names. , The moft eminently beautiful kinds at£, Orchis pyramidali*
^late flowering orchis,) 5 Orchis'mafcula -(early orchis) j Orchis-00 wap-
fea,,- (red-handed orchis)-; .Satyrium hircimim (lizard:/flpwer)5 ,)Sera-
p ias/gran diflora (white heftehoBine)'; tCypripedium" caitedelus’ (ladies
flipper)/: A few are remarkably' fragrant, ef|)e&ially in th e cOol of
pvening; thefe are Orchis s Mfolia/^butterfly orchis.)»;„-Orchis ..dkiapfea;
Ophrys monhtrehis (mufk;QrGhis^b^Seeerahgi®w im wet boggy places,
hut by--far the greater part are inhabitants- bf calcareous diftribts ;||h e
county e f ^ e a t ju -particular, is remarkably rich in them. ?
- ‘.-Sucfi/of o u r trees and f t ru b s, as h-ave'-snot 'been already mentioned,
may fe'cpnfidsred as forming .a peculiar qlafs, and -one o f great i-mpor-
tanfee; it is naturally fubdividod. into the evergreen and deciduous.
The moft valuable o fl©ur»nat»e evergreens, are the hose, (th e -pine,
the yew-, and the holly;.thefe o f fecoadary .confeqnence, are the,juniper,
and iv y ; the fpurge laurel (Daphne law iola),; - the cranberry, and
thefe •extremely' ornamental plants, th e yaccinium vitis: id a a (red
' -whoftlefterrifes) ; .and Arbutus -uva urfi (bear-berry). .
• The 8e cj® 0 hs ’ttraherrtrees that atre either aboriginal, or at leaft have
been lohg naturalized to o a r foil, are th e oak, the’ chefiaut, and '.beech,
all o f which -are m aft-btaring tree-f ^ o? produce'ftrinac-ebus o ily mutsjthe
/favourite ‘food tof' hog%; and of many graminivorous -quadrupeds;
th e birch, the alder, the hornbeam, the abele, the blask: ppp3ar, and/the
-afpen, bearing eatkira ; the fycanfoie, th e mapl®, and the a f t ; the.fonc,
'the ehn, and wych hazte. A middle ftatitm between the tirnbe-rdfees
and' f t rubs', is occupied by the h a id t, apd the :humer®u6 %eoks.4ofewil-
•Icmr. : l f t e pulpy fruit-lwming!f t r i# s ^ e , . the currant and^godfgbe^ry,
(Ribes,) the elder) th e barberry, the bilberry, th e ' cornel, o r dogwood,
the buckthorn, and berry-bearing alder, (Rhammus,). the guelder rofe,
.and m^fy-tfee; ( ^ b rn n am ,) /d h d the Mez&teptt j the -fbty firft, are
wholiefome and grateful to the palate, the reft are either inftpid or
noxious. T h e four kinds o f Erica (heath) ;■ and Andromeda polifolia
(Poley mountain), are low,, ftrubb-y plants, that form the moft fplentlid
ornarnents-of our bogs and moors/
The Filic-esmr ferns, comprize a -number o f elegant plants that grow
in moift, ftady, and .uncultivated places, the ufeS o f which have been
I I «but
•hut fit'tle enquired into f elevdn^dh^fal/ and Iboiififorty-foUf fpecies, aref .jftW4*v.
natives/oT Britain; the'roots’of rno'ft'(abound in a mild {fv&eetifh mu-
cil'ag^ljyhich in 'times' of* fcarMy- has 'been r-efortfe’d to* for nutriment-,'
tile .larger and* ’^®morreft‘-kmdsf’fuejj as"Pt'eris4a ^ l^ n 4" ('Ctynnhon''
fern dr'bfake^hre pe^edfed and burdf/ffi'Mbe;plllift| ’wtiien isf^elded
from ffieir aftes; thq ^Equifetum <hh'epiam.{ihaye-graW)Jpis'1 mu6h ufed
by5tiffMety^p3WcabmetitesMlrs(l!a^--^fi^^^^ to Ifiitfoft/their .work
'The fmalleft' ot yegSsbles, ;the the1 fanie?time the-moft Moffes.
fmmerbus ; red g'erier|., a!nd nearly-2/©)© "fpeettes^ompofe., this natural
CmlS) a’nd' fHe/Iatyer amimafey they»app^^ffilllesof dittleftm no,
im w w ^ d a ftady pla^a^Se'dn^^^eraiQbi/eF-riMllwft'rhem,' and on
wffrs^antfthjffipty ftankd, bwneiif|/|&|her. plants! arei- unable!toivegefate,’ '
thefe5 readily 'gain£a;fqtffepent; bjrtheujecay Qf(,‘fucBeffee).g^^r|i!ii^iSjt
a ffuftr&iei^d'epf-h' bfc-fa&?jSi&r'at length’ formed!- fori-the. putriramntjpjf/
other vegetables; and thj® is,-'perhaps, the-principal advantage derived,
at leaft by'inad,- frdrm th'e hkiftencedf thefe plants.
, _ Thqfe; .q|qd;aceods, atfij le^the-r-like plants, whichi cafeer-sthe fides, o f/ Lichens,
walls andfrocks, and abound on/ d ry heath&-,\,.fQfm thejcMsjfjssf IibliedsL
nearly as' numerous as the .preceding on^jXftpis^ppel/iJ^ufe ,'i-n the
eecorto'my* of naturb,v feems to b& nearly -the fame, as-ft^t^of the mpf^ps;.^
then ingenuity o f m a i has, ‘however,,-applied, them |6qvf§Vefal, QtheiJ-
purpofl|l1 fejiBfeW Lichen pulmonarius1, -hasfgainfcd/ the/.j|ia-m'eMW
w‘dfl,'from* its fuppSfed ufe->”in ' medicine; Li'dhetyJ^^lapdii&^l whem
boiled5 in water or nlilk, ptoddee^a'kind o f gruel, of- little iaccount in.
this -cobntry, but in IcClahd forming an itoiportaht partlb^tlie,rbodi’ofthe.^
inhabitants ; the Lichen prunaftri, ferves as tthe bafe of, federal feented
pq(^er§‘;Mthat beautifulitbuii^fQgltive crimfon, d y e ,.; tUtyhBaKd, Is ’‘pre-
pared in England" from the -Lichen parellusjdahd-L^c^lcafeus .(Dyer’s
lichehJ^SevCral'Oth'ers >arfe employed b y tjcmppafant^^ffifales, Dei?- '
byfhire, and th'e'North of England,«in dyeing their Sothe-made wpollerr,.
cloths*. M
The clai^ of-Eungi- ineltldes fe^enteen egen'era, ar\d' ftv§r^ hundred Fungi,
fpecies'of native vegetables,.,afmbft all of which^e,'abandoned t b - n - ^ '; .
left,; in France and Italy, feveral kinds are. collected for the table, and/
v o l . i . . H hm - / ' - / f >icr; /;;/;* a rh '.