O f the two un iverfitief'rr®ny toinute descriptions have appeared.
ÖX-ferd- is-th e möte majeftib, firóto the'^f&ndeuf èft'thë' eblfeges^ f e id
other puMfeh^ldings,, and neatnefs ofr^he
.ftreets ; but the<,chTapef of Kilig’stee'Mbge, at Cambridge, is fapftofe&'to
excel any fingle edifice^ejTthe* o ffer udiverfity. Both o f -tholf;,, ifta]|hi-
fteent. ïe ö n a r ie a 7 i ;t&prefe
only by their arctatp&u|al diglnty,,,b'Ut by Collateral idjsas óf
ancient greatnels and lc^cnca'j
-T o ^attain the degree rif,bachCtpf rif ibis, a fefidërice b'F tWeïyjé tèrffis,
or three years, js ^ c e f la ry at Cambfidag,. font aft Oxford? In ?bhth
univedi ties^-tnree/years more ralufr Tela'hfé,; B'ëfóre' can ccMimërrce
matter of arts ; after wjiijeh feven years ^ar-e requicetf^heïore' he
can become bachelor^. of drvipity„-;r. and- föuï rifore fo r rii'e ‘dojllèf’s
degree, ’ Tha t of doriter o£:4|w s p a y be.acqumt^Ma feven yeafstaffer
he asnfpcRsred maftfer 'êf aria. ’
Female education najc/indufted irrEn g jan d with,great ele^pefeanxJ
exjfeqtp. Even ip me middle ranks o f life,*., young wo p e n are ^generally,
taught p u u a and drawing,ji plan whieJhi<'furp^ifes>,foi:eigners, who-
feidom( teach thefearts, except in cafes o f d^pded-fpppenhty. T h ey
are, indeed^ of little or no ufe'in future life,; butpljpy .enlarge and cultivate
the mind, and.ferwe.to j-yreveat the;d rag e rs,ó f iélénefe» >
In giving a brief account e# th e 'Chief chips a $ d 1 towrilr in England, a
few o f the möft important fhall be arranged /aeegrdiBig to' dignity,. opulence,
and. population ; and thé others fhsllf ]hb fiated without pfCfer'eriCe,,
in a kind o f pxogrefs from the fouth-weft to the north* ,
t o n don, the metropolis d f England, and perhaps the fridft populous
.and rich city on the face o f the globe, isi fituated ia afl? ëkteh&pc plain,,
o r valley, watered by the Thames, arid only confined "Ött tfife n o rth b y
a-few final! elevations ; being a place of great antiq.oity, and fir^t mentioned
by Tacitus, I t was in forrnqr times, of far lef* ëstëtil; and for-
rounded with walls, but now inclines Southwark,^ m , i tie S' a c ïty J n n
the other fide o f the Thames,- and Wèftffifiöfter, anofhot city o p the
weft ; fo that like fome places, o f^ancient gjëbgr'aph.'p, if iïïigftt b‘è named
T r ifo tit, or three cities.’ T h e noble river Thames is here ahöut 440*
yards Ifi‘Bfëadtfr, aind is cfowned' with flxree bridge's, Ihe indft ancient
' of
CHAP. l i M l i ™ g fO p R A P H Y . 75
o f which was houfes and fhops, now j^ p p y ad ,;
.Jo c a a y i^ tg y j pa&nof Ip# fo eafily
t? 'fiKS’l'V'ded wjith a^forejft^pf jnafts, and .con»-
vey§ i^tp,(I^0ndo.ajK^^jW^al^'®^thejgjpjbgJ;li£oy<rniBg an excellent port,
w i d p ^ l ^ ^ d a p e ^ p ^ fexftsfnrig .yp^jd-tip fficnmi-ty. Ipi^. however,
<^B??L.i (K1IS s:'alld fbreps, qn,ihe ;bank? of
the f e |f t j p t ^ e,'iYi6?Y } on both j^def^’by irregular mafias m ,
buiildp^a,.5vhichldpf-ijqf.e^en ' London prefqps;ali>n,nft
Sbhfeh dive^fifigs^h tinman ,up^p tfie eaft.it is a
^ ^ |t^ * p g d e s ,p™ E jief^e4 with that
p^e^eftpn. In the cpgitp]Jjfeji^cthe,fe|{'«pf nuniero.t^s'manufadlures, apd
p/(odigi®ds £0pJri£r,£eJ; w h il? i!^ ^W eftstny^p^^fj|(|noiiabIe extremity,
(prefen^FQ^l apd fpbjiej^l^nlljgj^r, ^pi^J^'fcenps of ,thp hi^hcft ,livx;nry,
«.ftd ;p 9 ftjr niripp«:idyiipatipp .'f
Few ckxes can^boaft a ',nnare?‘dalabriojLis fituatien, >the fubjacent foil
iheing pure -gravel; :by twhacji Sadvantagp^ united .with .extenfive fewers,
dre rhaufea -are .gehdralLy kky; deadly, • and lieal'thy. Brovifidns .and
fual are p o u re d into ,the^ capl!al;,i-ev<eii from diftant parts :bf Aim
hingdom, jthe'latter ^ tic le sh e ifflg ^ a ip b feA jth ep au n ties o f Morthum-
fcestoad byviegt, an d thence ^tpifflinated jgjfc:
cp^l,*v,?;T h ^ fin o k e is,efteeped'tp purify the dampiiefs o f, the Ait, but
jpugee the beauty p f t^ e ; t? ^ :iW:e -of ,<%• Tapi’s,
fo r fiiftapoe, .being phfepfi^diby ffhle weeds. London requires,in one
year 7 A p g ), W'kh- c^lvps ^ n d p lg s in nropptv
tioji;; ,the .®?ge$ah!gs And ifrpjts-Annn^yy j?pnfriped In the year, ate
-VaJufidsM a .milli§njftgrh-ng *,<
T h e popinlnlaori,.of London has hy Come ibeen .exaggerated ,to a .tnil-
lioa> ofifosif.^to|itby':(.lhe napft .recent and ApthentifrlapeQnntsv it .does
mot-oointiain above (fix hundred Ahpulhlid. I ts .length ifgom H y d ^ p a tk
Corner o jri^e ;3iy^it,.ft0 iBpplar iOn the eaft, is abppt 'fix.rniles ; the breadth
unequal, jffp,«i fhree mile? to s)iie. and Jfe&,;:;j^ei^rcnwderence m ay he.
6 Mr. Middleton, fn his View of Ir^iddlefex, 175^, AiKpofes tl\at half a . million of chaldroM
arc-yewiy^onfume'd in ^ateounty.1 ( '! > ' J'dlj. 4.11 - :
* Ibid, .Jfi?,;Mr. dAftnaut, 13cit. Zpol. iv..g. fays, 6o,cx50 lobfters arc,.annually brought to
Xpndpn, from near .Moptfp.f&
l z " • ' ’: about
C i t ie s and
P T owns.-