CHA P: I. HI ST-G R. PC A L G E Ö G R A PH Y . 403
P o |fttgP f4 ftE'raïs:f;éënefkr^lFw *ÖFuffi£ éotiht1!^*) arid fu rrö ü n d ed Jo if Ml Ext*n't.-
fides by th e lë a , exc^t^whdFe^friï'PfrMrièdrixHain fo rm ^ a ^ rïirid natural
baJrïïÉ^agamft tFrkrfSë.* ïSdPtSs -^ ffiA 'i^ ë feS ^ ê ram lfe^ riiiift1. jsx&ude -
Portugal,1 wfiicKis referred m a ^ b e '' obferved that
fhè^behhd'aïiei BSPw^£^hS©Tvir?i Mngtfljjms -"depend d ri’^tififcial1 cori-
vemloifij ^aWd^oPpj'ft'fïfe^oxiMcjrihfairi^^è^^étKer ¥èm^rkabïê<ïeiatü'reS
o'f - feparatiori.1 Spain is1'fu‘p |ë !0 d 'Hrf* contain about 148,ooó fquarè
ftËds-j’-ywHira, ''!èffirn,a fin ^ , 'm ef ^poptafatloh' a?tf - ri,TwSbj®3o $ ^ e fS * ; 7if
pWffins td tb%-mïfe' 'I q S a ^ - ^
; ^ h e }-t&V?gihal"; pöpuMisri'fóPS^ain feèhis1 td*’ffi:vé Cohfi'fhd" o f Celts Original Pa-
fröm '©'itilj'^and:-oï-Mdorslj Fro ril'R'ffïc a j^ ra r'Ae Jaher’ a pulatl0'n'
rfiorè^Warli-Ré^dcd, jBqSeRf-d tffe 'ïÓTmEr£,am’W ^ n ipaMd^?n®rAqtriram
m T#anhê? 'dA ft£ r'4hé- GéMüah G ïu% hau ‘HHMdjzed!ïm? fómlfofmódèrir
Ptas'cèy- wheté" fhfey v^erë ‘tHe^Gklli B^e^kiidoPkri ti-cpiity, th ey b eg a ii
to ■’ m aw expeditions in to t^S p k 'irip 'V h e re ^ ^N ïe i’zed tKé^ r^ ib f i to the
N. E.,1 ah'd-b'ééïtme tftbl ©eftïbferi o f hlafficaï gëó^r’aphy. ''nHeÜc ëShë
natoes^bf rivers and mountains r;in Spain' rarely' difpla^^Cfèltfdbngin^
being ^oftenhAFfican, and :ufrfiKè’ thdïent< ^ e BfóaritF ny'OTher ?^aVts^oF
E u r o p a though' rdcWded^fean^eeMA^^SSOTe'' thè' k m ^ ?or-i:né’ M ah ö -
riaetarpP^arid öfteri'Gbthic, tlfolfgh'inenïïórife^b^o^é tRhGótnrc Thyafem
in-the fifth century'■-‘ It fe^prdBab^dMt^ïKé'Atf’fièïiiJ'/f^fCTS,J^ ^ b - - n b t
a lïtife IffiRëd'dirtthè expulfiöri ©Pt-h-è, primevaï'Gelts, b y ^ h e*P |re 4® n s , . -
an d ' afterwards by-1 the Ckrfhal^raHs^whèkiré^lfhe'dattèr^maihtamed,
fuch fsvky~-in diftant p a rts1 AfftKis P ap je
■M tö ry b è& g b e eoritdktëecfl© hejgimwdth 'fhë* Africanc
o lo n y ; which was fucceeded, probably about 150 years before the
;»phriftiari era, b y ' tHE mcubfiohS'an^r^^ftleineht'' d f hffe1'. Geltiheri,- ’and
pother GaulibriMlöhièé,- wlio’lwèreddhiy* fty 1 échGHtsV:k's''h kV if ^ p2ffed,
tffö in G d tia iG ap b ; for the namesijoPl%lhoe«i,‘'iand other ftrdng i'ndi&t-
■tiohSjhtfertetè their gothic origin.
lJ ' Töv^adds>tite ,eaft.mu'ft bê addëtf lar^è'-^öröfïi'ês'efCafthlginians, find '
afterwards of -Romans ; for this ^cöÉri^tyJfW'hi-ch :rival'Fe'd*‘tïa 3 y -fer-fbil
cHmk te ^ ap -^ ted ;in imufual numéet^o^ïïhe 1 la tte r,''and''plrodriced
fflfci* The' rivet Bictafoa forms the W .- boundary, and. riéarhts mouth, is : the' iile ó f Pheafants.
È Jpun, near tJieBidafoa, i&the laft town in Spain« Dillon, 133»
3;■>> many