ax6 I R E L A N. D.
- Kcclefiaftic
C H A P T E-Rt II.
> ! Geography^, '
, Rkligion.'— EcdeftaJlTc' Geigrdphy.—Gobe&ment.-—Population. Army.^r-Jyihp-
Revenues.— Political ImpvrtaricS' and Refat ions. ' 1
n. < * pH E legal religion o f ^reland' is that of1 the c i iu r c ^ ^ l£ n ^ a n d ;p ^ t
* it is computed that two-thirds o f the,people ofthe
remaining third thef‘^ f l ^ t e r i a n s / a r e ‘fuppofed
h a lf., T h e preyalenceJof th b cathpiic^-pligiqn^is chi|fly/o/yyng, as
has already been hinted, to a _negle£t oTedi^c^tiQn.,,^ ■
T h e ecclefiaftic' geography of* Ir eland ^omprizes ,fgur Archbiftiop-
ricks in fthemfelves an evidence of the great number o f phurelies^for-
merly exifting; and eighteen b ifro p ric s.'
‘HVle a th . ..
Kilmore and-Ardajh
Uratnofe'* »-
‘©Ib'ghbr: _
Down anU Connor
•(Ferris and/'LiuJighhn
[_©ffary.C >>
fWaterford and ®4nore
-I KilMloe
■ I Cork and Rofs
ICloyne. .
U nder the Archbifhop o f Armagh are th e '
«- Bifhops of
Under the Archbifhop o f Dublin
Under the Archbifhop o f Caflrel
' h ' '' . ■' \ f E I p h i n E cclesias-
Under r h £ A r e h b il^ p |p f Tuam i Cldyrie^ ’l!' ' ! ' ti&.Ceo-
' .LRfflara;and[Aehqnr-y.*'
. '^ffo iaj h j e |& ^ y nearly N e a p o litans
and bhho^^.re |cpj^M^ec| prpte|lhnts; ds*; n|eE£ly titular.
1 he^pr.fb^tdi fns^brcmig hcrc^dlf^ntu ^ j i e i r ■ ^ r ^ f^ « c c lc fia ftic .g (> f
venimcnt^neaefl hilv, .ipi^oaches. thatjjof.thsiridppefaaiientslf **
\ Jrv* aS. upon fT ie '^ la ^ af that Government.
H ^ f 1' y t oW ^ o m n j 'e a i . ‘anifebtM^og'pceirs', |
wlrirc'tnc .Lin0 Vi i s ^ c p r e A n t l l l d j ^ j ^ l t h em ^& ^ o * i$£$py., But
iW ^ valid, fechiv&d •‘the
^ g g i t e d fo ^ ^ lM d V fobhS o f^ jjn ^ rh u c n t
odsUj'-ffflMsfjtne. ® I h e # ; m i | | | | e >.vari'atibris|hetv|fi’e^* the fflfatute
a ^ p ^ n r a tt« la .w ,1;
The PQpu^ibt^f^Ifp.ll’nd has _byr> fom^iWriters' been.1 recfeitflv fwelled .P°pofarioa.
^"P^S atJ^^h(0^^u|,iniI[i}Dnsr J ib u tih e ^ o |l |a u t he nt-K^. lip cn merit ^fee m
to reffrift t h m b ^ r A o ' about three mijlipte. ^ m eibutrmriigr^fu(his
haveitaken p l^ s y ?® ^ e ] |^ n d j |j |^ e ^ a r io i» BritifK feo^emel^Jf5bufncl'h-
feparate colony of Irifb .has 'been, founded»'» s
‘t h e ^ r t i f h a rm | , . ^ C n M k ' ^ # 1 ^
^P\V—!s 1 u n t £|_rs, ?ahd has r e p ^w ^ e ^ u ^ ^ ^ l« h o n -
^de,V,l| )|jC in id.tia;an|t_vcanynry. I f we f i ] p p o f p 4 ^ v p j y ' t j
capably o f arms, In la n d ''might raife 'a ^ ^ ^ S ® ^ ih d |^ ^ lk ri'
1}lar'DY s' brelani •cW feb n |p |ap . ‘in^de^uate-proportion-, a n # N
ii) re u ^ ;ih fkill(y p h |% r f t i |l f ; '
o f ’Irefand^ v ^ b \ '] ^ p iM d fb y an 2tevenu€J
traveller1 at about one million fterling. : or 6s. 8d. a head, when thofe t
° f FnglanWllpba a“^.rl'..'glV‘'*‘!'
With regard to the: political importance and relations of Ireland, they- Political Imi
1 ^ p D w and
V‘2 ' Camden in'. 487. .The Primacy is w p r t i& o o l^ a year 3 Derry . 7000.: tlm other SReJati° n!M‘
©imopncfcs: -from, ^G'o^p- 2^©\ Young, ii. L8g/
• Tour in Ireland.