G H A P. I. HIS-TO RI C A L ' G E O G R A P H Y. 21 1
eleventh centufyV whfen. the name Scotia having faffed to modern Scot- Namss, ek-
land, the andient name o f Hibernia begai to reaffume its honours. It
is fuppofed-that this hamej and- the' (Gothic denomination .Ireland, are
; mere ffiodtfMtio&.s of.the native term Erin, implying, the country o f
th#<welM is® . j ' _ s, t , _ j_v r ,
The extent of- this ■ noble ’ i'flandr'is: about 300 miles; in-length, and Extent. -
about 160 at the greateft breadth. The contents in fquare miles may -
be computed at 2 7 , - 4 5 7 apd; the population-being about three mils- '
lions, there- will be- about x iiji inhabitants to each fquare mile.
11 is probable that the original population of Ireland paffed from. Original p0.
ir^ffea^d' h y tfegit. bret&bsffkle fedydil ‘ from Pttlation-
EtfgkndT AhddtllMl firli'e’that fhelBe%fe delz&hon the folithio§Eng^■, '
lands it appehiTtfed lliYtdAtlfe'Mlfife:tribes' puffed td this feiath 6f Ireland.'
Th'efe are the firbolf* ©P#re! R ife tradition's 5 and* appeared 'have been
ffie raratr'jygopje Ydiotfi the R W |% ddh-oldhaa|ddi #ehtiJ faSftdt they had ¥
eWtgeM l ^ f h g ’ir ^ p t ic e w Efref!b n iy extfendlffg -to the
horth^ ahd"ea!flr ib 'frfcfaira, b k f i f t a T # g u t to make maritime ex^Ufhons
IfSmlf-the R o r n m ^ o t® ^ " til; Britain,' - B ^ p p iap ci'h ’ad' bte&lv fo; "Starch .
Cfov«l^d‘wftfr 'C ? ^ ^ |libO s ^ e ^ ‘e?Ied frbrri the' dontednt and’Britain, by
of the1 1 ©tkh^o'tM¥'r Belga&- dllqpfr'lofrlfthelr'
natr^e- fppdclr-ahd- ‘cffftimff d b a r a E tr f a n d TftJtii4'Hterjh'®tfe^*|&(j. be*
came5Ftf dpdiffiflgiiifhaMe1 f r b r t i i d t i ^ i - f i a l pop’uta^lahC&xeept -b^ fdr
pferlot'WSehy,- ’’’fe f Ihef'SeStx^W-thole ‘who aff^ffed '
froxis d¥e'!p-©pK' ‘P^fehiel'^rerb1 re'marlfdbfe; -Wffi-legthe'JXirig.ihal“Ghcel
fetrrli}to' ‘h aW been an Hffedueu-^ pfeoplB.'--’,'
“ p Ireland f t f Bt^fefty’- dbovfe-fip'nd'lhedy’ilitf e fiili g e ^ v £rogre-ffive ‘
graphical- dOdiSrhent of the ifldnd: T h e 'gdMeMPIfeape,-rivSrs,,' 'aipd< pr,ovf Geography,
^PPtofieSj a fc ^elm ea ted with asknruch. accuracy. as fco'uld- have-beta,
bxpgden'.' yN&yks'vfre adv^ntAitftAthe taddlepagesy thei.^dog^aphy o f
!@ j |S becomes thoPe bbfkrre. The-fcMef tribes irferiuoUted'by ‘Ptolemy
afe,5tff& ‘BtirnS: nport3 rfte*NI6rtfr eaft,- the ‘Ye'^ipnii-and' ftbhbgdiTon the
Northiveft.^- Beneath, tjrerii f are the 'ISfagrkti^^ltle'nyt^^; Gtaga'ni, ori
the W eft; ‘th e /& dm i -itq the!’‘ceAtfe4^4fd&‘<ihe5i'Y^ld®tii,i'EMiiai,»and ,
Cauci, on the E a ft; fnceeeded by the Southern tribes o f the Menapii,
!. * Beaufort, p. 14, fays '36,370 Erigliih miles. *
E E 2 Brigantes,