‘that which was the earlieft important inheritance of the ruling family*
The remaining provinces will of cotttfe.be confidered in-proportion to
their real and lafting importance ; while- the more minute diftrióts may
v be abandoned to the_ fedulous cai-e and microfçopic labour of the topographer.
On this» plan the provi«^*Ihat will here i^|Uire‘particular
•obfervatioa are the archduchy o f Auftria.; the kingdoms of Hungary,
and Bohemia; the-grand-duchy o f Tran'fylvania, which, with the
Buckovina, may be regarded &s belonging to Hungary p the dominion
•towards the Adriatic, with the aCquifitions of Venice, and Dalmatia y
•and laftly that part o f Poland which has '/fatten.utfder -tim Atiftriatt-
I iceptre. .
Barnes. ~ The archduchy-of Auftria. may be confidered as- belonging^ - in part,
to ancient Pannonia, the Vindobona of the Romans being the modern
"Vienna. But 'that half of Auftria, .which lies north "of the Danube,
was occupied by the Quadi, a barbaric nàlrôn, who ànciently infeïied
the adjoining provinces of Pannonia and Nôricum* ‘fôr thé weftern part
•of Auftria, on fee §. o f the Danube,/alls under fee latter ancient appellation.
, The German name and diviûon of Ofterich*, or the eâftèrn
kingdom* foftdaefl. iàtp-ÀuftriaJ>ythe. Italian and French eauaciatiQQ,
arofe âifter Charlemagne had eftablifeed-the weftern empire, • bejng a
remnant c f the foym;eignty pf what was called. Eaftém France,' 'em -'
bliihed by that'conqueror. It was alfo ilyled Marcbia Oriental}*, thé
-eaftern march, or boundary: and after the failure of the Francic linç
became a marquifate feudatoryfe the dukes o f Bavaria, till the emperor
Frederic Barbaroflfa, in 1156, conftituted it a duchy held ingimediatejy
<of the, empire/ Hungary, a part o f which belonged to ancient Daçia,
derives its modern appellation from the Ilgurs, a nation of Turke-
manic, or Tatarie origin, who, after fpeading devaluation through
a great part o f Germany, fixed their refidence. here, kt the» .tenth
'century the writers of the middle ages, confounding their real apé
* Several o f the German names o f Auftrian provinces differ, confiderably from our appella-
, tions : Carintbia is -Carntêri^ (Brown, Carniola, K rain ; .S tiria , Steyermari ; Croatiaj
sCrabateft; Bohemia, Boehmen -, Moravia, M d ircn . G a litz , or Ga litz ia is wrongly ftyled
:Galicia. < r r grafts! ...................... -............- - - ' |
‘ JD’An ville, Etatsfo rme s en Europe, p . y j ,
; 15 pellative
j^fe-Hatlve with» that-of fee Hums,'* a different and here :,eMihgh^e<^ Names.
I nation,Lwhp„,fliad formerly poffeffed tbijs ptqvince. In,, the time- of
Charlemagne it was pofleffedi by feb1 Avars, 'a‘ Slavonic'{people/ The- -
"Hungarians ftyler feemfeltes Magiar ;1 and their language' approaches to-
the. Finnic" dialefib.,'yBohemih,1 onfeefeabitationHofjfee Bp-Ps was1-a central
province» of^Barbariq Ger/nany, afterwards t feized by a-* Slavonic- '
.tribe, whofe chiefs.were originally JiyJe/idqkeg, of,Bohemia. .TfspJfyL--
vania, and the Buckovina* arqyparts of fe-%prqvfiac£ o f Dacia, founded!
by Trajaij-, t, The former is-fey thq-Hu-ngarians. c ^ ^ ,/ir d e li: by 'the: 1
Germans Siehen-byrgen,. oX{ thf.<fSe^rL .towns, from a mpjony »therg:
eftfelifeedb the more, 'pommi)1n1 napip jflgm’s/derived/cqm the1 .woody"
pides;,: Of fee Carpathian mountains, and,yj^s IspRo^ed te.jlie monkiftu
writers-. Venice,' as. .is- well, known;., derives, !,i|s -agpellajicmTflpm ,thefep
ancient Veaeti*of »fee »oppefite fbor-A; The;-prigi.nJ p f feeAffeer ivamesi
becomes difficult, in exadf proportion rta\;their unimpdjrjance; and is*
m o r e f o r . fee inveftigatipn of the antiquary, tham.fqr the. grefean
defign; •
' Erom fee; frontiers ©f Bwiflhrland^ -tti ^gmtfeQ^.limh^of^ Tranfyl- Eztent;
yania, theTength o f fee Auftrianj, dominions, mawhcf.aSgut ^ybp .Britiih ,; -
miles J,the breadth about 520, ffom.-the,, river l^ng;, which forms a'
houpdary between,« Auftria apd.Piuffian PQlancf to. fe e /J a y e/ which-
divides fee Auftrian,' from the' Turkifh ifeyereignty. The acquifijjpn.'pf >
Venetian Dalmatia- may prphably fbopvheTollowphs.hye^ft? junction o f
thofe Turkifh provincesj wWch-.divide’-that province-from the Auftrian^
domain. The.fquare; pputent^. may be-.about i§ 4.|i^30 .-,miles. 'B o -
etticher eftimates the inhabitants at Spft-to 'a- fquare'mi|e»j';].-but fince-,.
he wrote, fee Netherlands, a populop§Jegim^^eipl €Sf be withdrawn-
Bom fee houffe of Auftria, yet the Venetian teramti’esfeifpfay a population
little inferior. /
Towards the E- the - Auftrian dominions border on < feqfb Of. Rujliai
.m 4 * to, fee M, op. ^nffia,» Upper- Saxony*,,
* Gibbon^ x , 204. ,
f e T h i s prov;tlce,buc(tme-ftibfefift&-Auftwi iu 1777. t6 Ga litz . InbabitantSz
»bout 130,600,. w ho lpeak Polifh,apd. G e rm a n .R e lig io n , JtoBjan-Catholic. -
B â v a r i à f ,