Waters. ,
Natural Curiofities.
duftrious ‘ Wallerius fupply this defedt, and he only adds coarfe garnets
^ o f s. u u ; t-eiusm- ^
fhoft t^tiowrted‘mineral waters in :Swedbr«re .thofe of Medewi
'iH 'hS fte n i G o th k h d i - ; -5V~- '
, Sweden afid 'Swedifli Lapland, aboiind.with natural curi&fities:,-of
various defcriptions. Some of/the dates; land -*atara<fts hav,e,ibe<Sh already
mentioned ; and it would be vain to 'attempt:tff defcribe .the .many
lingular and fublime fcenes, which occur inv fo ^arifigated-and; exten-
five a country.
S W E D IS H I S L A N D S. ;
Sewdek poffefles many iflands, fluttered in the Balti:c,fea and;gulph
"of Bothnia. Rügen, the moft foutherly, aflords-as it were a paffage .tp
the Swedifh poffeffions in Pomerania. This ifle foriherly hadiits .own
princes,-who afterwards paid homage to'the Danes. It was annexed
to Sweden by the treaty ofWeftphalia, and is not a little produdtive
in grain and cattle. Next on the N. E. is the ifle o f -Boröhólm,* an
ancient appanage of Denmark yielded to Sweden- in l öjfly but foon
after reftored to Denmark by the wilh of the inhabitants, though it be
often erroneoufly defcribed in the maps üs bdbn|in|^to. • Sviredett.
Further to the north is the long ifland o f Ohrid, or CEkridv in léngth
about feventy miles, in breadth about fix.: ! In thé north are many
fine forefts, while the fouthern part is moré leyfcl and fertile. The
horfes are fmall but ftrong, and the forefts abound with deer, nor :is
‘the wild boar unknown. Freeftone, alum, -and touchftofie are pro-
duÖs of CEland; and the inhabitants are computed at near 8000.
Next occurs the ifland of Gothland, lcnoWn to the literary world by
the travels of Linnaeus, about feventy miles in length, and twenty-four
in breadth; a fertile diftridt remarkable for an excellent breed of ftieep.
10 1 < It
It was fubjedt to the Danes for near two centuries, till 1645, when
it was reftored to Sweden. The ifles of Aland mark the entrance or
the Bothnia gulph, deriving their name from, the largeft, which is
about forty mile's in length, and,' fifteen in breadth, containing about
90:00 inhabitants, twho fpea|: tljie Swedilh. language* though included
in the government of Finland. Thefe ifles forift a! it were a barrier
of rocks of red-granite, ftretching to the oppofite Ihojes.
I s l e s .