m c h . :& ,
Nmes'.^Mxtwt.-**Qri$nd P.op(datm%
| LiEpdet>s.'-a-4 ‘
-Progreffive Geography.— Hijtoricai
SE@Til.AN© was fiitffc cfiCjqvered'toi the Romans hy .Agricoll; and jhe
jMM#(>us5 .pages -bf-3 1acttad dife^jlilhithe, fituat-toh') apd,; mann&i^jgf ’
th^edfe-Bify.* i*©« trnprob&hle.thatthe. Thal'a^ffl the-Pho&nkianp
'may‘i|afl'-'heen the -mam- l ^ d /oCShetland ;i-©r, pebhaps, thinly
e \ $ i 'tho^K>rth of.Scotland, which the Phoenicians, ihndang ,<$i&*t^
'anda-ftefvvaFds beodfotg -tdigu; courfe \towtaFd's; the k qdj, •mayj.htey^niiff-
y id h ¥ o r Another iflatijT ^^ife'c-iftn^anee '|®.nak,^pf
rjHeWe-verehisf.be, mitt^sektiaJhiA1“ t-hat-yafo b.B|/pQ§tjjseJy
'a p p le t ~tf!TSeofiand, ca&- b e 'f(^ n dH ii^ tsh ^ a i^ ie& t^w i!iteir^,-||||| thg
TlWianiamify h«Ml-the >Rom>'an fcfcptrK ' -
^ ^acrta^diCcHminate'^thd's'qifthePftwpaSt-jef^Bfitam from tfoi^fau Sherri,
'by lh@‘i^bbiah add 'FepV^h'appellaMon o^fafedbaia, a natilejiki'dJ to; be
tlS i# d « ^ dm ’ a .G um F a% ^ 0 fd i‘% n tf^® ^ wao'diands, :farefl^,.-jjRjr,;rpet>
■Haps; rather a mountainous'country, for,the ancientsioften-btehded the
ideas' of Tofeft ahd’,:inoiintaiii; the Riph'aean mountains, ifoir -in-ftancc,
b e ih |, in fa£l, only a vaft foreft, as no mountains) ark.tfed^vfquhd ih
"that {fpK&|(fn £tnd diF^dteifek.
The nasy^Gakdmiia, and %e&'doma&f6onti?xie.& ’to-be till; the
Roman power' expired. Bede," the- father of - Engli-fh -hifiofy, • call's the
yol.- i. -- , u X' , ■ inhabitants