The Dutch are cöhraaonly low in. ftature, and the women are taller
than the men.« : The' fex having' #éherall-y;Tew vp,erfohal advahtagés,
they a r e ‘induced to make advances, which imprefs foreigners ,as diri-
mfideft' ah|l 'improper. Thé Butch <}refs| isjfittle'iaffe'dte^'' by f^flaion,
and the women retain the "Old1 broad hat, whilè that - of the üieri is
narrow and compact ; nor, has the ancient female affeâjon for gold and
jeweil peen eradieated by m ç ^ d rie& b i fàtherVand hüfbaads. ThdjWe
o f fait and high-feafoned food is perhaps enforced,,by the diumid
elimate^ às wéîl às that of fpiritpous liquors.. Beide&'.tbé ufuap gantés
the ©hief a'tnnfemeh.ts were th e , théâtres» and- the1 tea-ganJe'ss.; - T h e
opulent merchants delighted in their villas, thickly planted among the
humerons eanatep arid thé fmaltrief^ of the ,gajdénis ;w8sIeöimpmiktfecl^y;
thie -richmeïs b f the m iniatsra feledion, iniwhich: îperhapè :one, ;&riMp4o k
might cott 50, guineas. The Dutch perfeyefanicé is aHo rdif^yed in
the «hproveméàt a f hykeinths;-
attention becatifg phece was, .not room . for the grander . vegetables;. : Ijri
the winter fkating was alfo » fayourite ampferaent,. ,ftad/îhe-fapa^sf .\yere
crowded with all ranks, frritn the.'Senator to. the. .tpilfe;-maifd; w-ith.jhör
pail, and the peafant with his éggs* • But th$ feh|ef anmC«ihp|sa.ip #>
inoift a climate, were under the flicker of the dome-flic roQ^. in- largé
and cspenftve colledtons of paintings*
an article of commerce and avarice.
' The Dutch language is a dialeâ ofthe Gennànu and the Tosd’s
Prayer runs in the following terms : r
Onfe.Voder die daer » jt in, de Hemeteiu JlnMeii Noem'w ard gèeheyÿgki*
U -Rijcke kome~iNiom-WW*,ghefehiede'-■*£‘dek:;'- J É e r ^ ^ ^ ^ s k h i^ d é i ^
HmieL ^Qnje dagelijcJd Bmodt g&èefiitàts -heik»iv:i JSmk. :ifi& iheftU toa
oufe: Schulden g b d ijeh ià y aeçkot^è &£bul^màrm:‘V e ^ ^ e n ^Æ u d i\e n . leyl
ons met in Verîfbeckinge. M aer mMojfatmwduden K vâm .' :
The literature o f the. Seven United Provinces; is moré refpedfable
than that o f the other Netherlands. :N0t:'.l»-;lsrçi^o^r|hfl-. ancient
chronicle* o f the church o f Utrecht, written by Béka in the thirteenth
century, and other ecclefiaftical productions o f the middle,ages, thé
great Erafmus, the reftorer o f letters in Weftern Eüridpe^ wtas hona' at
Rotterdam in 146.7. Johannes Secundus» or Hans de, Twede, one o f
- the
thd-^oft.ele'ganP.ctfmdd&rn-DatM- pn'ets^ WaS’h' nifiVe o f the Hague, as*
. t'fte! itenowned -Grottos- was ‘o f Delft. * Boerhaave» the' Celebrated.
• phy-fickn,. ^as* born'at Vodfhoot- rieaedkeyderu- iDorti produced-'Paul
Mernla, a difjinguifhedi antiquary', who*-at-fth© begiranirtg/of thd'feven-p
tfeentk century firft •difGrimittated.'the.'rdslJori^a;offErirdpean'nafioris.
Aidrian Juulfl», Or >Yung>,.‘Wlk)5ekpJ^ed\tte.e ahtsqukiies> „Ms native
cduntry,' was' Ojfhd^©fn}itei! the’ 2toyde$£^e&dH&mdi^ btfhler,' eminent
names may ,be menridn ed *.^ prl|jj;:0f L^tfdea ^Dohtfa o f iDdytten1,
Heinfius- of» Ghent, ^ and* tlfid ^3dhigfer'/Vrd.ffi*iisi, i'f©r-<l'-t’h'e '/fath^iTwhs
c $ i f e i d e } b e % ' H O b g ^ e ' r r i o - F ^ e y d i i f S i e d ^ n ? 4 ^
(|&r#ed the fgpufeflori ©f 'Greet'TeKcffMn E u% $ f%is:
li^ t t^ h H enCreafed;
that5th e n a tiv e d k e fa rtu reE a s ^ 'b fe ^ e h t'k b ly ? ifdg^a&d, ’fTncM^h^firit^
cff'Catz thepdet;! a narivef of?J^ealaff^ in »thefi$i(lfe o f
thfle’'fe'vertteehrii edhfdry-; a rid k h a ^ fd ^ r^ ^w b il^ o fih ff li^ ''h n d '' amufe-^1
mfent ha^A|)ddii pUbliifeedriivthe Dntbh IpofUage, w h « h o u g h t *&> ih itte ;
With the Geririart th e atteHtiori-’o f ltfveFs5.fef$1|j:er'ath
* The- mode^fdbdai&tfQn ^urfied-inyVhifsjipFoyiMil* fedni’p h a v e "
iheda greayly * inferior to that- ufed m ^ doitl^ud'. H
,^Pdifmftia-^verri¥n'eflt? fomewfiat -firiiifar.'- ‘T h e 1 hein^l'
chiefly» a jfe t^ d to a tM fM n ^M ^V tM re Jw ^ h d fd ilM M that'dpftO^ffnky-
fsri nAtedfibusTpar^hidl! ^ W iB hidd--
. ku©iwledge^‘ w h ic h '' tbo^ "pkeie i-ri' S^tlahdT. '.%%i3»mseW
cMfebrated Liiftdefeofe-#eip-^aid' Kfottfefdatji ‘ • ‘Bceda-^-M d'dic^ -Gi b- 1
nrri||en; ^ e . T h e uriiverfltids a rh ',‘,ftv&; HaftferwyGk,
Eraneekeiyr and G r o r i f e W f 6 h J-t*wo- i r i f e r i t t f » d t ‘-
fterdiam arid- ©evehten There-is rin 'academy c)f-:foerices at Haarlem.
Afafterdtfm, the chie f city o f IIolland j ' upon the: fniall river AnifteJ
is 'firft mentionedTn. the thirleepth century ; but in th e fourteenth WaS'
rcckon'cd among the coninei 1 ; About the-middle'
°f' the ■ fev-enteenth ccntUty, du-ririg d i e , liigS.e#i pvoIjDeriLy: o f the republic,
it w-as enlarged fa^aborit o r i^ h a ll ^-The hkven is not didin-
guifhed b y natuTal; adv-aritages, but diaS'-beife iiap'roved alrid> fecu-red by?'
art: and the wide foreft o f inafts imp re fled every traveller with amaWeTi
ment. The pdpUlhtiop'is,,contpdfdcf‘at'i aboDr'2!r2^6v'5b. ' -illc fire a s
L iterature
Cities, an($
^ J ^ r i s . ',I -1