f . H A l ' T F . R I.
H i f i o R I C AL .G E 6 GR A P H Y.
tfatnes,— Extent*— Boundarteit— Bfiginal: Fopdation.^Pr^h£b'e &eoghaphy.—i
' ffl$dF& 0E fo$s afi'd
T’ j j E provinces, n o w kn ow n b y th e ' colle&ive name Of Swfflerland* N am e *.
^ e rh 'in ancient time's drffingjaifhed.'hy feveral appellations*^-By
the RVmanV they were i^gtirtfed a^, a part df G a u l a n d ) the chief
pdf&ffors; were' theHelVetlf 6n the wfeft,:iand tHe -Rhseti on the eaft;
th'e‘JHuef* fcityj!of''tlie Helvetians being Ayehtidun?, now^Avenche.
&Ft<if~ the faff of tKe’ ^onian/-efapST^’‘this iifterefftmg^untry ma^, in
a genetahpdhrof vfew,tfrd chhftdei-ed as pofleffed -by the Alemanni on
FKe eaft, who atlb ftfefd fftlabi'a, afid Alface; and on the weft as a part
!qf, Burgundxa,. the:!inhkbftWs being ftyled‘ Btirgundi trxiris Jitrenfe$r
becaufe^ with regard to1 France, ‘ they' were ‘fituated On the other fide of
tee' mdbhtldtts of Jura.1 Divided among fevefal'lords, Fechlar and
fpiritual, the inheritances of thd former at length chiefly'"centered in
■the Houfe of Hapfhprg, afterwards the celebrated family of Auftria:
and oh' its emancipation in the beginning of ‘the’ fourteenth centUry
firfti appeared the modern denomination o f’^SWiflerland,1 either derived
from the canton- ofSdhw eitz, "diftinguifked in that revolution ; or from
* D ’An vile 'E tatsjfoiiu hen L ’ Europe, p. 13. 93. mm the