia}a,r plaqg, or Lmah diftn<4>;
i -MhaJ is-called G eneral Geography embraces a wide viCWifof tl;e fuj>-
je£fe, -regarding,the earth aftrQnainiGalJy-asa planet,;lh eg ran d ' dlvifions
p f Jap^-^nd W£tftri . £b,e wind^, tidesa j§§|pprjQfogy,s -,8fc . ^.md-.tHay ieifr
tend to what.iEsicjdied the mechanical p®t p f gedgraphyi in dlt-e^ion« .
for the cpnftruSipa c f giobea,rraaps, and1 charts., ■ ■:
t.. Among the other divifrons of this icienc'e may be named" Sacred
Geography, folely employed in the tlluftratiom 'of the' Scriptures ;;BGCie:"
fiaftic Geography, which deferibes the government of the Church, a&
divided into patriarchates, archbifliopficks, .'biOidpricks, .archdeaneries-,
i&c. with their refpe^ti've boundaries,' often varying much from thofe
of th e feGula-vprovinces and PhyScal .Geograpliy.,/ or Geoio^y, v/hich
inyeffigates the interior, of-thefearth,::;fe far only as real difcoveries can
he rhs'd^'; for what have been ffcyled fyftems of the earth, which have
kp^fumed labours o f many ingenious men, have no connexion
1,'1 ’ VOL. 1 H a ■ ■ ■ . . . with