B otA-n-y. dens canis, dog’s tooth v io le t,■ one| of the earlieft beauties of the fpung ;
•friüUaria meleagris, chequered daffodil .crocus vermis, fp r in g d o e r s ;
afphodelus ramofas, b ranchedafphodel; hemerocallis flaya, and futvay e l low
and taw n y day-lily ; and laftly,-though-perhaps fupérior in beauty to
any.of the precedi ng, veratrum album and nigrum, w h ite and black hellebore.
For the • clafs fyngenefia, -or -the compound flowered, though it
contain many fpecies that are iiati-ves of Auftria, yet as thefe are
for. the rneft part plants .of little ufe, and as little remarkable for
■their beauty, a fhort notice will fuffice: the moft interefting of
thefe- to .the general reader are arnica montana, ufed in medicine;
-prenanthes wiminea ■; caiduus mollis and canus, fo ft and
-hoary fh ijile ; tragopogon major', grea ter goals-b ea rd ; leorzoncra purpurea,
p u rp le JcoTzonera; achillea clavennfe ; ■ feneeio ahroth-nifo lifts,
fouthernw ood-leaved ra g w o rt, with foméwhat -hoary finely divided
leaves and • large h tigh f yellow bloffoms'j • ^a^Kalmm^lêfeè'tdpoclitiYri,
lionr-fb ë ï eudw eëd; afteralptous, mountain daify \ artetaifl» 'A'uftèiacar.
^ ü flr ia n fom b errnm o d ^ and xeranthemani- anlitium^ a- pretty» plarrf,
an inniatd ©f ö tir -gardens whofe radiated purple’ and-'white» flowiefSp if
(gathered when fully blown and kept in a -dry place* will-retain l^heir
beauty thé whole winter through. 1
Of the fedums and their kindred genera nit will be- fufficié-rit to
mention two fpecies of fingular beauty,, thehfémperviwin| hirtuhi,
h a iry ■orpine y ind £ morkanum ; of thefe the- latter is» by f^r the moft
elegant plant of its tribe.
To the clafs decandria belong feveral interefting»plants, ’ of- Which- the
following are moft worthy of »mention ; dianthus alpinusund vitgi-neus,
alpine and maiden p in k ; didlamnus albus* jra xin eiltzc, faxifijjgajesefia;;
and three fpecies-of rhododendron, the«» hirfutum,'iStffeiaf&^Giftns and
ferniginehm, all of which merit diflinaion in a-genuS, ;evèrffpëc£es‘®f
which is more than commonly, beautiful.
The umbelliferous plants of Auftria, as well as thofe of every -other
European country, are very numerous the following' are the larger
fpecies and the mdlichara&eriftic, Seiinum carvifolium 5 S.. Auftriacumj,
" jferacleum Aüftriacum; Peucedanum Alfaticum ; Eigufticinm Auftria-
cum j and L. Peloponnefiacum.
The Linnasan clafs pentandria contains the moft beautiful of the B otany. ‘
indigenous plants of the Auftrian dominions, feveral of which have
found their way into our gardens; The moifl: and fpungy ficlesof the
mountains from1 the Carpathian chain to . the heights' of Iftria are
»adorned by"the roida'nella’.alpina and' aretia alpipa,» two minute but ex-
r quifitely beautiful plants, the » former with purple, the latter with white
and flefli-coloured bloffoms. Among the numerous fpecies of flax, the
following- very ■ elegant one's are natives »of Auftria : Linum hirfutum,
h'airy jl.a x ; L. flSvum, yMoW^lfloWerddif.p L. alpinum, mountain f , ;
L. Auftriacuin, A n jlr ia n f ., with; large deep-blue blofloms ; L. pereune,
p k r e iin ia lf. The reft of- this clafs that.. require notice are, cerinthe
major, g r ea te r honeyWoart; vferbafeum phoeniceum, pu rp le mullein-.; 'gen-,
•tiana acaulis, .Jiem’h fs '‘gentian^ diftmguifhe'd h y 'd t§M ’ge iere'^bAblujef bell- ,
■Mhap^hlofem/ifMiisg immediately front<th«. centre o f
'tiana Panno1xie4>, the ihoft fplendiA»-‘q f »the wholfHgehus-,^ growUTg.'ftbfu
•<i©rlfiderable,' h eight,, and b e aringri'ts»’larges purple-dot-ted bioftpms in
tufts on. th e ‘»top -and-»lid es >o&tla| ftem ; ge®tiaha*'tifel^pi^desi&i an'd g.
pundfata»: the Auftrian florads» aMb‘graded h^fevemlfpfec-reS^fprirtiuia,
"us' p.fuffiolila^;5 p .':fategrirolia’f 5p e a r nioliea(,' »p; glutino'fa b y a h e !c y |f ’ »
S^lum'en&eftropseum; undriSfaee vllbfiriaiM» l|k£tea ;|ffarnpaaula th'yrfoidea,
«remarkable; foiT its- -pale ■ydlow-’ blollpms; phytetts* UlkekengqfWi«^
- ‘ch e rry ;•" and afclepias- vme^Axieu'miy^y&ree&Jztcor^i. fly
’jnOf.’the papfilifeaacio^s'plants may bSieimnaeratedl cyftfus^kljuftium,
the grea-tendaburnum , -a- tree of fome magnitude;, hdorrfthg ithelbanksi of
the Danube wish its long» chaffers; of g.cflde'm hloffoms.^. cytifus ffopimfrsf--
Auftriacus, iartdJ^&foths ^oro'sus coronilla'i'emertis,'- an \
eluant Ifhrub ; \ cbr-Ofti 1 lur£fehuridaba 5 Uhd »corotiilfat coYOuata, idift'in-
guifhed by its glaucous’'] ea^gs,' and lit! bright yellowulolmih^^ppfcagai.
lus raontanus-^and. pilofus; and fumaria bhlhofti^ -bidbptdlrioted'sfti-
* the cruciform or tetradynamious plants it will be fufiiiije'h^^^en-
tion car da mine trifolia ; alyffum moiitanum, mountain;'- qlyjfem ; draba
afeoidcs and1 Pyrenafca,- the three laft of which are found ih,‘bufigar-
d e h s - .'w
v o l . m 1 1 1 Several