C i v i l G e-o g ^ - p h y .-
and Customs.
i i , ,
, Manners- and Cujtoms «-1Language.— Literature.— cPhe Arts — Educations^Uni-
y {\i^ties^T -EH ies: and, Tnewnsp^Edifcee. — Jhadsy-~, h la n d rW dm fa tkrt^
Manufactures and Commerce. -
H p i lE , Angularity o f manners in England, has often e y q ^ ^ t h e j ^ -
•*• prize o f foreigners, and« thejittenfcipij o f. am; ,psynj fjtjii.^w^ncpr.s,
who have attempted tq deduce ■ f.£rp|h "moral amL phyfical
Qapfes'j eftimating as the -firft, th,^ freedom di^if®^&ve_r^&4g,unt;r^,
, which permits the in d u d j^ e e ^ in fh v id u a l,
fQr th e latter, to the perpetual variations} jh e , d j ^ ^ ^ p ^ j i u c . i a ^ ^ f -
fefts o f ©le&rie fympathy oa^.tie,animal.jpirits,5
T h e eonlid'eratipn o f national manners maymd,]<^nvenien,tly referred
fo four divifions: i. Birth,'marriage, d e a th ; .2. d ie t; 3. houfes and
drefs ; 4 . amufements, s _
T h e ceremonies o f baptifm, marriage, and burial, admitting ofifew
variations in mod 'ChriftiSn' countries,!]fl:l|Slp^es;;u4 n^e£ffary'-;C®^^h-
fider that dWifiqn. The Englilh are gengratly e fte em e ^ ^ /& s |e d ts ih
the ule o f .animal fo o d ;.b u t, after fig?"recent imp^iaAinsjof,';lji£ji'ch
Atnigrattte of all elafles, this polition begins J^ihe^d^it&tedj&jlf Aqisachis
difeafes -he really more frequent than in other epqhfri^j-^t1re^''s^Ly | | |%
juftly be afcribed to o u t potatipns-of h e a ^ fm d ^ jq q d r , whichdfefensedly
firike foreigners a? a>'fmgularity in 'Englilh'^djettyljEveni opr ii^ ffi|h
liquors q f that fort have' notjtefeaped thcir^fe'mark j Tor a'ri'ateiiFr^ch
trav e le r has obferved, th a t the Englilh comrfiohly,dfink"’aitf' the|K“|||eals
a fort o f medical ptifan, which they cAlf Jimall Xbeee n L x OuriJ^naeJtfflrs
• prided themfelves ,sm the variety and riohnefs o f their ales, an^lold
writers enumerate many lofts, as, Cock, -Stepney, ,Stitch-back, Biqll,
Derby, Northdown, Nottingham, Sandbach^ Betony, Scurvy-grafs,
1 H i Sage-
Sage-ale, ■ College-ale, China-ale, Butler'’s-ale,-.See. ’, nor even at prefent Mann
do we refufe praife to the various qualities of-.our Burton, Dorchefter,
Tauntoh,i®lpll'iPr5 'abd-^ther?dle& But ^etfwoftllp^ejLjliar malt beverage
is ppr;ter| w K h h ^ jJ g h t' tO lh e |® R ^ !^ ‘inp,©fed!0ffbl'dwn high-dried
r^a'kj-.^pgsiliqisqtic^f and ^SjJbme'tpn'ES dia lled b y ^ th e r
ihgredieniiM-tJiatKoJ' f&nf&s,tand' is* an article of!
exportation,- b e i $ g ||^ t fB ^ banks p f the Delaware'.
ahd*the Gaiige^if-Pithclfi \ \ a « i f f l ^ | r ’'n ^ io Iiaal liquory compofed''Of -
^ids^hahd- ‘I h g ^ ^ B t d h s '^ S i s - ncy£- i-n'other de.rl-L^'~
t^opgh th^Mesypi* Cuheri pffeEmqLiria falutary'^slMrion, in a moift
% ^ ^ a?^ble hbqnqdigmus oahUi mpf lcn -oPtfea hs^aihether
^ d h ^ ^ ^ fu r .ig ;l^ e |l ||f e l!df. tka£rplanb h^ihjg^are ,Ln- othel European
countries ;'^b;phl^mati|«hthi!^^t'rons is n n ^ t f e beneficial;; bu,t- among
th e '^ n im o n ^laj&s^ k s ^ e ij^& tm g pdwersr are oftenhatt-eidpted tothe
sqirp&ed^by Ae^ul'e ©^J^rku,ous*JiquO%-JyThe^%{ter .bane has been
lofig-known in Ruffia, afyiptheFJiqrthfru kingdoms, but in the milder
climesjphGyeat.Brhain* (&nd;$reland,' g|j tjeftrudjive. qf the heakbTand
mpgds,.o^|he^p£»ples,., T h p legiflatur&lra^hfieri qftehffbrlVihftp'-' in te ^
pqfe .the, growth.; ©f.’^ ^ p k en n a f|Cw re tch e ^ 9& ,{ ajnd-Vjfc?^'
and i t iM o^Ihe'm in e d . that a M'^eppamiBteei'oEthphoufe.qf Commons
h j^ j.l^ ^ Jdn&.d'a^otien y?gs ipa.de ,tcs reftri-dt IfpiriLuotfsCiquors to
tnW ancfent h q u n < k r ie ^ t^ P^§ipf‘t|ip y ililt|wasSbtetSedy,
® tlk iio rS^ and, f ^ u g g i^ g , th e j e S ^ o J i I d i^e|%iinue,'
wfhqut y^fiing^any revehne- rpuft haye,j made a
f lf lS fe j» falufary impipflijiffl^ anhfthe -IcdntagToltffmuft .hav^bheen.Ke-
ftri<ae^ffe|far nSfrqwe.r a l ' i | | | h e | r n 6 r a ] 'duty of
t ^ ^ f ^ tW e k o i^ r e a f^ th e p r ic eM 1 fpiritsyh'lnldft"toIpBhiHti'on^ and
to Withdraw taxation.frqm malt liquor,’ which ohghtUo remain h fto u t
Th e jy h p lie ity ofdk^E hghlh' xbbkgyj.ftrikes- foreigner^* as much asi
which, even anjohg to e g re a t,ri^ e ^ y plain, except ..
JEfqnljhmaSh^ dymMs 'Hih'w^l'cluring. dinner,
but the date NTr. Gjbbon has remarked *, that;,thfeluxury o f a. daily table
>! ' Ghamberl. 1-91. "J* Bofth. ‘W-oiJls.