C ivil G eo g r a ph y ; -
Manners and C ttp om sIM fig u d g e^— £itefaiiirei~-^ $d'iit£afidft~ - XMivetfims.^--
1 Cities and ^o a n n sf^E M fiiir.d ^R oM s.^Ih la n d lfa '^a tiow tr^M l^fe^u i'iC a n d
Commerce. >
Manners ^ T ^ H E manners arid cuftoms o f the, T u rk s, are dilHnguiihed by; the
CotnLs ■ peculiarity o f theft: religion: from1 tliofevqf o th e r European) rfa&om. -
O n th e birth, o f .a . child th e , father himfelf gives the name, p u tting a t '
Jh e.h tp ie grain o f fait into its mouth. \ T h e circumciilon is not
performed till th e age^qf twelve or fourteen; t . . hdarriagte!. is'> only] ab civ.E
contra®, which either .party may break, and' ismanagedl b y fe'iha-le’ mew
diation, the y o u th feldom feeing;hi$ bride till after-tfte'.i;eremjbny;;: T h e
dead are perfumed w ith incenfe, a n d buried in a, cloth^ open »at.the, to p
and^bottom, th a t the deceased dfcfcy. able to fit up and anfwer the
queftiqns o f the angels o f: death, T h e lf^ ria k g (rMridR~arp.-t>par t-he,
highways j and ftones are often placed at;, the head; qfftberjgfovjesfjwifch.
carved turbans ,denoting-.-the fex; j As they^qgyer, iqtrep$h;,up on?a,.fois
m e r grave, th e cemeteries are .very, extenftv.e. I n „diet; th e Turfe-are e x-,,
tremely moderate, an d th e ir meals ,a#qi.cfifp$tG]h.<d,.withIgreat: haft®»-
Rice 4 s th e favourite food, and ^ 3c ^ j ^ y ^ ^ e d 4 ftijtl®®e
pilau, boiled with m u tto n ,or fowl 5 the letpp^,,.o|cQ]^rer.boilsti:rich; 'a n d
th e -tehorba, a, kind o f b roth o f , the- fame jvegetable.. ,,-In .bpihrigjthd
meat is, cut in fmall pieces ; and in roafting ftillfma lie r, a hft of: me a t
a n d an onion being placed alternately on a .very Jpng fpit. T h e fifli .of
th e Archipelago are excellent ; and the b.eef tolerable,r except t th a t o f
th e buffalo which is very hard. T h e hares, partridges, a n d -Other game
are o f fuperior flavour. T h e meal is ufually fpr.ead on a, low yvooden
table, a n d th e matter o f the houfe pronounces a fhort prayer. T h e
1 Tournefort, u 47.
; % g 4 'r epaff ;is4fdHo^e‘d<rUy5fi fucceeded
■ b f hqt c^%%iarid 'p ip e s with A o W A $ T h e fföufes o f the Turks are
r,t m m thep■ c h ie f^felkkure.;:r s t ë é <^ . r p « l’i%hich’.’cövers
l^ffófa|p.i^QÉ?il'" ftS^b^th^^oath*, i li/iW a rd tb drefs,'
; | ^ f o r t ? .bb^ety,e^|^ftstl6Ke, & 4} rihe altft y : • tVcau fè
th e ears are expofed,. and its thicknefs prevents pèrfpiration. T h e fliirt
i ^ ^ f # i ^ {fta n d ft en d t l l ^ a 'g ftd fe /d n whi^Vis,
ftqekia^ dsigg^r l^.wbil&l th e ftlb ad sii ®$ox, p ö c k ^ t e ö k , '& £ >& # wbrn ’in
* |i th va*iQtiscfuréi , T h e - 'M e S i d o r 'f a th è i f l é p ^ 'are and'uriftr
for much.e&ercife.-. 'E&e drefe ^ iffe f^H ttik from ' th a t off
the men, the,-chief diftindtion' bèirigï/tke h « t r e f t ; that » P f a i r féx
c o k f if tm 'g to f h s ^ d e t^ lik è /'a n , invëftfedtBafttet,' forme 1 1 | 1 1 1
covered w ith cloth e ffg o id ^ a c ' o th e rJelégbïtmfefe^als^-V^h veil’ t x-
tënding t i ^ ^ q b f c o s w j ‘<uè$er
part o f th e face. | T h e p e rfo n ah c le ah lW s dW o f h ^ ^ g i s 'h i ^ h ly lau-
dab le ; but the European bye is not p le a fo d .W k h lh e ïfim y è ^ ffom , o f
ftainkig th e nails w ith a red tinw a re ; ^ ’T 5h d<a fo a ^ è '^ ^ ts ^ ¥ iie ^ T ilrk s ï
fSrtakeQfftheir in dolent apathy; i f .weï.excép'ffhóhtif^;' and thofefol a ',
■ ^ lita ry description. T o r e t l i h ö t e i f elegant carpet,-or in-a Hot'ïeafóft
by the fide o f a . ftre am ,a ffd fm o k e ' t h ^ d b i i ^ f ^ maybe
regarded as the ir ch ie f amufement. ' With opium they procure "whaf I
th e y caff a kief, or p la c id ' intoxication, driving which th e fancy'forms'a-
thoufand agreeable images^ but when-the döfóds'-too poterfttffMfe^arê] I
focceeded by irritation an d ferocity. C h efaan d d r a ' u ^ a r^ fo v ó ü rite1
games ; but thofe o f chance are conftdered as^iritbrnpatible«. w ith ’'ftri<ff‘
morals. T h e coffee houfes, and the b ith \ - furriilh oVhef ^fourcbf o f
amufemenr;* and the bafram, or feftival 'which follows ^heir lo n g ' ïe riff]
is a fe a fo n o f univerfal- diffipation.
T h e T u rk ilh . language-ls o f far inferior' reputatiori'to the Perfian h r I
Arabie, being admixture, o f feveral d iile tfts ^ n d poffeffmg neither th e ’
fqrcei elegance, nor purity, o f thofe. two-icefeb'rated oriental' to n g u e s/
LiteratWefis-not however totally neglea&dfandMt'hasheeh'repeatedly
attempted to: eftablifh a printing prêfs-at, GoAffantindple; but the de^
M anner a
' A s i r .