S W E D E N.
C H i p T E R I.
H l S T O R l C A - i C r ,E Ö G R A P H Y .
Nanies*-—Eititiit.ti-Bomditiies.'^^^igindl SopuIa00n.--~ltyogre$fae Ge'ógragliy.^
', v Wfterïöak Epochs and Antiquities. 1 1
SWEDEN, in the native latnguhg<n Suitheod, and more modernly Names»
' SWeitöke,: appears to be;a very iahcient appePationyand is faidi 'by
jhfi northern antiquaries,. to imply a cQMntrywböfe woed« hadbeen
■fai'ritj ar; deffroyed. The 'name feems'as’ ancient :as,;the vtiüinKqf
Tacitu's/ whof, after defcmBing the-i^ones who lived; in Elands (t^f.the
$eean, paffes toKtl^v Stones, aftd . ^ftorwards. ^|l^©,ns : at- the
further, end of},the Baltic. It is evident t^at j.Quve^riqsj.^as in thi?^ag -
in other inftances relative to the north o f Eurogè, -bgpn tyindly folr
lowed by D ’Anville^and' pth'er, geographers, whc^/uppofe, ' tjhat the
Sitanes are the Danes o f Norwegians,, andjthë®uipne,s the (Swedes. ,
’The lekrned Huet,Vqn the cpntrarv, welUpercdved. that^th| Suiön
muA be '-on \h% w e ||; though, hfe erf in p l a c i n g ' N o r w a y ,
which, was almoft unknown to the ancients. The Sitpnes muff have ■
dwelled in the’ fouthern provinces ó f Sweden ; and the name ' either
have bden'derived from Sidtiina, the old name- o f the1 chief town, as -
* German. :c. 4 4 ,4 5 . * ** Commerce dW A tc ien s , <3i. i lm p . 234.
Wm I appears