66o A P P J N D IK ;T O VQ L. •!«
that part o f th e ’ Mand o’f Elba which is dependant
thereon, as well as all rights and titles refiilting from ;
the dominion o f the laid dates ; the fame1 fliall be .,
poffeffed in full fovereignty and property b y his royal
highnefs the infant duke o f Parma. T h e grand duke v
will obtain a full indemnity in Germany for the lofs
o f his eftates in Italy .. T h e grand.-duke may difpofe,
as he pleafes o f the eftates and property which he .
particularly poffeffes in Tufcauy, whether by, perfonal
acquifition, or b y heirfhip o f the perfonal acquififipns
o f the deceafed emperor Leopold I I . , his father, or o f
the deceafed emperor Francis I ., his grandfather. - I t
is alfo agreed, that 'the.trails, eftabliflinieuts, and o ther,
property of: the grand duchy, as well as the debts
from mortages on the country, Ihall he- transferred to
the new’ grand duke. I n J -i-;J g 'f
V I . H is majefty the emperor and king, as well in
his own name as in that o f the,’ Germanic empire,
confents that in future the French republic (hall pof-
fefs, in full fovereignty and property, the countries
and domains fituated on the left bank o f the Rhine, and
which made part o f the German empire, in a manner
conformable to that which had been exprefsly cpn-
fented to at the congrefs o f Raftadt b y the deputation
o f the empire, and approved b y the. emperor ; the
thalweg o f the Rhine being hereafter the limit- be,
tween the French republic and the German empire, to
wit, from the place where the Rhine leaves the Hel- ’
vetic territory, to that where it enters the Batavian
territory. - In confequence o f which the French republic
formally renounces every poffeffipn whatfoever >
on the right bank o f the Rbine, and confents to reftore
to whomfoever they may belong the places .of Duffel-
dorff, Ehrenbreitftein, Philipfburg, the fo rt o f.C a fie l,.
and other -fortifications oppofite Mayence on the tig h t
’ b a n k ; as alfo the fort o f X eh l and Old Brilfac, upon
the exprefs conditions that thofe places and forts Ihall
continue and- remain in the fame hate as at their
evacuation, • - ’ ’ .
V I I . A n d as in virtue o f the ceffion which the
empire makes to the French republic, feveral princes
and'ftates o f the empire will be difpoffeffed, in the
whole or in part, o f what belonged to them, particularly
; while collectively the German empire has
to fupport the Ioffes refulting from the ftipulations o f
the prefent 'treaty ; it is agreed between his majefty
the emperor and king, as well in his own name as in
that o f the German empire, and the French republic,
that, conformably to the principles laid down and.
eltablifhed at the congrefs o f Raftadt, the empire is
bound to give to the hereditary princes, fo difpoffeffed
on the left bank o f the Rhine, an indemnification to
"be taken from the body o f the empire, according to
the arrangements which, after the fa id . bafis, will be
ultimately determined upon.
V I I I . Throughout all the ceded 'countries, acquired
or exchanged b y the prefent treaty, it is, agreed
upon, as it had been b y the 4th and lo th articles o f
the treaty o f Campo Formio, that thofé to whom
•WhfS- tjjlfe- Jtpqhf thetafelye,« the deSt^fak
co/ifiderati^q.-9§ tjm ' difficulties ,wljiqh„ m, ijega^d, ,to
the treaty offCatnpd Formio gave rife to, it i s , exprefsly
underftood that the French republic only takes--
upon it fe lf the debts arifing from the loans formally
confented to b y the; fl'ates. o f the ceded- countries, or-
the expences incurred b y the effeftive adminiftratibh o f
the faid countries,, s •;
, IX . Immediately, after, the? exchange, o f the ratification
o f the prefent treaty, there fliall be granted, in
all the countries ceded, acquired,; or exchanged b y the
faid treaty, to -all the -inhabitants and proprietors
-whomfoever, an exemption from the fequeftratm'n’ put
on their goods, effects, and revenues, on account o f
the war which has taken place. THe qQmra’a in g ’parties
ol lige themfelv.es to "difeharge all -they may owe
for principal lent to them, by 'th e faid individuals, as ■;
well as" by the public eftablilhments o f the faid countries
; and to pay or reimbuyfe all the iniereft accruing
to them b y each o f the faid parties In confequence
o f which-it is exprefsly ftipulated that tile' . proprietors
o f ftock o f the bank o f Vienna, become French, (hall
continue to enjoy the benefit o f their ftock, and receive
the intereft accrued or to accrue, notwithHandin
g any fequeftration o r forfeiture^ which fhall be con.,
fidered as not having taken p la ce ; particularly tjfe:
forfeiture, refulting from .the French proprietors not
having furnilhed the thirty, and the cent per cent, demanded
o f -the proprietors, o f 'lock, o f the bank o f
Vienna b y his majefty .the emperor and-king.
■ X . T h e coil trailing parties (hall reciprocally remove
the fequeftrations that have, been .put, in confequence
o f the war, on the goods, rights, and revenues o f the:
fubjefts o f his majefty the emperor, or o f the empire,
in the territory o f-the French republic; and o f the
French citizens, in the Hates’ o f his faid majefty or o f
the empire.
X I . T h e prefent treaty o f peace, particularly the.
articles 8, 9, 10, and the" 1,5 th hereinafter, are,declared,
common to the Batavian, Helyetic, Cifalpine, and L i gurian
republics. T h e contrafting parties mutually
guarantee the. independence of- the faid republics ; and
the right o f the people who inhabit them to adopt -fucli
-form o f government as they (hall judge fit. ,
X I I . His imperial and royal majefty renounces, for
; himfelf and his fncceffors, in favour o f thc.-Cifalpine
republic, -all rights and titles accruing from thofe,.
rights, w h ich , h e . might claim, over- thofe countries
which he po(felled before the wa r;-and which, under,
the terms o f the 8th article o f the treaty o f Campo,
Formio, make a .part o f the . Cifalpine republic, which
lhall poftefs them in full fovereignty and property, with
all the territorial property depending on them.
X I I I . His imperial and royal majefty, as well in.
his own name as in the name o f the Germanic empire,
confirms the adherence already given, by the treaty o f
Campo Formio, to the re-union o f the heretofore imftrial
A fP F I 1T M X T O f V .C k L , ' I . ’ G61
ffr ta l fiefs to the Ligiirfan lepirbhfc cpAnd Trt’uouiihc 1
aftfaighijjjnd't t'es colulmj fiom èhofe,nghth ener the i
- .\ I \ .C u ftn n u iil t> tut -hticli okitl e ft ita t} 'oê
C aniijo a\ i ’■ammSDOTra^ïriliiic.'' fci wuir.l
as’ih e.bmit'l^wclibtjiL itaLtv’o f and 'oya l
m.ijèt'cy^-andistli'jfi 1 tïf 'ilif. ififalidiie’ bïjuihliiv (hall .bj:-1
-v (bril. cd'iblïthi thereon ain '
form and tenor, as i f they were inferted verbatim in
|h^jpyprem»t-teaty.;..-'; 1
X V I I I . T h e contributions; levies, fupplies o f provi-
fions and other fupplies o f war, fliall ceafe from the date
o f the exchange o f the ratifications o f the prefent treaty;
on the part o f his majefty the emperor, and b y the Germanic
toll, nor keep any
X V . '*M>'fh^ piifdSBioipwaï, kaken on ,lhq onqi
fide a n d o 1 hei, a will a^thf^joftäge taken'
gnen duf 1 f ig ! f t lw 1.tXwljij ha>noyaa-t biLil^ d ,
ff ia l^ ffiieA o ïtd w thm.'io^)*d£y >. hom the^gjKijJeft
of jiljcs jereftnf tri
XVI. ; AH pufonal1 PtäuLri-y* 'ïSkifv'
ró) .T, highntd tlk.p rch d fkc" Clikries,
an l o f, tmr-,heiJ^^pn-taBartj ro-y 1) hi6jm l« , tbc ju d lï
ducht Is Ih u llia in , lriritcd>mi' th t »JcofmCiit-. u ÏA d
to the F . qlifi1 whlicdilnalfriie .ijäpirpiï..t& themoiM
ctir.djfion'j.th t the (aul j io p t i f t (ball hi fehl ^ f i i u
thi 4cftoF th ieA ) t a i? - j File Jaintu'lh lil ehteiid ,to j
the r^al . nd p .il 'i al p i)peilt^ o® H fflao .ja lm
tht irehduk, I eruï?uuid^7llM tm auJlduCntl ,"Beat'j<i
iHswjfh, w ln h tliey j olh|ft<mnujthe territory ot llie !
Cifalpine republic.
XVIlA’The’. .12th,
I®ih artiejti ( f- the tie atj ö-kCmw o 1’ o fm b fli^ll Je';
again i a f ö i l ' A e o i d m g to^theuj
empire, and on the part o f the French republic.
X IX . T h e prefent treaty fliall be ratified by his
majefty the emperor and king, by the empire, and by
the French republic, within thirty days, or fooner i f
it ( ai be done ; a id it 'i J lgreed upon that the armies
o f the two powers (hall remain in the politions where
thcymoTO are1,, fiiifh-" tnyGhiin b y . rurdjri'taly/ the
faid ratifications o f the emperor and king, o f the empire,
and,of ..the French republic, fliall be at the fame .time
iCxiJTtngU-l,?mfl4umnir Afw .he nfpeejyie pknipotcn-’’
tiaries. I t is alfo agreed upon, that ten days after the
exchange o f the faid ratifications, the armies o f his im-
ptqjdjfaidltoiiw.il ir. iji iK (liallsrc’sevtf isnstEfledltarv pol-
leffions, which (hall in the fame time be evacuated by.
t ’11 1 ?S?lLcubiu 'tF ijiiA h i* h ity d 1 » dtci tliL laid
exchange the French armiritgifhajl evacuate t-hd whole
of the territory Cl . ■ ■
.. 1-fb'1 o'-iliuT?!ignedf aL 15i i.inllc,' the 2otb Pluvjofey
* 9^baioadqt flic Fu nch'rijuTl11 If— lScu.
•jt Lo ans C o 0nt Cob. nt z el.
J o s e ph B u o n a p a r t e .
;No. ÏI. Treaty, o f Peace between Great Britain and thè^ -F&eno%)[ Repubfiey concluded at
Amiens,„. t h * Ma rcB** WpS * .
Article I . T h e R E (hall,he.pfiaqq* an^ good under (landing between tbe Flinch republic,, his
majefty.’the king! of Spaia,: h& heirsi add;jfetee,e|Io^,
and the Batavian republjOfuon the one, fide,. ,ajid;diri
majefty- the .king of the 'iipited' kingdom. dfiQrCat
Britain’and Ii eland, his heir, »and fuccdkirs, opjtiic
other part. The contracting; parties - (hall ufe their
utmoft efforts to pmfenve a’ per&ft hajspqn^hbtvyeco
their refpeftive countries, without permitting any, act
.of. hoftihty whatever, by fea or by land^fppasyt oauf&j
or under any pretext They (hgjl s^rfefq& a.oal
every thing which might for the future dillurb the
happy.union now re-eftablilhed between -fhem^.aqd,
(hall not give any fucoour ot proteftion, dsreft]|; or-
indireftly, to thole who would wdh .tosinjure any-one
I I . A l l the prifoners made on one fide and the
other, as well by land is Jsy_i;fets> arjd ,the hoftages
carried off or delivered up.duKing,,the w^r, apdctotithe
prefent day, fhall he reftored’*without san&nri; in fix
ivCfisjat tHe- latt'ft, to'-;'be''Tjcekbn4rl ftom ;the day oij
whiiiji A, ’iSitihatiofibMift thfe’Di'efi.nt ;èjs-r,
diaugtd t aqd ua^patu'g; tl e di b fh itlin th c y fliall
have contracted during tlmr caplhits Each of tfic
dtui nititj, f init dull rcipeitowlv ddöh|’r ^ the
adv^Ss', i,hiLlv*fl-aftjlu\t’*lR,a.JinaiIc’ ÉlAdf tfie
cb|itr Jf ;.ii g p.a rif., tor’ Ihr) fuppdri'and inainfeH-ince
of piifoimroj',ji the counfiit 'wlu.rf'jhr^n^c1 lStn
lhdfdA. I^tpopjftd, fiv mutual con-
fen t, (hr, ‘tjuk ptitöpffï ‘W comlnlffidn fpeeially, cm-'
powered to alee it <11 n, and d c tc r m me't'h c eompenfation
wbjcKjmay’ be dip, to anj onb óf the’contiaftfng
parties. „The; tffn’e1 and, 'She place, (hall likewife be,
fixedOiy. ttuitual ’con lent,’ for „tlfc^Jmèetmg&oJC the com-
rmffioners, ’wQrvihall -bprieniriifted with the,, execution
dï-fthis! articleV'khd wJtöMtÄt take, iqtó .afccoimt -ndt
only tl<a'-kxpuMlt . n a t sojcnt'pf the.prifontera j
of the itlpcftCuiidt c ns, hut likewife op.account pf
äffiwfe’reign,tr°ftp' «Jjqk,hsfol'^.h.,y,1t,'dake*n. were j^.
the pay, and at the.difpofal, o f one o f the contradling
-parties. ,
I I R His Britannic majefty reftores to the French
Tranflated from the French counterpart.