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C H A P T - E R III.
T h e G e r m a n S t a t e s o n t h e S o u t h q f ' t h e M a ,y n .
JEk&erate of Bavaria conjoined with the Palatinate.— Duchy of W'urt’embur?._
Anfpach.— Salzia.— Smaller States.— Ecclefajlicpowers. 4
A S in the northern divifion of Germany there are* exclüfive o f the
*■ A Pruffian dominions, two p re p ^È ïa fm g poweis,' the E le d o r'1®
Saxony and Hanover; fo in the fouthern divifion, exclufive of Auftria,
there are two fuperior potentates,' the EleCtbr T£?atiiie i MlAdf" Bavaria
(thefe electorates being now conjoined), and the duke óf Wurtemburg.'
The elector of Bavaria and the Palatinate is ' the; chief, of all thefe
fecondary powers, his dominions being - computed 1 at 16,176 miles
fquare, with 1,934,000 inhabitants ;* while thofe o f the duke of Wurtem
b u rg yield as much to thofe of the elector of Hanover. 3 The.
Palatinate. French having feized more than half of the P a l a t i n a t e on the left' bank
of the Rhine,f a mountainöus region but abounding in mines- of1 quick—
filver, and other valuable metals, the rêcmfinir^'p^'ö^tÏBè’ri^ th an k
E xtent. of the river, is about twénty-four Britifh miles in lengthy by the fame
at its utmoft breadth ; but contains the beft part of the' principality,
pervaded by the river Nectar, producing excellent wines, and-.enHiflorical
riched by the cities of- Manbeim, and Heidelberg. The.'drib palatine
of the Rhine was Eberhard of Franconia, A D. 925. The Lutheran
religion was eftablifhed in- 1556; and in 1563' appeared the famous
catechifm o f Heidelberg: but frnce 1685 the Catholic fyftem has predominated.
In the thirteenth Century the houfe of Bavaria acquired
* H o eck computes Bavaria at 11339.900,'the Palatinaté-at 305,000.
t T h e êleétor Palatine has alfo loft the duchy o f Julich, or Julicrs. Y e t he retains the"duchy
o f B erg , on the right bank o f the Rhine, with its'’ noted capital Dufleldorf. Ho eck computes (
Julich at 192,217 5 Berg, 26 1 ,504 fouls. See Render’ s T ou r in Germany, -1801, a vols ». 137.