M in e r a l o g
y .^ 1
dile£tk>n for this, fiudy, perhaps beeaufè | il -was undeterminable by
forms apd members, upon which hia zoology and’ botany r'efl,) have
laid the Aft folid foundations of the-'foiemeb.’B Jt' would therefore be a
Jfairïd i©f literary ingratitude POt tô- beftow -dué ‘attendofi«orf'Swedifli
mineralogy.. ; Firftdn *dignityv though not in profit-; are'the‘gold mines
of Adelfors in-the^provineer®&'iSini^aad.ii cMefiy & iafy
' hornblende, in • verticaL/banka,! -black, deep brêwny: tea, tlr' greenifh,'
fometimes: foft like lapis oUari^v fometitotes? very -hirdj r Th‘e«#eii*s -ater
generally of quartz, of a dark ceftOUr j fho dlrëétion of themed? 'pro*
diiââye being from N. to Stvaryiflg.ïûi thicknefs from two inches to-
near a fathom.*0 : The gold, is fometimes native ;« and fothetinies Combined!
with fulphur,;) Some oresrof eoppeii ace' alfo fppàê in-therveip*
which likewife. prgfents white calcareous fpar, red zeolites, fmall :red. or
green fragments of petrofilex, with galena and -iron. But thefe mines
feem to.be neatly, éxhaufted.* 1 In the .prodn&idtt'df filver ’Swëd’en
yields .greatly y to Norway ; yet the. mine .of Sala, : or^Salfeerg,, about
30 Britifliopiiles weft of Upfid, maintains:.Tome reputation! It is
fituated in a , country rather- flat ; and towards Npihërg the x&giea; afi
the mines is divided, from a imafs of ;jstx©filp% by filled-with
earth,, and little fragments of fteatite; The1 fibflçr is in limoflpne •;
which, however, when it iç large grained andjfree ffom mixtnre,ieOn-
tains,, no mineral, and is ftyled ignoble j xgc||&. it fis on thelcontrary'? metalliferous.
when fine ;grained, and mingled wiffirmica,** -There, are
about 100 veins, greater or fmaller; and the gangartf ,is of fteafite*
talc, amianthus, afbeftos; hornblende, jcalffireous ipar,and ; fom efcmrcs.
quartz and beautiful petrofilex. The filver is, rarely foupd . nati|i%8bdt
is.procured from the galena or lead ore. Silver has alfo been found in
Swçdifh Lapland. 1
The chief copper mines of Sweden are in the province of Dalecarlia.
On the eafl of the town of Falun is a great copper mine;, fuppofed to.
IO! Bergman Phy. Geog. ut fupra, p. 49.
* Gold is alfo found-m hornblende, at Bafna near Ryddarhÿtte. Ib. '24.
*| Bergman Phy. Geog.ut.fupra,_p. 53. ■
-j-‘ This word, adopted from the German, lignifies what was formerly ftyled the matrix, a
term abandoned, becanfe it implied that the mineral was produced by che fubilance in’ which it
was found..
13 ' - have
have bee®! worked for near’ *©®0f<|iirs.,s’ The. metal ib nôt found in
Ipveins, but in Ik'rgeyjhalfesi5 and'ttbe 'mouth*of Cheimine prefents an
immeWéocJàafm, -nearly three -quartos .of- an Englifli mile in’ circumference,
theperpei^tcu3a"f'.4|ept-hf bêi%''Idboujk iô I q feet. .Aboùt
i2sôo miners axe employed... jGoppef bs'abo wkiéught'irj Jemtla-nd ;dand
.-àst ,Ryd<ferfhyttè’!dscîfoundr'iQt4roh.;î;.;JNbr. -fe/ Sweden--.deficiferit in lead:
butniroh 'forms': therrpxinâpd' pi^dudfc,1jhnài thè mine-of ■ Danamora is
& u&peâdri ty * of the ®e*àl; ■ whioh ins England
isfëaJl’ed’Pr,egrundvirôn, becaufe®S^1||o3eld frogv<h:egxund -ân
adjacent- port,- where'?the Bothnie gulph 'joins the 'Balfifc. The mines
;?of Danajnpra tiaVe- nOig^dlcxre^-'but 'are ’'wbrkéd'-in the ©pen air by
meçns.:ofl-debp 'excavationsAL^Ebe-ore. i£hi$(^.limefooàe rock,' and
f occupibs .afeout 300 perfonsûn twelv’é'pks.A, This- valuable mine1 was
1 covered in 14SS. Bergman deferibes 'the dirptrmine, ‘bf;-Taberg, in
dSmoland, as confining .pfjb^ds ©ft ore, tO^ a» Wacfiilh1 brown, fe-
pa-rated by beds of mould without-any flone.*1* Tlbsdfndrm.ous mineral
-ffilè ii'fWvSllédbfe^.^n «ehfe'emoàntaifti ©f dibft: in
L^landg Mad« at Ttdacktb&màin*âin bffâællivàr a xnafâmfîfîciî
aôrfejiffof lïti biackifli vbhïë, px^odingii like - atf1 ifyegi i}ar vgi.-o t fo r
imore.lhaa’a ihile,': mtdlin. ihiçkn^s.#pm
is ifoùnd j at;iBltfiia, and ^inc .atTDaaaW°‘^ 5 wh-ile. tbe..m in o fo .^aia
,p>xefent inati^fe iamMjic#y
has: been recently-dilcOvered in fl^provipce^ofiSpc^ls;,,,
s«i S^.den:jab.Qup3fl8:iiMdh!r'fies4?flfbl,-”g™nite ybut -in 1 marble,jyiel^tito
,^Of?¥3.y. Porphyry, 'aflp ^appears^in„the.„mountain ^^y q ick u ,
naany Pîb® P^b^s. -, At-pcel^nt,.
^iftiaguiflied:-.Apm':çql©uredl''Cijyfl:als, i t ; w.çuldy pc^bgps,'be .difficult,to
djfcovor ;any p f 7;tfie rfbyiaM ir^ Sweden. . .(Bergman .ttetehrai-fvi tV rnt>]r 1
«cryâfls o f OflbrdalC:; Jemtland, found dn,,.^vit^ s .j.^ , y^hite QSàâ3,
■ ^ b l^ îfn n s .fh i veins *thaoug}ji# F1
fileace an y o th e r byïedilh prodnâbjon;-p f this t^tpTiai
d ^iShèaîfl yjj o, vAflirdtoO It 'hnMP*ifjs&!k-&'jfr) t -
m, * bH ^ .th e r -paffage, ji. 5 3 ; Bergman, phferves tliat .thp two mountains of- .Kerunawara, and
Loùfowàrà, in Piteâ Làptaria, only iitfMea by a'ditfle va'UëyV âre‘wiiôÜy 'ébmpofèd- o f iïo’n ore.
lJourhai''des Mihesj ‘ib-'-gy. : . ' ............. ; j I : , ‘
« 4 A 2 o j - 1 • d u f t r io u s ;
M ineralo-
■ p i