N a v igation.
and Commercé.
proceed foüth’,to the Tajb o r 'T a g u s ;f and another. wasproje'&e'dfrorn
th e capital to th e 'fame river* , A canal was ibegusn in Muroia, but fo
ill projected" that it was found terbe\impracticable. > . • '
. T h e manufactures o f Spain'are- canijderably checked by the royal
monopolies, which extend to th e following articles <
Broad cloth, at Guadalajara and Brihuega.
China, at the palaCC o f th e Buqn Retire.
Cards, at Madrid" and Malaga.-
Glafs, at S. Ildefonfo.
Paper, in Segovia.
Pottery; a t TalayCra.; V
Saltpetre, at Madrid and various other places.
Stockings, at V a ld em o ro .. . . *
Swords, a f Toledo.
Tapeftry, at Madrid, '
Tiflue, at Talavara.
T h e king has alfo th e monopoly o f brandy, gunpowder, lead,
quickfilver, fealing wax, fait, fulphur, and tobaccoJ> Möft o f the royal
manufactures may be regarded as monopolies"; no private ^capital being
able to vie w ith theLtreafury. It is poffible th a t the firft.intentjons were
lau d a b le ; to fet an example to th e nobility o f the advantages o f iii-
d u f tr y x h u t I n this refpeCt ‘ th e y have failed, and the confequences
have added to th e national diftreft. M an y manufactures are however
conducted in Spain with great fpirit-and affiduity ; and an y failure muA
n o t be imputed fo much to th e indolence of,the people, a’s to the prejudices
o f th e great, and th e , inquifitorial p ow e r o f th e ! e e S f e a j li^ )
which cramps genius and invention o f all kinds^ and OönftraiüS the
mind to the fame perpetual circle. Spain fupplies wibesj' oil,’ ftuits
filk, leather, broad cloth, and othe r articled ter many E u ro p ea n 'co u n tries
; b u t her chief trade is with h e r Own Cöl6niq£.jn! America. • T h e
foil o f Spain is exuberant in the production o f faltpetre • and !the
barilla, ufed in making glafs, has been long celebrated. This n ic ie s
o f potalh ,is procured by burning feveral "vegetables found on the Ihore-
o f the Mediterranean near Carthagena.'5 T h e region which prOduhiel
- ** Townfend, ii. 240. ? ’/ » Ibid, m .ijji.
th e
the greateft abundance extends about fixty leagues' in length and eight
in breadthW Spain is ftfppofed' to -gash-'-little or htOthibg b y h e r inter-
courfe w ith h e r colonies, for the gold and filver. imported flow like
water from, the parent rock into th'tf- valefs^natltraliy 'pyobeeding towards
countries where 'labouriS cheaper, and-which fu p p ly ,Spain with.necel*
faries in re tu rn fo r the p recious’toe|als.
^ f a 't h e year Iy!84i?n'ee^pOrtsTfom^opa^n"rqFAmerica were$tihus computed
in pounds fterling:16;-..
T. > Foreign Eüoducet
:i "'Cadiz . -
Malaga ' I 9 W 9 - i'4 ,pV ^ .' SfroBMppo4
' ^Seville - - t r 62’713 3 °v5 4 3 m
BârCélôna" _- .1 2 2 ,6 3 1-, ' b4 3 >Ö.7 i ' |
7 '' ; 6 4 ^ 5 . !
:t'Säntänder ■.^6r7 I 5 b.<. ; '^9 3 ^ 7 3
: Toriofa1''1 - ' -75669-- % B H
• Gankries i | p w i - - ; y k 9 i 4 >-‘
* Gij6 3 3','“'v ‘- s I 'd f lllfw i j4 4 f v : r <
£,: *,9*8,849 v , £• 25489,229* 1
The duties were t^ni-puted at ^-yoj&ê'oiL ~ '
T heimports ‘from America -to Spain at - thë-Tame time; thus
"eftitoäted tm th e fame
In Money arid Jewels; ‘ In Mèrchandife.
Gacliz,' ; : - 1 85297»16*4 2j99°>75-7
Malaga " | i l f i8J,'6oj-
Cofùnna" -
5 ' 90,00 £
'■^ûtàna^#f- 40,843
'Canaries ‘ fftK i § 1' 52^60 >
£ .9,2917^37 n ^• 3*3*4,3 > 9 è
T h é w h o le im p o rts ' therefore' exceeded .twdllve ;millipns and a h a J f;
the d ti^fAK^Dl^tO"ti0Spe''than h a lf a million. *
?6 Townfend,' ii. 4 1 ;.
3 1 2
M anufactures