J hsÏLcul- fold 5, .nor, is Turkifli wheat,'. or,maizè>unknown in' Tau|j'd^
Bajley is a general prq^ap§,|'ari4 fisjqpj^yert,qd into -meal., as ffaiell as
^afs, o f which a kind of porridge iy^mgofed.,-* Mislet alfo widely
diffufed'j but lpelt, arhigg, little cultivated- - Rice fucgeeds well in^th^
E-iflear. ' Potatoes are unaccountably ru2gfe^f,*„except;.in
the north, jj This invaluable rqet hears, the^qqlf^of Archangel,- and
yields from- thirty to fifty ioldij -ifepip and -.flax form great otyeéts
of agriculture. Madder, woad, and faflrop. grow yvild in the fouth.
The hop is aifo .cultivated, and is-foupd wild near the Uralian chains
and iiiï Taurida. Tobacco* has been .produced* fince --,the, year 1763,
chiefly from Turkiffi and Perfianfeed. The qlive has been tried in
' vain at Aftracan • but profpers in the fouthern mountains; é f „Taurida
along the Euxine. . In the gardens areeultivated.f€abbagea,-of which
a great number is Gonfumed in-the f&rmr 'of'-fbur^kraut, and other
plants common m Europe. Thé government ’ of-Mofcow".produces
abundance bf excellent afparagus; and fugar-melons,,abound near thé
Don, and the Volga. Large orchafds^afié feen in the middle- ..and
fouthern parts o f Ruffia, yet quantities o f fruit are Imported.. V^hilè
apples, and pears are found as far north as the • 49% plumbs and
cherries extend to the 550. What is called the Kireflkoi, apple of|gn
weighs four pounds, is o f an agreeable flavour, and will keep a Sbog,
rime. A tranfparent fort from Ghiua is ,atfo\culrivated*,*qaïlfe4; the;
Nalivui, melting and full of juice.* The culture of the vjfte* has beett*
attempted in the fouth, and will certainly, with proper management,
fiicceed in.Taurida.' Bees are- not known in Siberia', but form an ob-{
jedt o f attention in the Uralian forefts, where the proprietors carve
their hives to a confiderable height in large trees,".and ,thëy are fecured
from the bears by ingenious contrivances defeibed h y Mr. Tooke;
Mulberry trees and filk are hot unknown in the fouth of European
■Rive«. In enumerating the chief rivers of European Ruffia the firft attention
Volga. is due to the majeftic Volga, which forms, through a long fpace, the
boundary between Afia and Europe, belonging properly to the latter
* Tooke, in J.40.
conrinçnjt,' â i j j fi t j a n d y fijom which it derives its fuppUes, till Riveas.
at<T^aritzmfdàb'0utr2pif/triiîe^fr-ô®t i-ts'mnuth^it^u’r^ S. Ev into Afi'a/
This ^ e ||îg n f^ E p i^ e ^ n ^ iv e ^ ;fderi%e4!fifs^fèu^e/from Several lakes
^în the - ihoulrfrimf ©# M à à k f,^ andf*gbvdriim^t^f’ Twerv between Pe-
ter^rg^ anJhdnasi its êhiéf Effill, near
-,^itbj,the an -impcrtani' fedi-byjim'inyi-ftreams
fro?1'; - chéib, Mf- turn towards; th e l^W . till it arrivé at
Tzaritzîri“. JIts&*dorEij|Érafl?p'^eoft|fe may be compütëd* at about 1700 '
miles-., T$i's>®hle?riVe%, h a v i n g d n d few ffioalsi-’ is navi- :
gable eyen, to bu|^jihisj§fa^f|tli'at the ftrearh has become more ’
|^ a^9^reven' %ce|jtbé "fi^inmeacetnenfe'-tof laft céètury.'. .The tribu-
l^ry r i v e ^s ^d f ’ ' fibieflyv from $h!e,,eafl; the Kami, which
thei'r^ ^ ion’ %%g -in th e ,government?'of?Viatka,
pn,d running 3Sf! W f afterwards due^E-i' dnd ,then S.. On the weft the
,9hie^%e^^w^ch^ràs,intp the .jf-plgg ist the^Oka, which rifes in the
government, of,Orel,
' ^ext.tpthe Vol^a, on the wefl^rjs^the Don, or Tanais, which.rife Don.
ffbtn a lake in thp^oy^Qmpntiof Tulan, and fa li info the fea o f Azof,
•after a fen fjé ,qr about „800* miles.
,k^The Neiper^qr,; ancient Bor-yfthenes, r if e in the governments of Nclper.
Smolen% about i$,p miles to} th e f e jh ofth^fq^ce of the Volga, raid
about iq p 'jp -the^ S^E. of .that* of the Duna, .or Duina* which flows
Baltiq,; by Rigaj and after a couffe ,eff -about i©pe> miles^
through rich and fertile pfpyjnees, falls into the Euxine. ' The Bog^dr
Hypan'^, - a- 'far inferior ftream, falls., into.-the. Liman,-or-eftuary of
« g
• i The ^ Niefte^,. qr. ancient Tyrasj ;n©W fi>rms tHe boundary ' between Niëftaü
Ryfigf d te r i-y fn g -i^ l^ c^ ^ north :fidè
î^è^Çîg-rpathian monnt^ins, -and'falling ii^to the'Éuxiqe' at Aker man,
after, a cqurfe. of .about .606-jniles. ,
. -ffe-fral in^pprtaot risers direâ t-heir eourfe (towards the Ai£tic ocean,
filch,as the. Cgra,^ which ,though> not a confiderahle river is yet 'remarkable^
as fprjning the boundary „between Afia And, Europe, .fpr the Ipaee
•o f about 140 roiles^thq Uralian,chain terminating-fafar from,th’e fea of
Cara-fkoi, nr KarIkoi.
vpn. i. T T The