5s.’ ' the“ country/jMy thcfnar^er'of P '0i-,
. _Naw!
beea ufed by the Tatei Rpagant.!widors. as fynonymous with that of
Cciledonu. The .country he denominates, in the lax barbaric Latin of
th it P iffo fum , th e ‘iprqvintfc,*-
T h is-.new' nfble Iplpis to^ayf^be e native t$|%Ri$r' t r a p arid,,to^ia|e
*n tHe ;foutl^afivNjionuvi\ ,-4wfi|ne;e
thj^’e ^ ^ ly ' hafSprivedV j ^ ^ p S a x e j ^ writers,
Allred* call ga||fity;y"Peial^lo.hd:4e^i
A 'rT h e fe ‘d i^ a ^O T s i^ n tim ie dm ll fteA'l'eyenth-.c'^tiluty,. when.the^few
name offSedtia, wasta^eii fr%aaTr eland, its fcti^i3^ ^ b j ‘e£tJ andgl|§t|&d
. td'y^bdem^Q^arid.! T & f e e n ^ f j b h a v e 01 igi n atefUf ra®lli'e
vanity, orJaffeTatiqn.of the- Iri(h\iq|^}'^:^.wbo .w©ref^^blii}f!®>i|i^j^ot-
larcd* and were TkeToIe, ia fa u a o rs ' o f the
' l nian fa in f T^n^'f^iatiorved; i n - H h e ^ c M ^ a f t i ^ ^ i ^ ^ l i ^ l ^ e ^ ^ ^ t h
centnryj thef^RMti deMnin^’-m t lc h ^ ^ th ^ d g n o ja ife ‘ lhcl*fc^®oity. t£
their J%atfilinavia’n -pEOgenitesrs?;! | | | j t ican ftjjefo iit^ th r m. $b-tUmjk\ be
properly derived1 from- any pfetended '.conepieft-oC'lheiPi^j^Uy th ^A t-
tacotti,' a 1 coloriy o f 'Scots or Irifli, w h o p h a d ? f|i||||p iin , $.Ejplp|y.r,<|; ks
thb Saxon and Irifll authors’ cmiibpndptQ ufe the: £®4|s ex|ap|^Uat^)ns
for three* centuries'after that e v e n t s •'f|id40 hyvp ^ap^pe^hdjj «a
Tha t part o f X3 r-eat Britain, calledf^so(;_land; in
length, hy about:i'6o at;its :greateft breadth:;■ iii je(f,%mds fj,a
degree of Iatitudej!_-ibiftore than.58^1 ..TheehffterlteMlfp o ^ tj^s,-hn.e
been computed at 2^jf|§."fquaie miles, ca J f e 1f ~ ^ e jle d ln g , th a l^ fju p f-
land, and confiderably more’than halfe^h^
tiori being eftimated a t y?^s0,OQeij;i^%rejwin |'af; .'c o ^ ^ y f c only fjfcy-
inhabitants-, fo r every fquare n m aj^iopgytjpa* o f abimtBeSnc
third to th a t o f frfekndp ,TMs defeat q f ^ p , 0 p ^ a t ^ ^ i ^ |^ |^ e l y from
the mountainous n a tu re .o f th e country, amounting, pprhaps, tittlone
half, little fufceptible-bf .cultivation; _
Po_ So far as hiftoricai researches can 'dlfdpypiykhe prigiqa||.ppj)ulatioji of
fjeatfendy' confided of;?&iinbri, from theCimb^ic, Clh^fone&s A^out
two centuries before the Qhriftian asra/lffieCinihri feem,tp have &ep
- driven to the fputh o f Scotland by the Caledonians ©r Pi&i, a, ’C&qthic
' cokmy-from Norway. *The'Cimbrii, a.conge’netou.8. people with the
y r ' ‘ ”We!c%
Welch, continued to hold th e'country fouth of the two; fifths o f Perth Names, &.c.
and Clyde ; but from the former region they were foon iex.pelled-by
the BiQi, who, in this corner, became fubjedt for a.;,time, to the Anglo- -
Saxon kings of Bernicia. " On the-, weft, theCuinraig kingdom of Strath •
Clyde1 continued till the tenth century, when it - became fubjedb to the
kinigsilof North Britain ; who at the lame time extended their lauiho- f
rity, :by the permiffion of the Englilh monarchs, over the. counties of
Cuhihj^pid ‘a^d.',^\ ^n&rVkfttfjf w 1 with, hills;, p ^ jfp iir^&
aod.-tl 1 uIn11 th .and'u'It. wprqdititp*^aolIJioliejtti*he,Eaglifli ppyr^ti, 1
and While the Dane poflefled th country, to the north of the Hqmh^f,
■■Feyepibc t«{^Ci-qq(«)rg^ti^|i}?ei,l»ki^t?s©ii?;on .lijic-pa^ehs.
fjQWthe 1,’jiia oiigj 1 cft.ea-^1 1 ttuifn ^ ^ Id jjd soL Sti'l ind,jthp
J #w ||n d e^ biMibpigjb^6^d‘S?iaJl'ages dicljffijuel« ^]i^‘wMirojn!| 1hp,f^jM|'ithe
language, which was the moil fmooth and cultivated of the two, the
jVLiJitoidkkggjii, ^ j& ^ ® y r t f1'ffei^TO&Eio^4l|friiAuAhfeTO^me;y|ea.E of
^nk^a.d^ coAjjif d^Iiie»jiri^.n iyrite^s, | i
p^^TfinmJr^ldridyo^AfsgyktfliiEB. aridi.'h^IMp'fJt^dl^erm^of h e )’Scj!ttih.
lli^dV^ers, v\h^^)£jfe.thV.fdriihto i^ M r i g i ,. jvlhi}j'l|pjVS|r> ^
landei’-^ iju c .ahv^v'^nfed,tli^ S ^ P cimaT ^ I^ r ^ S ^ w ^ " 1
Th^ j^®g r(ffiv p .g ^ ^ rapfc^o^e®%lanh,4 ^ |f )|lpyfPltA;nt j-jrj materials. Progreffive
Iiirih J^feM-hck.cejiluirstii y?c iind a Britain, |>ly ^ toM m y^ Geognphy.
hfit hy'fuim:|®n'guhir error, it iva,-yif^actl^nS’] . . h i s maplof jfin^pJlanA
f jicBiseleh tfwrlhe. .iVfn 11 p f ^ ^Ihwayl^thg.^gfty-nWjfl^rTtl^-Q^n- I
p n .y ^ S f ith lj rn d ^ n d je ^ ^ 6' b fem d frw i'ty -y id tereaftp-tfo? tha,f. aIi feis
k ).ngttiade4;a rid l^tjnd^s are.
th at h e oft e n ac c o hmo^af^l -his ^l«jHwes and' lat%l,d‘e|4 Ifr© m ,jmath e-
mahc,4l[^ ^ 3oA ^ |^ i1tov#^e^lfevp5etgh!es, w’bkk|lhad'hbeen'>^afceHfiby the
Rom^h’^i^jneeri, ptvhyfhavigst^rs^ 1 Rut‘ihi!®dil|ribuiti.on' of ^thei;trib^s
-whi%hi4<%0pi( ^^jtShncl, riky; be','iregaaid'6d ' as’ ’tdihably lexaT.
In tfiKpenpremf 1 thdrcqM&yi he pixels ^ ‘ va'T''Fofieft, ‘whf Gh3|h i -oaiMs- the -
oyjy&l ®^^dqhi»a^hhiefly extenmhg o.vOfi '^©dern Perthihire, ^nsindiiG'at-
tirid'iitffat ^ie ycjoniffesi -biadlfettled off lne'.,.Ifibfes^,<aii>di!tha^dH^M^idr
part iof^thbicpdintry' wasijfetle:kaopani ( cTtfe'©lidenl^were 1’the * popple
■of'mederh,,Nedieh'una,b<£r,K,ri[.dhhd L othian; the) Selgbvs extbkTe'd over’
D 2 ,, , Duirfrielhire,