riheftnut -trees a n d box, but the great mafs o f the woods cpnfifts o f tbc
evergreen fw e e t oak, quercus: fiellote.; this j | f j is about the fize o f a
Jarge pear tree, which it fomewhat refeinbles in -its-manner o f growth ;
i t s ' leaves are lanceolate,. green abo-ve and hoa ry -beneath* cupled and
r a th e r‘fc ao ty ;-.it produces’ large 'crops o f Tweet acorns whidl^are
-tenfivelyapplied to th e fattening o f hogs, and the nourifliment o f the
.peafants: intermixed w ith thefe. are -the wild olive, th ^ k e fm é ^ o a k ,
w a ln u t and carob tree (eeratonia filiqua) ; -the almond fixes, itfelf in the
th e rhas;ooriaria^«/»ör/&, arid rioriaria
m y rtifö lia : th é la u re l, th e -bay* t»he laurpftinus and'; Portugal laurel
•attain the, height o f .fmall trees, and-yield a co o l ariff fhadyretreat^even
i n the midft o f a Spanilh fummer. T h e r fmaller flowering flirubs th a t
a d o rn the woodlands of- Spain are too numerous to "he particularized*
%&<*•' fc&èWiflg' ' .thé chief, phfflymea- ahguftifoBa* lin um ^ rb o re um ,
•daphne © n id iüm ,. cytifus ïfigricans, teollutea a f b d r è ^ h 7 ’W ? jg » « tlij
arbutus-Öhéah, a r b u t e c u p r e l% fempervirensp«^5k ^ ; , 4gfenifta Cana?
•nerifis and Lufitanica, Canary and P o rtu g a l broom ;> jafminuim fruticans,
yellow ja fm in e ; röfa'Galfica, Provènce-ri>fe\ anèmefpihis.,pyracantha. '
* ^vïhere the ground is JuflSeiently deep and -moift for “cultivation and
•rich pafturage, a number o f beautiful bulbous-rootedvplanW appear
■early in the autumn and fpring, an d give a peculiar gaiety at th a t time
.to fbe^Spanifh profpêéts ; tw o fpecies. o f a f p h o ^ f the ramöfufGand
■fiftrildfus, may "be faid i n a manner to ovérfpread; the, whole country,,
m a n y alfo o f th e following are fcarcely lëfs c om m o n : amaryllis' lutea,
yellow am aryllis ', leucojum autumnale* aiitum nal fn o w -fla k e ; narciffus
jonquilla jo n q u il; narciffus tazetta, bulbocodium arid fefotinuro; M a r t
thus- racemofus and comofus, clüjlered h ya cin th ; erythronium dens
canis, ’dog's-tooth v io le t; anthericum lilia ftrüm ; lilium bulbiferum and
martagon,- orange and martagon lily | pdlyanthes tuberofa,',and tulipa
fylveftris, w ild tu lip . Several ftrong fmelling umbelliferous plants are
alfo natives o f Spain, fuch as cachrys lib an o tis; anethum foeniculum,
fe n n e l \ ' ferula communis, which yields the gum fag ap en um ; and
fe ru la fer'ulago, from which galbanum is procured. T h e fallows' and
d r y thickets abound w ith chamaerops humilis, the fa n -p a lm etto ; Jupinus
luteus, y ellow -lu p in ; fumaria fpicata, fp ik e d fu m ito r y ; fpartium ju n -
ceum and fpheerocaiponiS Spani/h broom, and another fpecies with
yellow blofloms fpartium monofpermmn, w h ite-br.oom % and /antirr*-
■binum a'nietffffliriiiirl. - f a the;hefdgesy'arid b y the lhady road-fides are
■ found, the laurel, prunus laurocerafus; iris alata and juncea, w inged
-and rufo-leaved ir is ; atropa mand rag o ra ; fmilax' afpera ; digitalis am-
kigua, lutea, and ferruginea, three fpecies o l fo x -g lo v e ; pseonia offici-
ciialis, , pceony; pafliflora' cjerule’a, common fa jfio n flo w e r ; anagyris
feetida, Jlin kh ig bean trefoil-, and ariffolochia rotunda, b irth -w o rt.
B o th Spain -arid' Pp&ugal a re fp n th e jm o ft part deficjppt in water, the
■ '.rivers flow th ro u g h rocky channels, and therefore there are few marfhes,
.and fiiff SeWferfwgg'r ;,thfe;fi^e^f rig h ts 'a J c c adorned.with the ol'eander,
laburnum,-Mdiarifk, and myrtle, w h ic h , ip .‘thefe fituations grow with
■uripfual Juxuriafi£q$ with th e iris xiphium and; puxmdf,. cyperus lopgus
- andefifril^itus, arundo donax, Spani/fy r,eed3 droffera Lufitanica and pin-
^ u ic u la Lufitamca. -' > $
• ’ -The wicinity, o f Lifbon and Op o rto ,,.an d o f .a few. othe r towns
6 » th e cos'd, is remarkable is.tOjjfis.botany fo r a number o fln d ia ri,
African, and American p la n ts ,.. which have gradually ftrayed out
„of the gardens,, and „ h av ^ become completely naturalized to the foil
and climate j .-the hedgcs^to the fields are not unfreqpently formed
e n tire ly , o f th e Am erican aUe^, agave Americana; .and- the* ca&us
opuntia, Indian f g ; the rich foil . qn ^ tfie bank o f th e ' TaguS ' glows
w ith th e fplendid fcilla hyacinthoides, the ornithOgalum Arabicum
and the a llium . fpeciofum and the fheltered groves and fun n y rocks
o f Belem prefent the ftately magnolia grandiflora, cercis filiquaftrum,
phoenix daftylifera, date palm ; cupreffus Lufitanica, ‘a beautiful kind
;o f cyprefs originally from G o a ; thea vii'idis, tea-tree from China.-
!, olea fragrans and gardenia florida, Cape ja fm in e ; mefembryanthemum.
cryftallinum, Ic e p la n t, and feveral others o f the fame genus from the
Cape o f Good H o p e ; and the fragrant myricai Faya, ■ from jMadeira.
•Of the efculent plants, and fruits cultivated in Spain and Portugal,
befides thofe already mentioned, the following ■ are the c h ie f: w heat
and barley ; rye, and rice, oryza fativa ; in firiall quantity ; oats fcarcely
at all ; m aize, zea m a y s ; Guinea .corn, holcus fo rg h um ; m illet, pariicum