N a p l e s AN:
{Sic il y .
the Adriatic fea, not far from mount: <3 -argano, arc the fmall ifles of
Tremiti, the Diomedeas of antiquity. Sicily being an important part
of the kingdom has been already confidered. To thé 1®' of this great
ifle, and at a confiderable diftance from thofe of Lipari;, jjs^the fmall ifle
of Uftica, and at a (fill greater diftance from the foutli Paotalaria. The
ifles of Malta and Gafo are of far more confequence, but have been fo
frequently defcribetl that the theme is trivial. Thefe ifles are rocky and
barren, not producing grain fufficient for half the coofumpt'of a thin,
population ; but. might in the hands of the Englifh prove a valuable ac-
quifition. Malta is about 50 Britifh g mites in circumference, and is
fuppofed to contain '60*000 inhabitants. The ifle oPGezo is,about half
:the extent,“ and is rather fertile, the population being computed at 3000.
I T h $ C e n t r a l P a i ^t o f «It a l y . v .
Dominions of, the Chhrch.^FéJcSi^^lJücbt^fpSt'.1 Märim.-~Piombino, and the
Èj^SiPaJ -
THIS pofnbhlcOm^rehends tfte-Domimons of thh Church, and the
l grand duchy, now Mn'gdotn, of Ttffcany; with a few diminutive
ftaiteSj-as” the republics of -Lucca and Sts Marino, thé principality of
’Piommrfo, and the-Tmall-' portion of territory around Orbitello belonging’to‘
the kingdom h f Naples.
The- territbry belonging to the Pope is thé chief in extent, fetching
from tbfé Pq lb 'beycfhd Terradna, z. length, of rpoVe” than’' 260 Britifh
Trifles*: but, oh 13,808 fquare miles, contains _llttlef more than twó frfil-
lions of inhabitants^ " The fecular power of the 'Pope^dates from the
age oPCharlemagne,‘and the forged colfeclibn.' df. paplf/fefcripts, pub-
-lifhed in thé ninth Century under’the näme of Tfriibfus, léd fq’Tü'ècéffiVè
accumulatiöhsN of; dominion. The fmall territory granted hf’the eighth
^©fitäfy, was èhcteafed by- the acquifitioo of BtettèvéhtÖdn the eleventh';
after which there was a paufe’: and the Popes thémfelves were Con-
ftrained to réfide at Avignbn. Heh'è'e'D&nte and Petrarca“ fatirized
Roitié, not hecaufe it wäs päpäl,£as Our reformers bSïxéèivèd,« but became
it: was in l 'oppofition : to the Bopfesr 1 In . 15 1:3 dBblogna iMas acquired by
Julius II t tKe'xharqaifateioE'Ancona’fQllowed- érrar-a1598t
UrbinQ 1626. The pontiff isreledted by hhe;cardinalsj a kindipf^hap-
ter confiftihg nominally of priefts and deacQns^butin eflèéfof opiileht
ecclefiaftics, who are elevated to this dignity by tfieip- fgtyipgSt to tjre
<hurch> by family connexions, pr by princely recommendation’.-' The
nature of the papal power is a bar to indufhy; and the Popes; rarely
4 N s s - attempt
D omin ions
f S w v t y j * * I