-574 S W I S S E R - L A N D .
Cities and
Bafel. ,
. T h e important fuhje<!&. o f educaticio..has;.been lit^lp iUuftr^ted b y ,th e
travellers, into SwiffeiiaadiJ btttjasf; th ey te ftify ^ th e jr; fijrp riç e . at the
J^g.owledge generally prevalent among the peafantry, th e re is reafpp tp
infer ,tha|; this ufeful'pro yince is, pop pqglçétecj • T h e re M i ^ f f t t y
o f “Lome reputation, at Geneva, and ahqther at Bafel; -•with colleges at
Bern, Zurich, and Lucerne.
Ih "enumerating the. chief cities and. tow n s, of.,Swifferland, according
to the comparative ftandard o f population, Bafel will engàgé.tlie. firft
attention, being fiippofed to 'Contain ■ 'iTw a 'T o u ls. ^ JTliis ‘velïerâble
city hands in a plealant fituation, upon the bahks o f fh é Khifiqlh&fe
broad, deep, and rapid, and fuddfenfyTuroiri^ to 'its lb'ffg nbrfhern
eourfe, after a . previous weftetir diteétibâ^fe5. Bafël crüwm botlî-’Hàtik?,
and is united by. a bridge. In the middle ■a^a^ihis: tiity 'w a s '’parfieH
Bafulâ; add appears in hiftory- fobn.' after" the age* of-Cim Jerha^he,
having fucceeded" Augft, o r thé Augufta"Raurabofuih. Tbfl^âffîedVal
' is an ancient G othic edifice; .and travellers have remarked a'fingu-la-rify.
th a t all the clocks a r e ‘ one h o u r,to o .fall, originally hafterféd, ^ ots'%
faid, to defeat a confpiracy. T h e cathedral contains tfie tbrflb'fsT tlfê
great Erafm u s; and th e ju n iv e rfity h a s
Bern muft claim the n e x t rank to Bafel,-pofieffing a population- df
about 13,000.* T h is city is o f fin g u lar.n e atn elk an d h e au ty ^ 'rte 'ftre e ts
beingJbroad and long, and the houfes o f g r e j' ftone,nefting<0'n tarcades:
T h e re are feveral Ereams and fountains ; and. th e river AWAafinoft '
furrounds th e city. T h e adjacent country is rich and, fertile ; and the
profpeét o f hills, lawns, wood, and water is bounded at a di Ranee by
the long chain o f the fuperior Alps, rifing like fnowy clouds above the
Horizon.' Bern contains feveral libraries,: and coilediojis o f natural
Zurich is the third in ran k among the Swifs cities, fituated à
large lake, amid ft a populous and fertile country, which produces
abundance of wine for domeftic confumplion. The.college and.plans o f
education are relpedtable -, and the public library contains fome cüri'ous
•Cose, i,f 49. - * lb. ii. 3261
c h a p . in . c * w * . .< * s a a j u g B T , SJS
f, Laufanne qo-ntai|^^dbout,'gpopA'iiihahjtg,nts, -apd 4$ defervedly cele^ Cities Akd.
brated krtlhe^eauty. oOt^jt|a^kn| th®ugh,ibVmmfp$ts deep and' TI™ ? *'
I|^pge(b^v Tfee gpthiicÄuilding^ ,-having been a
cathedpa^. while the Pjys of Savoy.
^h e f other c&gf. to fijt. Gal „ an u n c fe |||h e. "
f o ^ m e ^ ^ p r n i ^ c n t .v-M t^ h ap fen , -plly,, - Geneva, p city p f V
b ä ^b ee rp ^ ffig n ^ - t’pjFrjance. Fribourg and'S c h a ff--
1 M ufsn Lppprne, .S ^ h u r n ; , and.,
E ^ f i e d ^ j@ b o m ^ S | a c L j F e w 3 ° otf e
j ?r e l^ffehg* pi|i'egl; ^aficfthe^e are .fewexamples
o f magnificppf djv^lliQg^' V r ^ e d « ^ M |e f i v S f ^wealth 4oJf
o p ^ fe ^ c a I n ^ d p s v ^ m ^ M y a f t i y j ^ p a M ^ ^ ^ S f a r e o u s
^ ^ K ^ 0^ b e c o u n fr^ ‘^ ^ r t l y rendered unncccffary liy^uuncibus rivers.’' ' ,
a n d r e a n u f a d ^ f e ^ ^ n h t ^ Commerce
region. Cattle Tbrfftltute^h'e ch ie f prbclueE^Pthe d^uritry-f dncf foifie
° f the cheife fortns ad-pxpor-t d f lu x u ry .1 T h e ch ie f finerf 'manufacture's 68
weref at St. Gals ‘Printed l?f>^fcn§^ dÄ'd^ätcHes,^alfo*fcÄ-tä‘ccfefrderabl^
articles o f f e l^ 'nW ä r e - f ilk manufa&urds u n k nöW dih Swif^tUfrffe' 1