D o m in io n s
; V- OF.-THE
C h u r c h .
T u s c a n y , .
attempt to reftore the country -to 'its former fertility,'thfé%ffo Phis VI
“made ineffectual efforts to drain, the Pontine marfheS.* Ahhoftft&e'
only expartsfrom the papal ftates are a foperlor*‘kind of alum, prepared
from a whitifo argillaceous-rock .at Tdifa near Ciyita Vecchia
from which.-,place aifo puzzolana Is'exp'orted, being yellowi'lh brown
a^e%. emtairnng particles of iron-, whence- it forms a ftrong cement*,
which- might beifnk&tfed by misting filings mf ’a*on>‘\vith mortari fo
, Rome is fuppofed to contain 162,800 inhabitants t -Bologna (famous-
fosftn.aneient^uuiyetfity)- 80,0001 *nd Ancona ae^aoav- Tbfe^yenije*
arifing from the papal territory was computed at about fter*
ling; but by exaftions in foreign countries- was- raifed. to..about:
8oo,oool. Yet- there was a- Ikrge^febi, bearing, eightsperóent. intcreffoas
fore,proof Of the want of induftry and profperity. The papal poiwer
fcems now to be fopporteft only by theinfiuence- of Auftria; The. chier
river, as already mentioned is the Tiber, whi(^r.Tunning Yrofo, M.Jtp;i$i .
pervades fo great a part of the centre of .Italy; th-at.thls .pnrtirnn, m ‘}^ y
be-name^, Italia Teverina ; -the fouthern Italia Volcanic^and • the-
northern Italia -Paduana, from the> river Po. The. rivers „flowing, into»
foe Tiber are the Chiano* from- the weft; and the,'Nera from!the eaft,.
which ; receives the Velino from foe feu th - not .far: ;to.-/j^ é'm orth ’<p£
Rqine foe Teveróne jdns;the Tiber,,moremoted fer,heaqtifol;cafcad.fs.
near Tiyoli than for -the length of its courfc.: .The '-Velipp-i fofglaysna
noble cafcade, of about -300- feet near Temi.
The grand ftucby, now kingdom, of Tufeany, ,;has; fong, been celebrated
for the arts ; and Florence is regarded as the Athens Dfmoderft
Laly. This principality- is about 120 Britifh; miles in length byrgafo.
breadth;, foot on 7,040 -fijuare miles ts-obtains ,a . population ofabout
1,250,000. Florence long continued a difeordant republic, till/the
houfe -of Medici, (»iginally opulent'merchants, olMained the! ifopretne
power in the begmtring o f the fifteenth. century. That • "family be-
* Count Stolberg allows that the èaftérn provinces o f U rbino, Romagna, an5 the march o f
-Ancona, are in a high ftate o f cultivation- and profperity. Travels, i.-4 5 9 . Seeialfo D r . Smith’s
praife o f the country round L e retto , ii. 310.
f Near Ancona are found large ftones containing what are called fea-dates, a. delicate fpecies
•of (hell ï fh .' Keyfler, iv. '4 1. They are'alfo found in'thefouth o f France.-
horrain, who' Tuscany, - ‘ * ;
af-fpt^rdSv *raS‘9£edt<f !he%|«>nfbA%f ’Auftria Ip the imperial 'throne-.
« t^’ria n c i l i ' i | s ? k a ( h p f - a 4- ^
• j n ^ i - j j t e c T
;graqd‘j d p ^ o f r q v e n y g g o n j b i j t _ ef^ ~ t & *
Jl'fodf ^ X u fcany is-
AQe,f>f beauuful^r^^j^lhs.F^ihks’ofIt4 y, wjth lp tempdrkejan.
fl heathy cliir^tg,' ifeal^ui^sjm apd„c^t^^and, produces
%uit- BOjE^ie ^jQf^nhtfjiitants,
and Li vorn0; (ifeifopted by ;joyr.,jn^riq,ers 5 - lat-
^pprt,^ %s 0°Y re-
- d H c e f o t p .^ ^ o p u i a t i p n p f c a | o p t ? ■ T h ^ , .m ^ f g ^ u K e s ! c k a g d
7yely?t jroere f^rjp^ly^.cqldjfa^ed, 3,04^^!, ^rir^ri|i^fepu%titenq yThe-
.pijQppta^s in flthe ^ j e i ^ Q e f e , q f ^ ^fpy/epntaio va-
^jfol^gres-pf |nliyippy-,JQ|^pp.er (y?hi(^’is ,^rmglit 4.t4^jffa^ani other
.feven miles feyfo from -Florence,‘T r e ^ n 4 ^ ^ i% | - W j f f o H •
©rqameptal. ^chiteame.1.- . : Fl^eptjnemnAJe’-is Jrgmarkable fei^
piaurefqge^re^jgfept^ionl^f rain^ g^^y^fejd^l^the infetratijon^Jr
’irb n ,,^ ^ e n 7^ laipirxffi-,,, ^ e ^ y n o
,and ihejOmbjpne is. a.pQpfi^erable^river ^Itichj pervadkptfe^apn-
. . ; 3fhe finalkrepublic of Luqea; ,is, fofspofed to contain people, '*kktjl- 'J
i on j2^8. fquare-miles of which Lucca Kpjdy about 40^,000. k >affamed
^independence in.i^yo, the ipipfenf ariftobrarip cSnfHtti&irriWas ratifidl-
| n. i43Pbut in-foe reppnt revolutions j of, Italy „. this,-.adopted *a-
eonftitution fimilar to the .French. The iudfelrtefe1 are 'fod’febfl: iWuf-
,^ps,p.e.9p|^,oj|ltaly, arfo ro fpot.of g rjb y ^ ^ n ^ )e ^ d ^ t^ S ^ ^ berngt
covered with vines, olives, chefnufe^and mulberry trees, while themeadoWs- '
near the coaft nourifh nifmerqus/catt 1 e.. 'Qil and filk are the chief ^ li7'?
* I t is no.w..a.king.dom .under, the proteftion .of. France, afSgned to- a-prince :of Spain.